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Go to Arathi. Go south out of that zone over the bridge, you will be in the Wetlands. Follow the road south, then take it EAST at the fork. Keep following the road, it'll bend around the mountains and eventually go into a tunnel. Just keep following it, and you'll end up in Loch Modan.

From there, it's more south to Badlands. The Horde town in Badlands is in the NW corner.
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I have never had as little bag space as I have right now during this Love is in the Air shit. Since my goal is to get that violet proto-drake one day, I have to dive into every game holiday with aplomb. And my goodness do I have a bunch of shit as a result of this event. Most of which I actually have to keep in my bags because I want to make sure I will be able to get all of the achievements. After last night and today I still have yet to see the Love Fool, or a bag of candies. And I need more arrows and rose petals.

And I'm down to about 5 free bag slots out of all 20 slot bags in my main inventory. Granted, some of that was filled up by a fishing expedition on Tuesday, but most of it is valentine's crap. Crazy stuff.

But oh will it be worth it when I ride the drake around in style! Unfortunately so will probably half the rest of the realm, because it seems like a lot of people are hitting every holiday in a big way. But maybe some of them will fall off the wagon.
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I've got everything except that fucking Candy acheivement. Because the candy bag things just won't drop. Though I've heard this is because the drop rate is bugged to 3% instead of 20%.
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[quote name='Shryke' post='1685095' date='Feb 12 2009, 17.56']I've got everything except that fucking Candy acheivement. Because the candy bag things just won't drop. Though I've heard this is because the drop rate is bugged to 3% instead of 20%.[/quote]
Wow, that sucks. I'm still waiting for candy too. I need to go farm the roses on the weekend too.
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I've gotten two candy things so far.

Silena has gotten three black dresses. Sigh.

In other news, we found a really nice way to easily do Oculus without hatred. Everyone gets on red drakes. Pull him on one of the three platforms that are floating right by him and stand on 'em. Don't bother flying. The healer pulls and lets themselves die eventually while everyone else shoots him. Then The healer lands safely and starts healing the rest of the red drakes while they martyr to make sure that nothing shoots the healer. When he goes astral, run away from that platform. Then run back.

We almost one-shot him doing this and had no problem the second time. It was super easy, and we got the amber/green void achievement for it.
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I am refusing to do any of the Valentine's quest on ideological grounds, plus they fucking annoy me in general. Off with their heads!!

Anyways, how to do Gluth if you have Problems With Kiting (most hunters are belf rerollers and when you tell them to Kite they look at you as if you are talking about moonwalking).

1. Have a DPS warrior, DPS druid, DPS pally, DPS DK in the raid.
2. Tell said DPS nub to slap onna shield/go bear/frost precense
3. Tell them to Put Taunt on Toolbar (using it from spellbook = bad).
4. When MT shouts out "6 stacks", target Gluth, click "taunt" button
5. DPS nub tanks Gluth for four stacks. This normally freaks them out, but the fact is Gluth hits like a sickly three year old.
6. MT taunts back as his debuff stacks will now have dropped off.
7. Decimate happens
8. Rinse, repeat
9. Kill, loot, hint to DPS nub that tanking offspec kit is a GREAT idea. *wink wink nudge nudge*

On kiting we always have a prot pally or a prot warrior. A Prot warrior spamming shockwave = win. A tank can also take far more zombie hits even with full armour debuffs simply because they have very large healthpools.

We've actually got a lot of our DPS warriors and DPS DKs to pick up tanking pieces after doing a "surprise! you are tanking Gluth!" It is a little more intense to heal than a proper tank, but not at all an issue.

In 25 man we do the same only we stick two gimps, I mean mages :P on kiting as well, and sometimes a huntard too if the mages suck at kiting (they often do).

As for why Gluth's decimate killed people :o Sounds like a pretty ugh bug. Nasty.

Phel: I have two man healed Naxx ten without replenishment, but it can be really touch and go on KT and Sapph. If you are two man healing it with steady replenishment it is fine. On KT you just need to stand in range of the other healer and be able to quickly heal him through the frost blast. Shamans or druids can NS if things go really badly, priests can shield and spam, pallys don't need any help with supah fast heals. :)

If you're still worried one healer is slow, you can SS the other healer for some insurance. Or bring a shaman as they can ankh. :)

I mean from a healer PoV, you KNOW that people will get tombed, so you just need to be quick with spotting it and start to hit them with your fastest heals. The MT can normally live for quite a while without a heal on KT, he only really bursts in 25 man if the interruptors are asleep/dead.
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Was a ... mixed night.

On the plus side, finally got Bracers of the Herald (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=37620), thus leading to me needing nothing from Heroics but the badges, which is nice. Was also a REALLY good OK group. We smoked that place in under 40 minutes. I only need about 105 badges more. 80 for the DPS chest, 25 for the DPS neck and I'm done.

Of course, before that I got stuck in a VH group that couldn't down the second boss (the Ethereal guy). Tank was dumb as a post. Then afterwords, got stuck in a Nexus run where I was the only one pulling over 1000DPS. I was at 1800, the 2nd place guy was 970ish. /sigh We finished it though, and I won't complain about badges.

And still not a single candy bag.

Oh, and I managed to make another 4 Nobles cards today, but they were all copies of the same 4 ones I already fucking had. Which isn't terrible, but it means I gotta hit the AH with them, and that always annoys me. Closer to my deck I guess.

Ahh well, got the bracers I've been after for AGES, so I won't complain. Now I need money. Gotta start getting shit enchanted.
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[quote name='Ghost of Nymeria' post='1685434' date='Feb 13 2009, 07.34']Oh and cuuuuuuuute. Be sure to pack your footie pajamas, Stego.[/quote]

That is exactly what he said. Something about pajamas only. I think he got into the catnip.
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[quote name='Soylent Brown' post='1685450' date='Feb 13 2009, 07.55']I'm a bit upset that they're fixing the Ice Stone emote bug. I spent a long time farming for ER gear: getting myself up to about 300 or so. The emotes were only hitting me for about 60% annoyance.[/quote]

Soylent, I'm really concerned that Felhoof has hacked your account. Please check it out.
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[quote]I'm a bit upset that they're fixing the Ice Stone emote bug. I spent a long time farming for ER gear: getting myself up to about 300 or so. The emotes were only hitting me for about 60% annoyance.

Now what am I going to do with all this crap? Do you think there'll be a boss in Ulduar where it could prove useful?[/quote]

:lol: I am sure you will need to use that gear again

And lickmytotems is brilliant! I wish I had thought of it :(

I wouldn't mind Naxx chat if it was useful but it usually goes like this:

Tard1:Hey everyone
tard3:Shhhh, we're on Heigan.
tard1:Lol safety dance
Tard4: Will you plz stop spamming??!
Tard2: If you don't like it leave
tard1: I'm drinking milk
tard2:orly? what kind?
tard1:Chocolate. Its yummy.
tard3: HEIGAN DOWN :D :D :D :D
Tard4: Will you plz stfu?!
tard2: lol
tard1: hahaha

You get the idea.
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We always end up raiding at the same time as Apocalypse....which means Grasshopper is in Naxx, spamming General and enraging all the tards, n00bs and lolbois and it ends up looking a lot like Ness's example above. :(

Race should totally petition for a name change to "Lickmytotems" :P

I was bored in Org the other day and started reporting people for non RP names. "BloodDK" and "Litchkiing" got hit by the mailed fist of the RP Nazi! :P
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I would have to kick myself out of the guild if I name changed to that. Bad enough we let iluvlotion and molebutt in... :(

I think Fizzysprite was hitting the bottle a bit last night. Ro said she saw a Fizzysprite is drunk message. :P
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That was a messy but successful Naxx last night.

Good: got boots, full clear in one night.
Bad: Lost out on helm (biggest upgrade left to me for the past several weeks). Several wipes and near-wipes due to sloppiness/lack of focus. Missed the fast spider wing clear similarly.
Both: probably the last time we'll have our druid around, which costs us Mark, innervate, tree aura, and a healer. But she'll be working again, which is better overall, except that she'll probably be miserable about it.

Let's see. We would have had the fast clear achievement, but a mage died on the last trash pull and accidentally hit release as it popped up. No warlock, so we had to wait, and we missed the achievement by a minute or so.

Next to plague, excellent except for the brief dance with the first gargoyle where people kept re-aggroing and resetting him while we killed the static pull there. And then we wiped on the Heigan->Loatheb trash because half of us stopped here (we were right, by virtue of me being in that half), and half of us stopped there, further along.

Move on to Military, wipe on Razuvious! Frankly, it's because I looked away, looked back, got completely confused and missed the small timer bars at the bottom, taunted early, big mess, etc. Still almost had it. We had a few near-wipes on trash from slightly overzealous pulling (it's rather fun to say "you get that group, I'll go get the next group"). Wiped on Horsemen because the hunter accidentally wasted his misdirect shots on Rivendare instead of Thane (he hates Baron because he can't get the mount to drop, is his excuse). That made him die and we took too much damage burning down Thane.

Construct was fine aside from whatever the hell happened when my modem decided to spazz out (which is happening more frequently now, very irritating), but that didn't seem to be a problem.

Break to grab and gem gear, one-shot Sapphiron. Wiped twice on Kel'thuzad though. Second time, I don't actually know what happened. The first time it was that between KT's skirts and the two guardians on me, I couldn't see if I was out of the void zone or not. Answer: I wasn't, and it one-shots anyone.

Ah well.

And of course, just to make a mockery of all the talk of us not having replenishment, we went in with a shadow priest and a survival hunter last night. Shadow priest picked up a ton of gear.

Now the question is whether we feel ok two-healering it, especially should that involve us having replenishment guaranteed. If our prot pally is around consistently, then having him add healing on one-tank fights should take up the slack, I hope.
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Guest thebadlady
Fizziesprite was getting wasted in UC. I laughed at the name until it registered. OH NO!!!

I fucked off as usual last night. I got a peddlefeet and I have no idea how. Is it like a STD?
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Someone shot you, I think.

Someone was pestering our OT tonight by doing that. He was getting very annoyed. I think it was our rogue.

Here's a question, unrelated:

Do you see lots of rogues failing miserably at damage? The rogue in-guild does great damage, all the time, but every single other rogue I ever group with does miserably low damage. Is there something that's going on here?
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