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the tower of albion

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Posts posted by the tower of albion

  1. I had a thought how they could of handled this if they had played things out differently. Going back to s7 Dany arrives at Dragonstone and with the Dornish and Tyrells sets about laying seige to Kings Landing. One reason or another Missendie and  Olena are captured by the Crown lands and the whole execution thing which triggers Dany to lay waste to Kings Landing occurs. She decides she will rule through fear. Ravens are sent. Enter Jon Snow arriving from the North not to bend the knee as demanded but to tell of the threat of the others. He sees the appalling devastation that Dany and her three Dragons have wrought but puts it aside because there are greater concerns afoot. They think her the man queen but they need her. Dany aggrees to go North to fight the others (she doesn't believe in them but it will allow her to entrench her forces beyond the neck) During this march Dany decides Jon will be her chosen consort. The threat from beyond the wall is devasting and Dany realises what her true purpose is and her ruthless streak comes in handy when sending her forces to face this fearfull onslaught. Night King is destroyed - Varys whispers learns of Jons truth and Dany position feels threatend by this King in the North she triggers another act of violence that forces Jon to realise he must make a counter claim for the throne. Yadda Yadda Yadda Bloody battle Dany dies a flawed heroine.

  2. 35 minutes ago, UKS said:

    It is like GRRM told D&D sort of the end state without nuance or logic... last week and they have 2 hours to get there. Each of these plots could have unfolded over many many weeks and closed ONE AT A TIME. 

    I now think this would of been better as 22 episode a week tv show with the buget of Once upon a time told over ten seasons. Story story story. Every thing else forgivable - so so costumes Zoic doing the vfx but well developed deep dive into the books.

  3. Honestly I kind of liked it if not for now having to wait another week to discover what happens next (arghhhhh.) Yes there was the usual stick of unfinished conversations which seems quite the thing in drama it seems and as long as they roll back round to it and don't pretend it never happened I can live with it. I don't see them not furthering the conversation between Jon and Dany, preferably more than two or three sentences.

  4. I really wish tv shows would just stop it with the cliff hangar endings. It used to be a way to tempt the audience back for the Autumn line up. This show is beyond the rating system yet they just can't let that particular gimmick go. Didn't give a wit for Littlefingers demise - hopefully in the books it will have more reason to it as we get a final explanation to his misdeeds. Jon and Dany hooking up via a booty call was just not sexy or romantic. Rhaegar and Lyanna flash back deserved to be longer, and why was Tyrion lurking? No way they are finishing this in another six episodes. I got a bad feeling next season will lead into a movie spin off. Just don't see it finishing in six more episodes. 8.5 out of 10.

    Jon Snow (Knock knock.) "Hey. You up?"

  5. I have to give this 10 for the tragic end of that fine dragon that was just so wrenching, how it closed its eyes as it sadly slipped beneath the water. I'm even prepared to ignore the nonsense going on at Winterfell  because of that. I was so convinced Tormund was also going to check out - but at the last minute saved by Sandor! It was interesting how Tormund basicaly told Jon to bend the knee. Excluding the Winterfell subplot (& now that I think of it the Benjen ex machina) this episode in my opinion was on a par with any of the episodes from the first 3 seasons.
    Gosh! who'd thought a dragon dying would be so provocative. Ned Stark, Red Wedding, Shireen, Viserion.

    Valerian steel dagger - body armour made of dragon glass. A leap from one dragon to kill an ice dragon? ...... Future possibilities.........:)

    On another note. I would love to see Ghost take an immediate shine to Dany in the next season, I'm like 95% convinced that will be a scene in season 8. The same way as in the books Ghost likes Val because Jon likes Val. (Maybe that's why Drogon liked Jon because Dany liked him rather than his blood line?)

  6. "Well. If I don't come back you won't have to worry about the king in the north any more."

    Not much to say about this episode. it was mostly just establishing the events for the next episode - well apart from prince Ragger setting aside his marriage for another. Still I give it a 8. Again only some 57 minutes long, where are the feature length episodes they promised. I'm going to hedge my bets and predict the next two episodes will also clock in under an hour long.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Gala said:

    Am I the only one who felt sorry for Tyrion. And since I despise Dothraki as a culture, I didn't like the comment that smug idiot said to Tyrion.

    I don't think Tyrion speaks Dothraki. The Dothraki will probably be shipped back to Essos once the throne is secured. Same way the wildlings will stay in the gift and around the wall, to avoid upsetting northern lords.

  8. No one tells Arya the water dancer to fuck off, especially some northmen knock off of Laurel & Hardy. Field of fire 2.0 was good although its prominence in the trailers dampened my excitement some what. I was impressed with Tyrions reaction to the carnage the shock of what he may of helped unleash on the culture of Westeros. He clearly wasn't happy about it. Would Dany even care about the equivalent of napalm death inflicting such terrible suffering. It's not made clear but do you think Jon suggested off scene to make a surprise attack on the Lannister military? Once again glad Jon did not bend the knee, although it's beginning to look inevitable. I just hope it happens after the victory against the knight king not before. Let him have that much.

    Hey get this for tin foil, Cersei hires the Golden Company and it turns out to be commanded by Howland Reed!

  9. 7 hours ago, The Bear said:

    Poor Meera. I hope Bran never becomes a creepy jerk in the books. BR seemed pretty BR-ish in the books.

    I seriously doubt he leaves the tree. If what happened in the show happens somewhat in the books Bran will become part of the weirwood network and of course Summer

  10. 7 hours ago, plectrum said:

    So, based on the preview, I'm guessing that Jon talks Dany into going north to wipe out the white walkers so that he'll throw his support behind her in the war against Cersei.  Now that she has no allies left, he has the leverage to make demands.  

    Looks to me like theirs going to be a good old fashion robbery. The iron bank will not be getting their coin :)

  11. 3 hours ago, dmc515 said:

    I honestly don't get why everyone is so up in arms about this.  Dragonstone is important for three reasons.  Two, Cersei doesn't care about:  obsidian and Targaryen ancestry.  The third is indeed its strategic position in terms of its ability to serve as a base for a naval blockade to the Gullet, and King's Landing.  If you have ships.  If you don't have ships, Dragonstone is just one (albeit exquisite) fortress on a fairly small rock.  There's no reason to care about it.  Even in the books, Cersei only concerns herself with Dragonstone largely as a ploy to goad Loras into a rash attack - and doesn't do anything about it until she has the Redwyne fleet.

    Now, one could say that confronted with the same situation, Book Euron would have seized Dragonstone on his way to KL, but that really just seems like nitpicking.  As long as there's a naval confrontation in the next couple episodes, I don't get all the complaining.

    It was probably budgetary but I would like to of seen a Hand full of Baratheon loyalists on Dragonstone. Old men or injured men who were left to hold the castle who then lay down their arms when Daenerys arrives at the gate.

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