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Age of Reek and Ramsay


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The best source of info is this passage from Roose, I think:

I knew the first Reek. He stank, though not for want of washing. I have never known a cleaner creature, truth be told. He bathed thrice a day and wore flowers in his hair as if he were a maiden. Once, when my second wife was still alive, he was caught stealing scent from her bedchamber. I had him whipped for that, a dozen lashes. Even his blood smelled wrong. The next year he tried it again. This time he drank the perfume and almost died of it. It made no matter. The smell was something he was born with. A curse, the smallfolk said. The gods had made him stink so that men would know his soul was rotting. My old maester insisted it was a sign of sickness, yet the boy was otherwise as strong as a young bull. No one could stand to be near him, so he slept with the pigs … until the day that Ramsay’s mother appeared at my gates to demand that I provide a servant for my bastard, who was growing up wild and unruly.

(I said "the best", not "good").

Ramsay - growing up, wild, unruly - I think early teens, maybe a little younger. Reek - no idea. Roose here calls him "boy". However, there's Lady Hornwood:

The boy is a sly creature by all accounts, and he has a servant who is almost as cruel as he is. Reek, they call the man.

Here Ramsay's "the boy", and Reek "the man", which implies that Reek was older. Not by much, though (Roose again).

(Although if Roose's this ancient vampire some people take him for, for him anyone below three hundred might be "boy").

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Considering the link between Theon and Ramsay in thematic terms I would wager that they are both around the same age. The only bit of Ramsay's history that definitely dates him, roughly, is that Roose apparently conceived him while Rickard Stark was still alive because he mentions needing to hide his crime from "Lord Rickard". That could have been anywhere from a decade to a few weeks before Rickard road south to retrieve Brandon however.

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