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HBO series a real possibilty? HELL YEAH!


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I was pumped about this announcement when I first heard, but now that I've had a think about it and seen what everyone else's thoughts are I'm quite sceptical. All the CGI needed is likely to be a bit tacky due to the TV budget and I'm doubtful about how the characters will appear on screen. It's a brave move by HBO and I'll certainly watch it!

I think Robert's Rebellion as a movie would be a better way to go.

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I think the probability of it been produced still seems like no better than 50/50. Its got a long way to go. HBO did say they were going to do Preacher also a few months back, so they are going down the route of adapting series. If they have made progress on that since, then that would be a positive sign for aSoIaF.


They just finished a draft of the Preacher script. :cool:

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

I'm happy for GRRM. However, I have such little faith in the film industry that I can see them completely ruining the series. A series that is very important to a lot of people. GRRM being involved in the writing of each episode does make me feel a lot better, though, and I hope he stands his ground on everything and makes the television series just as great as the novels are.

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They just finished a draft of the Preacher script. :cool:

:lol: Heh

All the CGI needed is likely to be a bit tacky due to the TV budget and I'm doubtful about how the characters will appear on screen.

I don't know. The good thing about aSoIaF is that it is character driven rather than action driven. Rome should have given HBO experience with filming in a historical setting, so they just have to take that a step further with some magical elements. And the magical/Others elements aren't that prominent in the first 4 books either. That might have attracted HBO to the series in fact. Not having to put millions into a heavily magical show.

OTOH, its probably best if people don't think its going to be exactly the same as the books and be dissappointed with the outcome.

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I can't believe I read this at 2 in the morning, I can't call up my friends with the news. I'm bouncing around kinda like this from exitement -> :rofl:

5 am, with an 8:00 class. :( I swore I'd be in bed, left chat, and all that jazz. Here I am, still waiting.

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Not sure how they could do this without battles. The climax of the second book is one big battle. And they can't not show the scene where Jaime tries to fight his way up to Robb! I always loved it. But of course, if such costs are a question, that battle is smaller anyhow, so I doubt it would be a major problem. The woods would hide the full scale of the battle.

The Whispering Woods is hardly a huge battle, and taking place in the woods, you'd probably not see more than a few people at once.

As for the 'huge battle scene', in the book we only see this through Tyrion's PoV and all he sees is what's going on in his immediate surrounding. They could do this quite similar to the battle in the opening episode of Rome.

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Hey all, started reading the books about a year back and the boards a couple of monthes before recently registering here - so yeah, first time poster. :)


I found a good choice for Tyrion.

Toby Jones who plays Waddington in the painted veil. Check out his pics on imdb.com.

Not a dwarf technically by any standard [He's 5'5"] but assuming HBO had the beans, a bit of camera jiggery-pokery might be able to fix things...

That said, looking at your choice and reading through descriptions of Tyrion's character, a real dwarf actor is probably the order of the day.


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True Iceman. I was thinking that. But I just threw that in as another battle that has to be shown.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't a TV-series need an ending?

And nope. Plenty series without endings. :P

Oh, and this is not going to be about any other aSoIaF subject except the books themselves. Robert's or the Blackfyre rebellion would be interesting and all but HBO has bought a product, i'm sure they could get plenty outlines from other places.

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

This is HBO. I don't know if you've seen any of their stuff, but quality control is a big deal with them. If anyone can do this as a TV series, it's them.

And the magical/Others elements aren't that prominent in the first 4 books either.

Just speaking of CGI, I see no reason why the Others couldn't be done with makeup and prosthetics. It's the dragons that will be the real CGI problem, as they're onscreen pretty much anytime Daenerys is after AGOT.

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It's the dragons that will be the real CGI problem, as they're onscreen pretty much anytime Daenerys is after AGOT.

Trained iguanas. :P

Actually, in all fairness, the first thing I thought when I saw the announcement was that I bet I could actually convince my parents to watch this. My father is nominally a medieval historian and both like costume dramas. And Rome. And several other HBO shows. My mother claims to hate anything sci-fi/fantasy despite having enjoyed the original Star Wars, the LOTR movies, Lost, and Diana Gabaldon. She won't watch BSG because of the name. Is there hope for her here? I certainly hope so. :rolleyes:

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Band of Brothers was a book long before it was a series, and most agree that the adaptation was well done.

ASOIAF will be rather less daunting for a TV series than some other fantasy works. The story is so focused on the characters that the scenery/CGI/extra wide shots will be dressing only.

To compare ASOIAF to LOTR, ASOIAF is cheaper to produce because it has little or no need for:

Massed armies of Orcs/elves or other non-humans.

Trolls, wargs, giant eagles, fell beasts, nazgul or otherworldly beasties in general.

Gollum as a central character.

Dramatic landscapes that need large amounts of CGI assistance.

Locations such as Hobbiton that need to be built from scratch.

Overall, it will be an expensive series to produce, but not as costly as other fantasy stuff out there.

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That really woke me up. Heh.

Amazing news. A lot of things are still up in the air, so I won't rush to try and figure out what exactly they're going to do about the cast, or the battles, or anything really.

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OMG! Omg omg omg!

You should see the grin on my face. :D Yeah, when/if the show airs I'll probably sit in the sofa and talk about how they didn't get that scene right and Tyrion should be shorter and Jaime and Cersei doesn't look that similar and the Hound should be uglier and the dragons look fake and the girl who plays Arya is just wrong...

...but right now I'm just a big fucking grin, man! For now I'll choose to be positive about this. Or naïve, whatever.

Gotta call my brother! *runs off*

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About New Zealand:

They already have a very good structure for making movies and series. They did LOTR there, and even before that, they shot many other movies and series, like Xena and Hercules.

OK, Xena and Hercules are crap, but they are fantasy too, and went on for many seasons. Also, AFAIK, NZ has a deal with producers to use their army as extras, because the films really boost their tourism income.

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Maybe this guy could play Tyrion?


He is a very good actor. One problem though, he isn't ugly enough to play Tyrion! :)

I guess make-up could solve that problem.

Peter Dinklage seems to me to be absolutely perfect for the role. He's a dwarf in the right age group and a good actor, but more importantly, his previous roles have often been characters with the same sardonic personality and intelligence that Tyrion has, and he's done incredibly well in them.

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AFAIK, NZ has a deal with producers to use their army as extras, because the films really boost their tourism income.

Dunno if it's a lasting deal, but they used them for LOTR battle scenes. in fact, they once had to tell them to stop beating the crap out of each other so much because they were getting too many injuries :D

They could use NZ for scenery and use some European castles for some less numerous scenes, by the way. Whatever, some of the cities and castles will have to be models or CGI, because you clearly have nothing like the Eyrie on Earth, for instance.

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