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Edric Dayne, Why aren't we talking about him?

House Beaudreau

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I think the lack of Intel on Lord & Lady Dayne is nothing too mysterious. Until the release of AWOIAF we had no name for Ned's (Stark) own mother, and theories abounded as to whom she may have been, why was GRRM keeping her name a secret?   Was her identity linked to the words Ned spoke to Robert, about him having the greater claim? could she have had Targaryen blood??? 

And then the book came out and she was just some cousin of Rickard Stark. 

Who Edric Dayne's mother was, and what his father was called, are not mentioned because they are unimportant and won't play a role in the story themselves.  It is very unlikely that there is anything to it beyond that. 

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On August 24, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Lurid Jester said:


The incongruities of Ned having killed Arthur, but be so well respected by the Daynes just bugs me.  Something is missing and simply returning a sword doesn't seem to be enough to counter the death of Arthur.  

Sometimes this makes me wonder if there's something significant  about Arthur that we don't know yet, which would cause his family to rejoice at his death, as if his death somehow ensured their survival. How could Arthur's death have enabled the birth and/or succession of Edric?

I can't think of what that might be, but it would be quite the twist to find that Westeros's most chivalrous knight was actually a bad guy.

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  • 4 months later...

Why tell Edric about Jon at all?   

"And that's the story of your uncle Arthur, the last Sword of the Morning."
"But whatever happened to Arthur? How did he die?"
"He was killed in battle by Lord Eddard Stark, alongside his white brothers, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Ser Oswell Whent."
"That sounds like a frickin' AMAZING story! Tell me that one!"
"Umm... no?"

Yeah, good luck with that one. If I'm that kid I'm going to keep pestering you for every single detail until I can tell the story backwards in High Valyrian.



The incongruities of Ned having killed Arthur, but be so well respected by the Daynes just bugs me.  Something is missing and simply returning a sword doesn't seem to be enough to counter the death of Arthur.  

Same principle really. Arthur was a legendary Kingsguard who died an honourable death in battle; why would they necessarily resent the man who killed him and then made the gesture of returning his ancestral sword? It does suggest, though, that Ned explained his actions. If he just turned up saying "Yo I just killed your brother, here's his sword" without accounting for what happened, there probably would be some resentment.

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What if Edric Dayne becomes the new Vulture King kind of outlaw in Red Mountains of Dorne, given his time in Brotherhood? Anguy left with the kid, and he is from the marches next to mountains. We know how Hand of the King Orys Baratheon and marcher lord Sam Tarly went to deal with Vulture King, right?

Replace Orys Baratheon with Jon Connington and Sam Tarly with Randyll Tarly (if he indeed turns on Tyrells and becomes the new Lord Paramount of Reach), and you might have something cooking up. I also imagine by then Darkstar will be in possession of Dawn and become Kingsguard to fAegon (fake Arthur Dayne to fake son of Rhaegar), and unlike how Arthur dealt with Kingswood Brotherhood with honor and dignity, like Sword of the Morning he is, Darkstar will do something horrific with these outlaws like Sword of the Evening HE is.

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