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[Book Spoilers] Just figured out the title of this episode


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The show has no need for those kinds of people. I can see most people going WTF, but, knowing there will be another episode, they wait for the next week preview.

The show has need for viewers, and beyond just the book fanbase; saying that it's too good for people hurt or disinterested when the main character is killed is wrong. Of course, I hope they keep watching, and I think most will.

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I'm trying to remember if the book says why the Great Sept of Baelor was chosen as the location for Ned's "confession." Humiliation factor, I guess? It seems to me that it would be a great place to stage an execution, not a pardon (spilled blood profaning the steps of the sept notwithstanding).

It was meant as a confession and chosen so mostly so the small folk could see him confessing. NO one besides Joffrey wanted that execution.

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It was meant as a confession and chosen so mostly so the small folk could see him confessing. NO one besides Joffrey wanted that execution.

Probably need to add Littlefinger as an exception to that. It wouldn't surprise me to find his voice in Joffrey's ear beforehand. It suited his needs also.

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Well, I find the second assertion a bit questionable, although it is certainly the only single-word title in the series (to me that just makes it seem out of place). I find "Baelor the Blessed" more lyrical, and more ironic given what is going to take place in the episode. More interesting than just "Baelor", for sure.

If course, that's just my opinion :). And if the episode is as amazing as I think it is going to be, I couldn't care less, really.

Jaime Lannister, on the other hand, COULD care less.

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The show has need for viewers, and beyond just the book fanbase; saying that it's too good for people hurt or disinterested when the main character is killed is wrong. Of course, I hope they keep watching, and I think most will.

I think they've been doing a good job of playing up the other characters to create emotional attachments to them. And, of course, having Bean die in the penultimate episode means they have one more episode to create a bunch of hooks that draw people in for the next season.

I know my non-reader friends already love Tyrion, plus they got really pumped for bad ass Robb, who we'll get to see a lot more of in the next two episodes.

My biggest fear? The dragons are terribly done CGI, and THAT'S what keeps people from coming back next season.

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I'm trying to remember if the book says why the Great Sept of Baelor was chosen as the location for Ned's "confession." Humiliation factor, I guess? It seems to me that it would be a great place to stage an execution, not a pardon (spilled blood profaning the steps of the sept notwithstanding).

He needs to be seen to confess his 'crimes' by as many people as possible thus legitimising Joffrey and discrediting any rumours about his parentage. Ned must be seen to be humiliated and the steps of the Great Sept are the ideal place to do this. I imagine it is a large public space, probably traditionally used for gatherings/proclamations.

Not for executions though if the reaction of the High Septon in the books is anything to go by. And blood is *such* a bugger to get out of marble...

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It's also possible it's named simply "Baelor" because it'll make comparisons to historical Baelors, as well as the setting of The Great Sept of Baelor. You have Baelor the Blessed, but also Baelor Breakspear, who we've actually met in The Hedge Knight.

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I posted this much more snarkily in another thread, but I'll do it shorter here.

Since 99.9% didn't stop reading ASOIF when Ned died, and in fact, for many people, it elevated the story in their minds and made the entire series more exciting, why, oh why, is the concern that television viewers will react in a completely opposite manner.

Most Game of Thrones readers are fantasy readers. From your experience, is a fantasy reader somehow so much more wordly and experienced than an HBO viewer? Frankly, most of the fantasy out there is significantly less sophisticated than Six Feet Under or The Wire.

Yes, there are Sean Bean fans and I suppose some of them may turn off. But he's the "lead" of the show in name only (certainly equalled by Jon, Dany, Tyrion and Catelyn in screen time this year, or close and nowhere near in even 50% of the scenes). You really think people are going to watch him die and go, "Well, that's the only plotline. It's not like I don't need to know what happens to Arya, Sansa, Dany, Jon, Robb, Catelyn, Cersei, Jamie and that Tyrion guy. I'm out."

What's more likely is that the person watching tells his or her friends and co-workers about how this show completely blew their mind with this plot point, and other people go on HBOGO or On Demand or Netflix the DVDs.

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The show has no need for those kinds of people. I can see most people going WTF, but, knowing there will be another episode, they wait for the next week preview.

Couldn't disagree more - the show has absolute need for those viewers. It's ironic that a very similar discussion is going on around the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Since one team that hasn't won in almost 40 years is doing well, "old time" fans are annoyed that new fans are jumping on the bandwagon and cheering. It's those new fans that are the ones that will boost ratings, revenue, etc. It's the new fans of the books/TV series that will keep the show going because they are the ones that are going to go out to buy the books, get HBO, etc where they hadn't before.

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I'd be very surprised if anyone gives up on the show after Ned's demise. Now when the Red Wedding comes around, there may be something of a different reaction. I don't know what the TV equivalent of throwing a book across the room is, though.

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My biggest fear? The dragons are terribly done CGI, and THAT'S what keeps people from coming back next season.

I know it'll be harder to animate living things, but didn't the Wall reassured you a bit on this part?


I don't know what the TV equivalent of throwing a book across the room is, though.
I think I do, but a Wiimote was involved. :D
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I'd be very surprised if anyone gives up on the show after Ned's demise. Now when the Red Wedding comes around, there may be something of a different reaction. I don't know what the TV equivalent of throwing a book across the room is, though.

Maybe we'll get a few "I threw my TV remote into my HDTV and broke it" after-the-fact shots :shocked:

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I know it'll be harder to animate living things, but didn't the Wall reassured you a bit on this part?

edit: I think I do, but a Wiimote was involved. :D

Eh...I think living things is an entirely different animal (no pun intended). The wall looks great. But, it's a wall. I don't want to denigrate the effort that went into making it look so good, but I can't imagine making a wall is nearly as difficult as dragons.

And it's not even a question of effort or difficulty, but resources. Do they have enough money and time to do it right? I hope they do. I'll keep watching regardless, and so will 99% of the people posting here. But it's the other people that need to keep watching for the series to continue past next season.

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I'm sure with what's been done with white walkers in terms of CGI tells you the dragons are going to be made to look as real as possible

We saw the White Walkers for a few seconds at the beginning of the season, and they seemed okay. I know they'll do their best. I just think it's an extremely difficult proposition without being able to pay top dollar for the best CGI.

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We saw the White Walkers for a few seconds at the beginning of the season, and they seemed okay. I know they'll do their best. I just think it's an extremely difficult proposition without being able to pay top dollar for the best CGI.

Were the white walkers cgi or some dudes dressed up as urukhai? Dragons would have to be pure CGI. Adding them in a lot of scenes would be very expensive.

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