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Acrophilia #18 - ... and the winner is ...

Julia H.

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Round Two Answers

1. Foxy roaster aced alchemy.

Answer: Melisandre

Other guesses: Tyrion

Explanation: She burned Lord Florent, whose sigil was a fox, she is much better at alchemy than at divination.

“… the new god devoured the corpse of the old, and cast gigantic shadows of Stannis and Melisandre upon the Wall …”

2. "Actually, I killed big ghostly undead rather coldly."

Answer: Sam Tarly

Other guesses: Oberyn Martell.

Explanation: Sam killed Ser Puddles in the cold.

Samwell Tarly stood in the stable door, a full moon peering over his shoulder. He threw a giant's shadow, immense and black. 

3. Avoided inflammable knickers because gargantuan's untrue ratifications corroborated. 

Answer: Sandor Clegane

Other guesses: Sansa, Daenerys, Jorah

Explanation: It refers to the incident where Sandor was burnt by Gregor, but Gregor and the father said the bedclothes had caught fire. Sandor avoids … fire.

Clegane cast a long shadow across the hard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head. 

4. Faceted replacement at altar.

Answer: Tyrion Lannister

Other guesses: High Septon / Sparrow, Jeyne Poole, Margaery, Arya, Asha, Bran, Eddard Stark, Theon

Explanation: After Tyrion got his nose cut (got faceted), he replaced Wyllas Tyrell at the altar for the wedding with Sansa Stark. The 'switch' of grooms was so abrupt and unexpected for her, that he effectively was a 'replacement'. In an alternative interpretation: Tyrion found a new High Septon after the previous one had been killed. The new one was his creature.

When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.

5. Ably infiltrated kingdom but goals uncertain - royal connection?

Answer: Varys

Other guesses: Quentyn Martell, Jon Snow, Mance Rayder, Theon

Explanation: Well, he became quite an important person in the Seven Kingdoms. His true goals are still kind of mysterious. He may be a Targaryen or a Blackfyre. Or not.

Two men, she made out. Their shadows writhed against the sides of the well, tall as giants

6. Arrested insolent kinsman because girl urged “royal” conclusion.

Answer: Jon Snow

Other guesses: Cersei, Doran Martell, Stannis, Cat

Explanation: Jon Snow arrested Cregan Karstark, kinsman to Alys Karstark but also to Jon himself (since Stark and Karstark are kin), because Alys had asked him to protect her. Jon reminded Alys that questions of marriage and inheritance were to be decided by the king, but Alys convinced him that there was no one else she could turn to. Cregan spoke to Jon in a rude and insolent way.

“You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall."

7. Found rocked after alighting.

Answer: Davos Seaworth

Other guesses: Theon, Orell the Wildling

Explanation: After the Battle of the Blackwater, Davos was eventually found stranded on a piece of rock (tiny, rocky island).

When Davos left the window his shadow went before him, tall and thin, and fell across the Painted Table like a sword. 

8. Ambitiously inspiring King's boy, gratis, until royally coined.

Answer: Illyrio Mopatis

Other guesses: Shae, Jon Connington, Robb Stark

Explanation: Illyrio is ambitious and he encourages King Aerys’s son, Viserys, free of charge, (allegedly) in order to get the master of coin job when Targaryens are restored to power...

Two men, she made out. Their shadows writhed against the sides of the well, tall as giants


Theme: Characters casting a long (tall, gigantic, etc.) shadow on page.


So if you have figured out the theme, you realize you only have to sing:

"The shadows come to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord..."

or whisper:

"Quiet as a shadow..."

and the door will open and you can enter the castle proper. 

If you didn't figure it out, I'm afraid, you will just have to break the door down, using sheer force, and then run because the guards will be chasing you! As you run, you will leave behind your theme points. 

Now, if you feel like voting for any favourite clues, please, do it before Thursday November 23rd, 8 p.m. Central European Time

Do not vote for Clue #6.


Feel free to discuss. 

*** ducks *** :P

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6 hours ago, Dolorous Gabe said:

I hope when I discover the meaning of some of these clues I will be satisfied that they make sense. These are about characters in A Song of Ice and Fire right? Right???

This could be a bigger fall than rocksniffer's in the previous game! Careful, sniffer, rock bottom could yet be mine!

well i will tell you i agree about 3 of the clues to be sure...i shall wait til i can talk trash by author...i will just say faceted...as in multieyed obviously points to bran stark as a replacement for the 3 eyed raven in the main weirwood...which is the altar of the old gods...which we know from the marriage and swearing in ceremony that both take place in front of a tree...


and i almost got theme...beware a sniffer making a stand...


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26 minutes ago, Raisin' Bran said:

or the clue points more towards another from the same scene (cough cough *Sansa* cough *#3* cough)

well its not the same scene - its Sandor in a much more obscure scene from his childhood - but I had Sansa and I did not change despite not fitting the theme because it fit the scene where Sandor backs up Sansa's lie about bad luck to kill someone on their name day so perfectly. I decided I had to have just missed her when searching for her shadow.

truthfully towards the end a small voice was telling me I was wrong and I searched 'liar' but I was completely out of puff by then. 

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2 minutes ago, Castellan said:

well its not the same scene - its Sandor in a much more obscure scene from his childhood - but I had Sansa and I did not change despite not fitting the theme because it fit the scene where Sandor backs up Sansa's lie about bad luck to kill someone on their name day so perfectly. I decided I had to have just missed her when searching for her shadow.

truthfully towards the end a small voice was telling me I was wrong and I searched 'liar' but I was completely out of puff by then. 

Thanks for pointing that out. Now I feel like I have put my foot in my mouth.

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9 minutes ago, Raisin' Bran said:


Thanks for pointing that out. Now I feel like I have put my foot in my mouth.

Not really, because I debated putting Sandor based on the same Sansa scene, but was stubborn on the point that the subject had to be Sansa. I can see how you'd just see Sandor on the list and assume that's why he was there!

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Wait... this just in... I'm being told it references a different scene entirely? That's interesting, though not entirely less perplexing as it fit her so well. My confidence there cost me getting Jon right, as I changed it after prelims.

I'll not truly complain about other specific clues and will just stick to my stock false bravado beyond noting that this round is a low point for our collective standard. Myself included, I think. Not overly encouraged to vote for any clues as favorite.

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34 minutes ago, Ser Not Appearing said:

Whoa whoa whoa... clue 3 is NOT a clue for Sansa but Sandor instead!? The wording definitely seems to suggest the other perspective. That's... disappointing.

The clue refers to a different incident. Sandor, as a child, suffered serious injuries by burning, due to Gregor's violence. Gregor and their father kept the incident secret. The "official" explanation of the horrible disfigurement was that Sandor's bedclothes had caught fire. That's the reason why Sandor is terrified of fire. 


In defense of the author of Clue #3, I would like everyone to know that the clue was my choice from a long list of various clue versions. This clue wasn't my first choice, and when I decided on it, it was because I wanted an experiement. In my opinion, this clue is very different in approach from the ones we usually make. It is more like an Acrophobia entry, and solving it requires the use of intuition rather than analysis. (I confess I totally didn't see that intuition would lead some players to "liar, liar, pants on fire".) So I wanted to see how it would work - for a change, a clue outside the box - even though I expected that it would be controversial, simply because I found this approach novel and interesting. In short, it is my fault, because I could have chosen a more traditional, more solvable and probably more popular version, but I (knowingly) chose the experiment. Curiosity killed the cat.

There was one player who guessed the correct answer quite quickly. 

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2 hours ago, Ser Not Appearing said:

I'll not truly complain about other specific clues and will just stick to my stock false bravado beyond noting that this round is a low point for our collective standard. Myself included, I think. Not overly encouraged to vote for any clues as favorite.

I voted but I consider it a flawed clue, with some qualities that make me accept that I should have got it (but didn't).

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My complaint is about a different clue (and it’s not just because I got it wrong). The theme helped immensely, but I am convinced that this particular clue had an alternative answer that matches the theme.

In fact I had zero correct in prelims, thinking the every clue had a “better” answer. I was so sure I was walking into prelims with a full correct set and would run away with the big bonus. It did not happen. I was gutted.

Despite my whinging, I thoroughly enjoyed this round. 


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14 hours ago, Julia H. said:

The clue refers to a different incident. Sandor, as a child, suffered serious injuries by burning, due to Gregor's violence. Gregor and their father kept the incident secret. The "official" explanation of the horrible disfigurement was that Sandor's bedclothes had caught fire. That's the reason why Sandor is terrified of fire. 


In defense of the author of Clue #3, I would like everyone to know that the clue was my choice from a long list of various clue versions. This clue wasn't my first choice, and when I decided on it, it was because I wanted an experiement. In my opinion, this clue is very different in approach from the ones we usually make. It is more like an Acrophobia entry, and solving it requires the use of intuition rather than analysis. (I confess I totally didn't see that intuition would lead some players to "liar, liar, pants on fire".) So I wanted to see how it would work - for a change, a clue outside the box - even though I expected that it would be controversial, simply because I found this approach novel and interesting. In short, it is my fault, because I could have chosen a more traditional, more solvable and probably more popular version, but I (knowingly) chose the experiment. Curiosity killed the cat.

There was one player who guessed the correct answer quite quickly. 

My initial shock was thinking it referred to the one scene but that the wording didn't refer to Sansa instead. That would have been pretty poor wording. After noting it referred to a second scene, it's less poor wording and more the typical unexpected reference that the author didn't anticipate.

Even I, the best and near infallible player of this game, have made clues that inadvertently refer to other characters, clues that are too vague and clues that are just bad. It happens.

Clue 3 isn't the worst clue, tbh. Not our best round as clue makers.

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