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Posts posted by DaveSumm

  1. On 12/2/2022 at 2:37 AM, HokieStone said:

    I will likely flip my Frosthaven when it comes in.  I ordered it when my son was really into Gloomhaven...but we sort of stopped playing, and never picked it back up.  I ask him now and again if we're going to continue, and he's kind of meh about it.  I think he got the digital version on Steam and played through it that way.  So, if we're not going to play Frosthaven, I'll at least make some money on it...

    It’s weird isn’t it, I love Gloomhaven but we did the same thing on our second campaign, left it too long and then the thought of figuring out what was going on and digging through so many components just puts you off. 

    You could make good money on a flip though, it’s retailing for so much more that you could sell it, buy Jaws of the Lion and still be left with profit.

    I do wonder if they’ll ever release an updated GH to bring it in line with the other games. At the moment, I’d recommend starting with Jaws, and then probably…? Go to Frosthaven, as it looks to be much better at keeping everything on track with the campaign and seems to be just an all round better game. Which is a weird thing to say for the #1 BGG game, play the other two and don’t bother.

  2. 13 minutes ago, .H. said:

    Yeah, a pretty wild journey to get it published there.  I actually misunderstood the tiers and sort of overbacked, but I decided to not lower it, even though I have no realistic expectation of finding 7 more people to play it with me.  The upgraded components ought to be decent quality, so the more the merrier I guess.

    Yeah, it seems to be to be sort of akin to TM in some ways, but since it tends to get brought up in conversations as somewhat like both TM and Underwater Cities I think there is a fair chance it might be one my wife actually likes, since TM is her favorite game and Underwater Cities is another she likes.  In any case I got it on sale, so I feel it will likely be worth it even if we only play it a few times.  I know that some people really don't like the "multiplayer solitaire" way it plays most of the time, but my wife hates people messing with her stuff in games, so it works well for us.

    Ark Nova has some fairly mean cards, my wife and I use the solo mode alternatives printed at the bottom as a non-mean option.

    Fantastic game. It does run quite long but it holds my attention the whole time, and always feels exciting throughout. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Maithanet said:

    We haven't been using any apps, no.  I will check and see if they are helpful. 

    It looks like X-Haven Assistant does most of what GHH used to, basically running all the enemy cards for you so you don’t have to shuffle and track their health and stuff. There’s a ton of others (scenario viewer, attack deck manager, campaign manager) but the enemy tracking is where it’s at. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Maithanet said:

    Last year the board game thread recommended I try out Jaws of the Lion rather than the full Gloomhaven, and that was an excellent recommendation!  It is a bit simpler, but way cheaper ($40 bucks instead of $130 for the full game), and it is still a whole bunch of content such that my friends are unlikely to finish it for years (we don't play that regularly).  So thank you @Werthead for the good recommendation. 

    I will particularly compliment the Learn to Play setup of JOTL.  The first five missions are fairly easy, but they introduce the different elements of gameplay gradually so that it you can get started without feeling overwhelmed.  It was a well designed, and still fairly fun tutorial. 

    The only real downside I'm finding for this game is that the game elements do not fit in the box, so it only half closes, and after playing through 6 scenarios, the box is already starting to show some wear.  Oh well!

    Are you using any apps to help with admin? I think if you do, you can lose the monster cards and it juuuust fits back in there. Having said that, when I played Gloomhaven Helper was the only game in town but since then it’s been taken off the App Store (that’s a whole story), Cephalofair are developing their own for Frosthaven and a few others have sprung up. So I’m not 100% on what your options are at the moment.

    Cannot wait for Frosthaven, a few people in North America are seeing theirs, I think for UK it’ll be touch and go if we have it by Christmas.

  5. Skimmed the thread so not sure if it’s been mentioned, buried at the beginning of the episode as it was, but after the wedding fight that Criston started and got away with … he straight up murders one of the small council. OK it was an unusual circumstance, but nah. White cloaks can’t just murder the small council regardless of how convenient it might be for some present.

    ETA: yes it’s been discussed, nvm.

  6. Yea it makes sense. To be honest, it wouldn’t even need to be SHUX specifically, just a con that had the same ethos of paying through higher ticket prices to allow more free play tables, as opposed to what most other cons seem to do which is publishers paying for space to demo their games.

    I usually watch a few Essen Spiel blogs on YouTube and it’s kinda cool, but I just don’t see the appeal of bringing home a boot load of games I didn’t get a chance to play fully first. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Werthead said:

    I'm still a bit bemused why SHUX happens in Vancouver when the team are based in Brighton, and the UK easily has a huge enough board game scene to sustain a big convention. 

    That came up at a Q&A funnily enough, basically everyone assumes because they’re British that most of their audience is, but it skews 70-80% North American. When they started SHUX, Paul Dean lived in Vancouver, even though he’s since left the team. Then there’s just how nice Vancouver is, and the convention centre itself has a huge canopy over half of it so you get naturally lit tables.

    They mentioned how nice everyone was in Canada and whether that fed into the vibe of the convention, then asked if anyone had come from England - I expected a bunch of people to raise their hands and it was literally just me and my wife. 

    I would love for there to be a UK SHUX though, we got kinda lucky that we still had a bunch of Expedia vouchers and airmiles that paid for most of it but yes, Vancouver is expensive. I imagine you’d struggle to do the trip for under £2K given flights and hotel prices that close to the con. They were quite cagey about whether there’d even be another SHUX at all, but then I guess we’re still in a pandemic so it’d be stupid to go around spreading optimism that there would be. I met some people who attended 2019 and then said it felt like about 80% of that attendance, but you’ve got Covid, the fact that they enforced masks and vax status, could all play a role. 

  8. Got back to the UK today after attending SHUX last weekend, and it was sooo much fun. It’s the only con I’ve ever been to so I can’t compare, but I kept hearing about how much emphasise there is on playing games at SHUX and I have to say, if other cons are mostly like the Expo area, I don’t really get the appeal. I wanna play games at a games con.

    There was an enormous library of games, a huuuuuge amount of free play tables, and a really useful balloon system; blue balloon, you’re looking for more players. Orange balloon, looking for a teacher. And so many of the attendees are just wandering around waiting to join, so they really work. Not once did we not successfully fill up a table or get someone to teach (one was Spirit Island, 7 minutes after the con opened, with literally one guy even close enough to see the balloon … and sure enough, he taught, stuck around for a first round, came back an hour later to see how we were getting along). Such an incredible vibe there where everyone’s just so happy to help others.

    I have to mention the best gaming experience I think I’ve ever had; we played a ton of Blood on the Clocktower. 3 games at a pre-event, then 1-2 a day at the con. I’d never been evil, then lost one of the pre games as evil so I was nervous I was just a bit shit at being evil. Friday night game, I was the demon. I was hungry, tired, jet-lagged, stressed, terrified I’d blow it for my team (this was a 16 player, so 3 minions). Every ‘night’ I’d close my eyes and my heart was hammering. But the game just went so beautifully; the type of demon I was poisoned a neighbour and the good team based a lot of info off of that, and my minions worked perfectly to reassure them. 

    To reach game end and then have the good team unanimously vote for the one other guy it could’ve been is the jackpot, it’s as good as you can get and holy shit, all that stress just morphed into such joy. I was absolutely buzzing the whole rest of the night, grinning my stupid face off. 

    Really recommend the No Rolls Barred videos if anyone’s curious, they’re easily the best production values of all the YouTube playthroughs.

    How To Play

    Live and Imp-person | NRB Plays Blood on the Clocktower

  9. Fair enough. These scenes have a strange vibe to them, like I’m supposed to know something I don’t from not having watched the last few season of GoT. Maybe they’re shooting for a “if only this pesky Dance didn’t happen then GoT wouldn’t have happened” or something? It just feels odd, the Long Night was what, 8000 years ago? And the knowledge made it 7800 years and then got forgotten?

    ETA: so reading a little into it, I’m guessing the show repositioned the prophecy as originating from Aegon the Conqueror?

  10. 2 minutes ago, C.T. Phipps said:

    George R.R. Martin seemed to be implying (and we don't know because we don't know what he's got planned) that the prince who was promised and Melissandre's Chosen One are one in the same, some mythic figure who will save the world from the Others.

    OK, but it sounds like Dany knew about all this because her ancestors have been telling their kids for … some obscene amount of time. Or have they just been passing this dagger around which says “hey, listen, Others are totally gonna attack soon…”?

  11. I’m not sure how to frame the question, but is there a non-spoilery answer as to what all this prince who was promised stuff is for someone who didn’t watch past Season 5? It sounds like there’s some secret knowledge that was passed down from Aegon, or a dagger… did GoT borrow bits of Rhaegar’s penchant for prophecies and give it to Aegon?

    And by spoilers I mean spoilers you think are probably book spoilers (ie Winds and Dream), if GoT pulled all this out their ass I don’t really care.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Trebla said:

    So current Jerry is Show Jerry #3. Jerry #1 was Cronenberg Jerry that gets killed by Evil Rick in the stinger. Jerry #2 was lost at the Jerryboree but came back when Rick accidentally reset realities. He's the one that let out the alien that ends up assimilating everything, including Jerry #2. Jerry #3 is the one that has been having some character development, including telling off his old family that is still as dysfunctional as the pre-separation Smith family was. 

    So Rick C-137 starts off in his universe, travels to Morty’s universe sometime before the show starts (I’m not sure if C-137 is the designation of Rick’s original universe?) and everyone exists there until Season 1 Episode 6, when we get a whole new cast except for Rick and Morty. Then Season 2 Episode 2 we get a new Jerry, so we’re on Rick and Morty 1, everyone else 2, Jerry 3. We were in the correct reality for those ‘everyone else’, and now we’ve moved again. So this is the fourth reality that Rick’s lived in for some period of time, as far as we know.


  13. I think there was an AwSHUX preview of My Fathers Work a few years back and it looked intriguing … it sounds like the story is only snippets to move the gameplay along? I’m always wary of huge chunks of text, simply because I can’t recall a board game that’s ever had an engaging story. I’ve held off on Sleeping Gods for the same reason. I love Gloomhaven but it can’t be overstated how completely disinterested in the story I am. 

    I received my first proper Kickstarter recently (i.e first one that was a complete shot in the dark and not based on something I’d already played); The Transcontinental. I really like it, it has some of the best player interaction I’ve seen in a euro in a while. Euros often struggle to find that sweet spot between ‘multiplayer solitaire’ and ‘just mean’, but here all the players load everything they own onto the same train. There’s a whole bunch of rules around how you load and where which you have to be careful of, and when you finally deliver the goods, you give all players with goods behind you the opportunity to do the same. So you have to always be mindful of accidentally doing an action that benefits them more than you, but it never feels like anyone’s been mean especially. 

    Can’t remember if I mentioned in the last thread but my wife and I are heading to SHUX next month, very excited to finally play Blood On The Clocktower in person after watching a ton of No Rolls Barred play it. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Mindwalker said:


    Why did the show give us two characters called Dani and Danny in the same location? Really weird and unnecessary choice.

    Molly: a good exit? Really? I get what Ran was saying, but really they seemed to just run out of budget to show what that explosion had actually done. It seemed to just generically ruffle up all the rooms, but we had no sense of where things were in relation to the press (other than the one shot of Aleida in Margo’s office). But I don’t see how ‘a good exit’ and ‘maybe the rooms just collapsed later and we didn’t see it’ are compatible.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Ran said:

    The newspaper notes she died when going back in to rescue people. I thought it was pretty clear that our last glimpse of her going back into the dark alone with a survivor watching her was an echo of similar stories of rescuers at 9/11 (like Rick Rescorla).

    I didn’t pick up on that reference. Did we have time to read the paper in any detail? What did she die of exactly?

  16. 17 hours ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

    1. When did Molly die?

    Oh good, it’s not just me. Look she’s being a hero! She’s leading fully sighted people out of the building and going back for more!

    Oh and she died.

    17 hours ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

    4. Huh?

    Yea basically. Can’t be bothered dredging over all the stupid, it was pretty stupid. 

  17. Even if we accept the existence of the recorder, I don’t understand why the President would ever talk about stuff like her husbands affair, or how they could maybe just delete the tapes. Even by the shows internal logic, there’s either a recorded conversation about destroying recorded conversations, or there’s a gap in the records, and they state in the episode that those are both problems. But they’re just … doing it again? And still talking freely? 

  18. I’d forgotten about that; is this correct, that there is a tape recorder in the Oval Office that’s recording 24/7, and the President knows about it, but they still talk freely there, and they can listen back to the tapes anytime (while, it should be noted, talking freely about how they could destroy the tape)…? What if someone gets hold of that tape? Or is that literally the recorder, so there’d be a gap at that point? Does this make any sense at all?

  19. Honestly I didn’t even mind the Korean guy at the end just cos it was something other than the soap opera back at base. 

    I do worry that this show has too much of a formula and won’t keep my interest for much longer. What made the first season so good was that we could still recognise ourselves in it, it still resembled the 60’s even though things got more advanced. That’s what makes scenes like the Russian shooting the window so striking, because internally we know how fucking horrendous that’d be for international relations.

    But the more things deviate, the less familiar things become. And ultimately it’s plots are built on disaster; Season 4, one assumes, they’ll head to some other moon even further away? And it won’t go smoothly? And there’ll be some interpersonal conflict between a badly aged-up Danny, and someone’s kids or something? This could get old fast.

    I enjoyed the press conference scene, as again, this is returning to the shows core premise - the space race keeps us all focused on a better future. And I love when they intersperse it with real historical footage. But I’m not sure how much they can draw from that well either, once we move into the next millennium.

  20. I have to say, as much as I’ve hated the Danny plot the last few episodes, I don’t mind the angle that he feels responsible for Shane and has been trying to live his life. I’m hoping they can just turn a corner with it now and stop moping around. 

    But we need some stupid on the show! How about, a professional and intelligent NASA astronaut just fucks around up there without condoms? I mean that should be fine right?

  21. Eesh, that one really tested my faith in the show. The Stevens kids front and centre and they’re the worst thing about the show. Isn’t Jimmy supposed to be nearing 30 by now? And this story feels like it’s written for a 15 year old, doing bad shit cos a pretty girl smiled at him. So many stupid moments in this; how the fuck did they steal a statue? What there’s no cameras at the front of the main building? Thank god they had a badge so they could get to … that bit that Jimmy had to pass to get the badge in the first place. 

    Ed clearly knew Danny was high, so maybe restrict his access to the drugs? Maybe don’t put him anywhere near anything critical, instead of saying “Hit me! Be a man!” What lesson is he hoping to leave Danny with there? And other guy knew Danny was a liability, should never have left him watching something so critical. This whole trope of ‘drug user empties another pill and looks at himself in the mirror’, there must have half a dozen of those same scenes by now.

    Contender for worst episode ever I think.

  22. So, I was 11 in 1994* and wasn’t paying attention to the progress of gay rights in the US. Did the level of outrage seem about right here? It kinda felt overdone but I’m not sure. I know the military thing would be an issue, but it would’ve been nice to balance that with some segment of the population being happy for him. Maybe swap out a Danny scene… another classic from him. “Doesn’t think I’m cut out?! I’ll show him!” *destroys some equipment*

    *actually, I had a feeling that was too early for Supergrass - ‘Alright’, do we assume we’ve rolled around to July 1995? Did Kelly get sent the song from Earth?

  23. Finally caught up! Whew. It’d be so cool if the forum had a feature where it flagged up episode dates in discussions like this. Had to keep cross referencing airdates and post dates. 

    Such a great series, but gotta agree about Danny. It was so out of character for Karen to sleep with him, and now he’s just a ticking time bomb and we’re just sat waiting for him to fuck up his life. Agree with the previous post; he’s absolutely stupid enough to tell Ed. I put money that he does by the end of the season. It’s a bit of a shame that we’ve only seen him act like a jerk, the part where he got his life together and became an astronaut was off screen. All we’ve seen him do is pine after Karen.

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