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I think the rogue class attracts more tards than any other class. Except maybe DK, now. My old raid must have went through like 40 of them, and almost to a man they were mouthbreathing, windowlickers. Might be pvpers as well. Pvp spec and pvp gear in pve encounters usually equals fail. Rogue is easier than ever to top charts with, with the fan of knives buff.

Edit- mostly back in our 40 man days. We only had a few rogues in TBC and they were for the most part alright.
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[quote name='Ghost of Nymeria' post='1685617' date='Feb 13 2009, 09.36']I think the rogue class attracts more tards than any other class. Except maybe DK, now. My old raid must have went through like 40 of them, and almost to a man they were mouthbreathing, windowlickers. Might be pvpers as well. Pvp spec and pvp gear in pve encounters usually equals fail. Rogue is easier than ever to top charts with, with the fan of knives buff.

Edit- mostly back in our 40 man days. We only had a few rogues in TBC and they were for the most part alright.[/quote]

They were good for lolz if nothing else once we found screenshots of their goldshire antics. :P

In general though, rogues have not been the top dps in wrath, like they were in TBC. Good ones will always manage to do very good dps, but they dont monopolize the top of WWS parses anymore. They did just get a bit of a pve buff despite the mutilate nerf.
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I should have qualified that. Good rogues are still topping the charts, but in now way do they own it like they used to. fan of knives is still stellar on trash though :P
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That kinda makes me want to pick my rogue up.

It's something, at least.

What brought it up is that aside from my looking at lousy results on rogues in pugs, even on bosses, is that every rogue I group with aside from the one in guild, who does excellent damage and is generally only outperformed by the fury warrior, claims that rogues are terrible now and can't do any damage.

One wonders why they even play their now terrible class, but eh. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an actual general issue with the class, just the people playing it.
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There are lots of terrible players out there. All DPS classes are competetive. Some have lagged behind a bit, but good players still manage to perform well.

I'm be no means an expert on rogueing as mine is level 10, but I think rotations are more complicated than they used to be. Bad players havent adpted to the changes. While Cobat Swords used to be far and away top dps spec, these days Combat is lagging behind. Mutilate and HaT are the top choices for PvE, and HaT requires serious group stacking to come out on top.
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[quote name='Ghost of Nymeria' post='1685772' date='Feb 13 2009, 12.15']I've definitely noticed, on average, the non tard DKs are tanks.[/quote]

It's how we get groups. Although I DPS alot these days too. If they've already got a tank, I'm more then happy to DPS.

It's fun, in my "pure" tank spec, I can still pull 1800-2300 or so DPS, depending on the group and the pulls.
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Yeah DKs are lucky like that, feral druids are probably decent like that; a tank spec doesn't mean a loldps spec. As a prot warrior, I can do solid damage, but only if people are hitting me enough to provide me with rage. Meaning I can put on my tank/dps set, tank, and do 1500 at least, or I can dps, in fury-style or prot-style gear, and do like 600.

I think it is fools. The rogue in guild, he's combat swords. I haven't really looked at the others but I think I've seen enough Hunger For Blood to say they're mostly assassination. HAT... I don't know if that keys off of all 25 people or just the 5, but it has some definite potential to be broken.

It's weird, I go on the forums and the people complaining there are more like "I'm not top dps just for showing up!" (when good BM hunters outdamaged anything but a warglaive rogue, as I recall)... but in-game, the rogues are so bad they're not touching tank damage.

DK failure is becoming more visible to me. I mean, in the last 2-3 times I've pugged and had a DK, they haven't had anything approaching 50% uptime on Horn of Winter.
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1685788' date='Feb 13 2009, 12.32']DK failure is becoming more visible to me. I mean, in the last 2-3 times I've pugged and had a DK, they haven't had anything approaching 50% uptime on Horn of Winter.[/quote]

I forget that shit alot. It's fucking annoying to keep up.

I will never figure out why it's a 2 minute timer.
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The only DK tank I've ever worked with was a good tank mostly, but he was arrogant and rude, and caused 2 deaths by body pulls. We have two DPS DKs of our own, one is amazing and the other is pretty good. I havent worked with a rogue since TBC so I have no opinion about them at all.

I still have no dresses and no candy. I got up a bit early today so I could log on and get another box of stuff before work but I got more petals.
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[quote]I've definitely noticed, on average, the non tard DKs are tanks.[/quote]

Found a retard tank earlier in Vh heroic, got the boss that you need to kite around the room from the orbs, he wiped us twice before he understood what the hell we ment by kite the boss from the orbs.

Our guild Dks (we only have two that come raiding) are both characters that have switched, one was a warrior and the other was a shaman, their none retarded mainly because they weren't retarded before.

I did get to meet two very retard Dks in an AB earlier on my druid. I managed to get into kiting of the first one while an arms warrior beat into living daylights, and despite him not really getting to hit me he kept casting chains on me when he could from a distance instead of DG chains, the second DK arrived just as the first died and again ignored the Arms warrior to ineffectively try to kill the resto druid totally devoted to running the fuck away and healing (My nourish is near enough to a second cast time so I gain distance and do that)
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I figured out the Ethereal in the course of wiping to him. No looking things up just "lala oh god ow that hurt oh I see how this works..."

Now that they made paladin seals 30 minutes, I'd love it if they'd make the shouts and Horn of Winter, and hell, totems, also longer. 2-3 minutes isn't long enough because it forces you to rebuff it during fights. On trash, no issue, rebuff at the end of the pull with leftover rage. But to have to worry about rebuffing on boss fights and people being in range, stupid and annoying.

VDay is terrible and I'm glad I don't care about the violet drake or the Love's Fool title. Getting the Elder title was enough for me. My roommate wants the title because, well, it fits her.
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[quote name='Kalbear' post='1685883' date='Feb 13 2009, 13.54']So far Vday is the worst holiday of the lot for the achievements. Small timeframe, random drop rates, annoying mechanics and a lot of shitty bag space taken up.[/quote]

Though I'm dreading Children's Week more than I am finishing up with the Vday holiday. Granted, maybe I've just gotten lucky with the drops so far. I need one more candy, four arrows and enough love fools to go to all the places. Children's Week, it seems like accomplishing the battlegrounds tasks with the orphan out's gonna be a pain in the ass. How many Warsongs I will have to do to return a flag... God only knows.
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This will be the first and only holiday achievement I go for. I just like the sound of Hellina the Love Fool. :P Screw proto drakes! This candy is breaking my nuts though. I've had one bag so far. Still need 3 more hearts. Ugh.
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