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Everything posted by JGP

  1. That's the thing. You'd think if you'd acquired a franchise you did so for the base built in. As initial investment, anyway. The showrunner should have a deep understanding and respect for the source material, or what is the point of any of it... I don't know. Adaptation itself is an art, the showrunner runs the writer's room and people are going to people. The producers and ex producers would also have significant input on the story, but the hope would be not so much story wise. Faint hope there too, probably. If the writers situation that Wert mentions is that bad? That's a whole other mess. Yikes. How can the writers situation be that bad?
  2. Same. My eldest really wants to see it though, so another lesson for me in... [opens hand gently] letting gooooooooooooooooo
  3. This magic that SONY animation and Marvel has been making. I want way more of it.
  4. The main villain is The Spot, allegedly. Little bit here.
  5. I know Canadians aren't all bad. I'm not all good. You're getting into the rub of life leaving off there. Everyone has stuff going on. The news and the personal can't always be grossly reflective of each other. People are out learning. Growing. Earning. Enjoying. Struggling. Fighting. Failing. Crushed. I can't say we, but me, I got no inhibitions confronting hateful shit. I had an interaction just the other day that had the counter staff of the outdoors shop tittering about the last time they saw a death stare lol But then, with very helpful staff, I had to finish replacing the ski gear my youngest had outgrown. As a Canadian in many ways I'm spoiled but ok I got an hour and half until I have to pick up her older sister and make chili, and at some point later that night, I actually pause to debate whether I want to catch up on cable news or not. So you say why free speech v fascism, and I say Canada has freedom of expression, so should crack down harder. We don't have the 1st amendment cripple, yet still manage to fuck it sideways anyway. Ha. Ha. But this has little to do with why Canadians permit what we do. We're individualistic. No we're not. Ritualistic. Sometimes. We're also voyeurs, with a chilling side effect of seeing first hand what will eventually come down here. And it does. Almost every time. And ah fuck, the chili So you see how it goes.
  6. For real though, @Zorral. Canada can't even do the fucking least.
  7. That situation has been aggravating for me, can't even imagine how retraumatizing it is to Indigenous communities whether directly tied to this serial killer or no. Goes to how pissy Provinces can be to not fund ground penetrating radar to further the search for Indigenous children that died in the residential school system. I hate this country sometimes.
  8. lol [Frost was allegedly denied because of his credit rating, but good rip from the Onion]
  9. This is how ferocious I am in the morning before my coffee.
  10. I've always had an instinctual aversion to Duvall, as an individual and actor. More Rhys though, meaning there's some kind of cosmic balance going on, so hey!
  11. Ok, but like... scaring people is soooooo fun.
  12. Others have said it much better, including yourself Myshkin, but I won't lie. This one got me. Fleetwood Mac would've been something else entirely without her.
  13. Is no one going to do it... Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac has passed.
  14. When even Kenney himself nopes lol
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