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Blue Rose:

First and Foremost, download the [b]Slam Alert[/b] add-on. Banging your slam procs is the secret to solid fury DPS these days.

I would recommend a [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=LN0hzfhZhxx0ibudxRVzAo"]slightly different spec[/url] than that of Soylent. You'll have a lot more rage with this spec, and be able to HS a lot more.

Rotation: Get Whirlwind and Bloodthirst on cooldown as fast as possible. Slam procs are [i]always[/i] priority. Victory Rush whenever it is up. Victory Rush is also a very important key to Fury DPS, much overlooked. The synergy when used with execute is wonderful....you spend all your rage on execute and then you get a free move to light up for the next mob that will give you a ton of rage to start with. (Mucho fun on adds)

Fury (with Slam Alert) is just as easy as it was in TBC. You go in, you try not to die, and you top meters as long as you manage your CD's and procs.

Practice in a few pug 5 mans. It's my offspec and last night I absolutely destroyed two DPS raiders from my guild in a heroic, just messing around. ([url="http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Quel%27dorei&n=Stegho"]This is my gear[/url], though. It's half decent for offspec.)
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SCT can take care of slam alerts too. I know someone who's configured the Bloodsurge procs to have the clearcasting sound.

Naxx went well. Mostly. It also decided that as usual, I should be insulted, kicked in the groin, and treated like dirt. The instance, not the group.

So I walked out with a bval neck from trash that I barely at all give a damn about, dps bracers, and two tier tokens to blow on dps (since I have the tank shoulders and the tanking pants are of less than zero interest).

I missed out on the belt I wanted and the helm token I wanted. At least this leaves me the only one with a blue helm on that token, though it's nice how we used to prioritize the tanks and now we're letting the hunter with 25 man gear get a new hat instead of the warrior who can't get a drop ever. Oh wait, I'm not the loot master or sleeping with the raid leader.

I count that pretty much as getting nothing at all, since I have absolutely zero interest in dps'ing on my warrior, ever. Will I have to at some point? Probably. But really, no interest at all. I only even take the gear because I expect to find myself needing it one day. Well, maybe dual specs will save me from that, actually... other people who enjoy it can go click a button and dps effectively and save me having to click a button, dps ineffectually and without interest. I've only ever taken pleasure in dpsing as a warrior when I was, as prot-spec, out-damaging people who were actually dps-spec'd and had superior gear to mine. That is to say, I've only ever taken pleasure in demonstrating (to nobody but myself) how bad some people were.

So now I can wait a week for another chance to get absolutely nothing I care about, and be angry.

I also identified a major problem with my apartment. There is neither a punching bag nor any place where I could put one. And I could really, really use something to punch.
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1702150' date='Feb 27 2009, 09.54']I also identified a major problem with my apartment. There is neither a punching bag nor any place where I could put one. And I could really, really use something to punch.[/quote]
Go find [url="http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?showtopic=34767"]this guy[/url] to relieve the punching need.
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We went in to Nax10 last night. The MT who said he'd come didn't show. Fortunately, I had a bear tank that I ran with in PUGs on my flist and he's available (his toon name is Branstark :D). It's actually his alt so he needed gearing up and his guild didn't want to take his alt to Nax, as it turned out. So all good. We also had to nab 2 more DPS, and we got one through the MT and one through a guildie's flist.

We went in, about 25 min later than planned start, because of all the staffing problems. The OT was from our guild, but he just hit 540 def two days ago, and just started raiding. I thought it'd be nice to get him some gear. So we went Arachnid first. On first boss, we died because the OT couldn't keep aggro on the add. We told him to go download vent so we can communicate better. He went. Thirty minutes later, no sign of him. So we had to replace an OT. Found one after 10 minutes, and this one is also an alt, with about same gear level. But at least he's more alert and he has raided on his main.

After the abortive start, we one-shotted every boss and cleared 3 wings (Construct wing left). Then people started having to leave for the night, and we called it. No gear upgrade for me. The only interersting piece was a pair of gloves with good crit and more spell power, but I was planning on getting to 4pcT7 and I need the gloves slot for it, so I passed it to a mage. Otherwise, it was leather and mail night. Our two shamans (resto and ele) and the bear tank walked out phat (we had no hunters or other druids or rogues). I think our elemental druid got 4 pieces for enh off-spec and 1 piece for his main spec. I think almost everyone else got a piece, either main or off spec. No shards, so all good.

I tried out doomguard last night. It was the wrong fight to use it, in retrospect. I hauled it out on Heigan. Should have used it on the boss before or on Loetheb. But it was so fakking cool. I am loving it. :D The quest to get it was a royal pain in the pointy ass, but so worth it. I also started dropping Inferno when the boss kills my pet. I'm not sure if WWS is correctly parsing those yet, though. Still, I did really well last night. Too well I'd say. I wish our DPS group had better output so that I'm at the bottom. Nothing would make me happier if they all out-dps me.

I noticed a great fluctuation in my DPS though from fight to fight. On Maexana I only pulled 2K, but on Faerilina (we burned through) I got 3.6k. It must be that web-wrap shit that totally messed up the rotation.

Anyway, back in tonight to finish off, and hope that we can find someone in our group who knows how to kite zombie chow. :P

PS Forgot to say that I finally (1) won a frozen orb roll and (2) got the trinket from H-VH 3 nights ago. It was my lucky night. Took me only 10 runs of H-VH to get it. Much less painful than the 25 runs in slab for the idol on my tree druid. :P
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[quote name='Stego' post='1698171' date='Feb 24 2009, 13.26']We have a 4 tank team. Works for us.

That MT shit has been extinct forever.[/quote]

why u need 4 tanks? Two tanks for naxx, and....a DK to tank Sarth?
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1702150' date='Feb 27 2009, 09.54']SCT can take care of slam alerts too. I know someone who's configured the Bloodsurge procs to have the clearcasting sound.[/quote]

I'm a tank first and foremost and always will be. My SCT is configured for my tanking just the way I like it and I ain't fucking with it. Blue is a tank as well, so that's why I suggested slam alert. It reports different and is obvious so that you won't miss any slams.

It's really hard to make SCT show Slam Procs as different than anything else. And I listen to my itunes and vent when I play. The only time I hear in game sound is when some jackass has his turned up too load in vent. :P
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For when one can't make it, a raid doesn't have to be cancelled perhaps?

I've been levelling my baby pally this week. Everyone just feels like they are waiting for 3.1, not a lot of motivation going on. I should level my druid, miss tanking, but I get bored after about 3 quests. Not quite ready I guess. Alt naxx last night, went well, but ended up with loads of shards and offspec loot despite it being an alt run. gah.
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[quote name='RaceBannon42' post='1702229' date='Feb 27 2009, 11.21']Phel, I think you need to step back a bit and not get so mad over loot. It will either drop or it won't and You will either get it or you won't but punching crap over RNG isnt worth it man.[/quote]

If it was just game loot, I'd totally agree. And punch myself for getting that mad over it.

Game loot is currently more of the straw breaking the camel's back. I'm at one of those points where it seems like nothing in my life is going right and there isn't really anybody to talk to about it, or any hope of any aspect improving in the short term. I'll get through it, though. By sheer bull-headed stubborn refusal to give in, if nothing else.
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1702150' date='Feb 27 2009, 09.54']So now I can wait a week for another chance to get absolutely nothing I care about, and be angry.[/quote]

It's purple pixels, dude. In the guild you're in, and have been in forever, you always knew you would never get good gear. You've been saying the same thing for years. So don't get pissed about it. Or, if you do, join a quality 25 man raiding group.
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We have five right now actually. 2 warriors, me(kinda), a pally and a DK. We use 4 on sarth and 3 for many other fights. We could do with fewer, but having a good selection means we're not fucked if we have someone quit or not be able to make every night.
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[quote name='Relic' post='1702243' date='Feb 27 2009, 11.33']why u need 4 tanks? Two tanks for naxx, and....a DK to tank Sarth?[/quote]

We have 4 really good tanks. That's just how it is. We rotate, and will never miss a raid because of someone having a real life issue.
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Its DPS we have too much of. I end up sitting out almost half the time we raid, which is about 4 hours a week at this point. /sigh

16 hours a week in T6 / Sunwell was a bit more than I wanted, but 2 hours is just a bit sad.
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[quote name='Stego' post='1702253' date='Feb 27 2009, 11.40']It's purple pixels, dude. In the guild you're in, and have been in forever, you always knew you would never get good gear. You've been saying the same thing for years. So don't get pissed about it. Or, if you do, join a quality 25 man raiding group.[/quote]

Let's be fair here. I'm going to get what I consider good gear... if it's willing to drop and slackers don't take it first. I don't even look at what drops in 25 mans. I don't care. I have found that I don't enjoy 25 mans, don't enjoy having that many people around, so as far as I'm concerned they don't exist.

But when I start off the day not wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to go to work, blah blah basically I'm frustrated by every aspect of my life at the moment and it doesn't take much to set me off.

Actually, right now, my current desire is to strangle a former coworker who left over a year ago, because I just discovered some excessively stupid things he did that caused me a solid half hour of frustration. Totally unrelated to anything purple, or WoW, though since it's programming, I guess it is pixels.
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