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Everything posted by King_Tristifer_IV_Mudd

  1. I think this for the most part. Though I think despite everything that happened Ashara still wanted to be with Ned. I think she possibly wanted to just run away with him and Jon or something to that effect but Ned wouldn’t because of Catelyn (and Robb, I’m not sure if he knew Cat was pregnant at the time), Ned abandoning her after her brother and all her friend’s death and her miscarriage just sent her over the edge. The pun was unintentional.
  2. Ned doesn’t think about her much because it was a young passionate love, snuffed out before it could truly blossom. Whereas his relationship with Cat is established, long, and full of love. Plus, what happened to her and him was probably traumatic and not pleasant to remember. Like he stops himself from thinking about Lyanna. Personallt, I think Ned and Ashara were a thing, I don’t see Brandon, as horndogged as he was, nailing the girl his brother fancies. I think Ned would think of Brandon more negatively if he had. He may still love Brandon, but their undoubtedly would be a sourness to his memory of Brandon had he slept with Ashara. The only other option for who was Ashara’s lover other than Ned and Brandon, is Howland Reed. And while I love that theory, I doubt it is canon.
  3. Also, Criston beating Joffrey to death in the middle of a crowd of nobles made literally no sense, and the fact he got away with it and have no idea how is so stupid.
  4. I felt bad for him ever up until the first time skip. After that, he was a dickhole.
  5. The whole Aerea story needs told IMO. It’d be an awesome idea for an HBO miniseries. Like a survival/horror miniseries about her time in Valyrian. Maybe add a stranded group of sailors or something to add more characters to it. I dunno, I’d watch it.
  6. They either flew to Valyria, which is where I think they went, or Sothoryos. Sothoryos has parasitic worms, similar to what Aerea suffered. I also believe that Sothoryos is mostly inhabited by monsters because of Valyrian expiriments with cross breeding species, in an attempt to gain “the blood of the dragon”. But if the beasts of Sothoryos are of valyrian origin, then naturally it can be possible that they could be found in Valyria as well. I think what Aerea had were a Alienesqe parasite in her body. Similar to Ridley Scott’s Xenomorph, the parasite mates with Aerea via combining DNA. So the worms with faces, were actually her children in a way.
  7. We are. It gets old. When I heard 500 pages left I cried inside. It’s gonna be like 3 more years at least. And I know it’s rude to say this but I don’t think George will make it to the end of the series, and it’ll have to be finished by his wife.
  8. Peak GoT (Seasons 1-4) is top tier television. 1-4 is probably the greatest show ever. Seasons 5-8 destroyed that. But to answer your question, HOTD is very good. Easily better than 5-8 of GoT. In terms of quality, it’s what I wished 5-8 could’ve been.
  9. I agree! Dany’s perfect control of the cities she conquered is something to behold! The loyalty she inspires from the people is amazing. They just follow her orders and edicts to perfectly!
  10. First off, as someone else said to an extent, Jon and Dany are both still children and aren’t ideal rulers. But to say Dany is a better leader than Jon is ridiculous by pretty much every single metric. First off conquering does NOT equal ruling. Just because she can conquer three cities does not mean she can rule them. And yes she does meet out justice to slavers which is a good thing, but she has almost zero control over the cities she “conquered”. Her decisions have backfired repeatedly on her. Perhaps she’ll grow into a better leader, but as of right now her best quality is the fact that she represents freedom and justice to the people that follow her. She is a symbol. Jon on the otherhand, has been decently successful up until his final chapter when he was betrayed. While he is dealing with a far more dire situation, we’ve yet to see any real consequences of his decisions as commander aside from making a stupid bigot betray him. While him fighting the Others will effect the realm as a whole eventually, he has far less power than Daenerys. And half the things you mentioned Jon did was before he was actually the leader. He has grown since his outburst at Thorne.
  11. I don’t really think it matters at this point. It could’ve been Joff or Cersei IMO. Those 2 are the only ones that make any sense. And the Joffrey reveal felt kind of underwhelming. Crack theory, it was Bloodraven manipulating events to get Bran on the path to coming to him.
  12. They are simply playing the heel. They realize most of the fandom are on the Stark’s side for the most part and are being deliberately obtuse
  13. Part of me also just likes the idea of Aemon and Naerys just being good siblings together. Like Aemon just loves her in a brotherly way. It’d be ironic that in a family known for incest, that a rumored tryst between brother and sister was just a misconstrued strong sibling relationship because of their family’s history.
  14. Oh definitely. I’m not saying he was always that evil. But I think by the time he backs King he was probably beyond the point of no return.
  15. While I understand wanting more morally grey chapters, I will think you can be evil, even if not pure evil. I think that sometimes given the right circumstances of birth, nurturing, and nature can create someone as close to pure evil as possible. Someone like Euron, and I also think Aegon IV
  16. True enough. But I believe that could be a major criticism that GRRM is trying to get across. Like I firmly believe that Azor Ahai was in fact the Bloodstone Emperor/Night King. And that Nissa Nissa is the true hero of the Long Night. A man willing to murder his beloved is no hero.
  17. I’m partial to the theory that BR has manipulated much to be sure that he brought Jon into existence
  18. Nah screw Daemon. Badass character but I’m firmly On Daeron’s side. One of the few actually decent Targ kings.
  19. After all the injustices of Aegon IV’s reign it’d be really satisfying that his successor was not his son and that his heir was the result of being cuckolded.
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