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Everything posted by Zorral

  1. Giving an order to a decent human being as though you are a dog trainer to a dog does not win respect.
  2. Well, when it comes down to it, historically, there is nothing about and at which primates are more inventive and creative and innovative and willing to accept than sexuality and everything that can be even remotely connected to it. Even when it isn't even remotely related or connected, trust primates to find a way. Even if the Church(s) say no in thunder (while the individuals within it exuberantly participate(.
  3. Washington (AFP) – US President Joe Biden will host Jordan's King Abdullah II next week, the White House said Friday, as negotiations continue in the Middle East for a ceasefire in Gaza. Agence France-Presse https://www.rawstory.com/biden-to-host-jordan-s-king-next-week-amid-gaza-talks/
  4. Kurt Urban appears to be brilliant in this. But Imma not going to watch it. The revelry in gore and grisly and gross has accelerated in every season, and I don't need 11 turned up to 15 in my life. There's enough of gore, grisly and gross -- not to mention cruel for cruelty's sake, and horror and terror of the future in my real life, that this isn't entertaining nor even acceptable to my precious snowflake fee fees.
  5. This interview with Margaret Atwood was delightful. She has a novella out -- https://www.amazon.com/Cut-Thirst-Short-Margaret-Atwood-ebook/dp/B0CRJGKXBS Isn't it hilarious how everyone's conveniently forgotten that so many went apeshyte when The Handmaid's Tale was published, particularly in sf/f circles, because it was so unrealistic >sf/f, fuming not realistic!!!!!< full of it can't happen, it isn't true, men aren't like that, she's a paranoid and over the top -- and most of all, she isn't an sf/f writer and she doesn't know what sf/f is! And now, o my, just look at us. https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/may/04/i-can-say-things-other-people-are-afraid-to-margaret-atwood-on-censorship-literary-feuds-and-trump
  6. I don't know about you all, but this farmer's daughter feels heartbreak looking through the photos here of what were fertile, carefully tended fields, with the variety of food crops they grew, deliberately turned into ash and mud. Israel’s offensive is destroying Gaza’s ability to grow its own food By Nilo Tabrizy, Imogen Piper and Miriam Berger Northern Gaza is in ‘full-blown famine,’ World Food Program leader says https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2024/gaza-israel-agriculture-food-fisheries/? ~~~~~~~~~~~ That is the point -- Israel, by its ruling coalitions have made that choice. Things change. Which seems to be something the ruling coalition and its supporters are increasingly incapable of recognizing, i.e. it is 2024, not 1979. So much has changed since then including those who rule Israel. Also so much evil has happened since then by the ruling coalition's own choice. And the global communications networks know it.
  7. Ha! The WaPo does a story on the WKCR, the Columbia radio station from which, for better or worse, I brought updates of the NYPD on campus, storming Hamilton Hall, earlier this week. Evidently one of the primary reason the WaPo (not the NYT!) seems to deem this worthy of its own coverage is its belief that the Columbia protests were a primary impetus for the spread of the protests to campuses all over the country. As police swarmed Columbia, its student radio station kept broadcasting More than 20,000 listeners across the world tuned in to the students’ report https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/04/columbia-radio-wkcr-protest-coverage/ At the time, as commented here, I found some irony in the fact that the Pulitizer had a place in the students' reporting, which was their and my coda to their coverage of the night: It was difficult and dangerous to the kids too, not to mention exhausting as they and WKCR had been on it since April 17th. Partner and I, safely here at home, listened to their coverage on an actual radio, though most, I think, did it via streaming, and then those -- like I did to here -- posted updates on various other online sites. Here's a photo of the kids who did it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?
  8. Yes it did. I previously explained that the novel did that -- but very young me who knew nothing about Japan -- or much of anything else at the time except horses -- had to re-read the novel 2 - 3 times before I got that. The difference between the novel and the series is that a great deal dealing with the Europeans was deleted, for many reasons, including to make the point far more clear for a first watcher who never read the novel, much less re-read it in more mature years. It subverted every trope of adventure in exotic land historical fiction of English and USA novels. Just as Japan just shut the thing down for a good long time to keep out those who would be subverting the aspects of Japanese culture and autonomy if let to run rampant. They'd already seen what the Jesuits could do. Nobody said that the guy who succeeded was going to be or needed to be good. That too subverts even the foundational fiction forms of European fiction, at least anyway, starting with the Romances. El Cid is a great leader, a good man, a godly man, filled with honor. The man who became Shogun didn't need to worry his head or morality about that, anymore than Caesar did. But it was rather rushed, and too many connecting lines were absent to do it in an effective narrative. Thank goodness the show could fall back on aesthetics of vision to keep people going.
  9. Isn't it just! There are reasons . . . . The NYPD busted out the few protestors here, while self-identified Jewish students stood around weeping about unsafe and cruel it's all been for them They skies are shredded by cop choppers.
  10. Recall how many women died very early due to reproductive issues. That's half the population. Abigail Adams was doubtless saved by the fact she and John were apart for so many of her childbearing years. Whereas his son, John Quincy, by some miracle did not breed Louisa to death -- despite her multiple pregnancies of which few were carried to term. She was pregnant at least 17 times. Jefferson did indeed breed his wife to death. And these were the women who were at the top of the female ladder. Imagine what it was like for most women then.
  11. Following from Jeet Heer's investigative piece where the violence comes from:
  12. Eric Adams Is the Lying Face of the Campus Crackdown New York’s mayor is the right man for the job of standing up for the indefensible. The campus crackdown, at both Columbia and schools across the nation, is indefensible. But when you are defending the indefensible, you need a spokesman like Adams, as prolific an inventor of fables as Scheherazade.By Jeet Heer https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/eric-adams-israel-campus-lies/
  13. Fixed that. Israel is no ally at all, and has nothing going without USA grace and favor. I wouldn't trust Saudi at all either, particularly when it comes to all sorts of things, just starting with women's autonomy, anti-slavery, and freedom of the press. But at the moment ... and it has loads more resources than Israel, whose only resource is grace and favor.
  14. Um, in Arabic, 'intifada' literally means 'a shaking off.' Not bombing or terrorism, etc.. That's your definition. And within the context of just this last nearly a century by now history of Israel and the Palestinians, the desire to shake off is understandable, and even, you know, justified.
  15. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Djen_(ethnicity) Perhaps derived from the city of Djenné in Mali? There are musicians, art communities and so on also name Djen.
  16. So you think the ilks howling anti-Muslim and Palestinian hate language and throwing fireworks and using clubs to bash the people who were in a peaceful protesting encampment don't alienate voters? So what do you think that means?
  17. So do I, though I have been around a lot of 'kids' -- college age -- I was wearing a mask.
  18. iI is not irreplaceable, as you might have noticed if you ever looked at anything except, I dunno, twitter feeds or something. THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Trading Places https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/opinion/israel-saudi-arabia.html In fact Israel is rapidly being replaced through the efforts of bibi and his bigoted, ignorant government, as Friedman details in the the piece.
  19. These are the same sorts who are attacking science in general to discredit what we've learned through it, which supports the so-called 'woke' agenda. Just as they are now condemned antisemitism while still claiming George Soros controls the world. No one with any sense has ever not noticed that these people don't make sense, and that they don't make sense on purpose. To keep everyone confused to advance whatever of their own agenda, which of course is hate --oppress, suppress and even rid the world of everybody except themselves. I.e. they are NOT good faith or humble questioners at all. They are the 'umble of Uriah Heep, who is one of the most slimy villains in UK literature.
  20. Absolutely. Growing up all the possible futures I was imagining for myself were condemned and ridiculed because "girls can't do that!"* While, oddly, I was doing all kinds of work on the farm that society, including the one in which I was living, and my parents and family, defined as men's work. But when he found it convenient and saved him money, o my, you betcha I was out there in the fields on the tractor plowing, seeding, etc. or on the roof pounding in shingles, while doing all the girl's work too. I didn't get paid for doing the men's work, though my brother did. I didn't get paid for doing the girl's work either because one doesn't pay for girl's work. * The only future a girl had, of course, was getting married, cooking, cleaning, keeping quiet and having babies and caring for children, gardening etc.. A very few 'special' ones could be primary school teachers, or an organist in church. Neither of which paid enough to live on. Or be a hair dresser.
  21. Excellent point. But it takes time, which the Gazans do not have. Nor do we. Let us keep our eyes on the ball, i.e. the reasons people are protesting -- the continuous murders, bombings, starvation, ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Right this minute. Do not allow the blob media and the fascists to use this as fuel to keep the freedumbs riled up about what, o I don't know -- suddenly the blob and the fascist no longer is concerned about censorship and free speech, so what else is there?
  22. Doubling down, tripling down, They wear diapers for him. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/888fec97ded6d101ab9589b553c67d74237c9fa65dc4a31dca8abbeafe4e1821.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/addae62970113a6ffbe836cfa47a7b2079fa5a89920e6f828f01323110e3fbbb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cca8e4421d41522a0b196df93d1ed9734f1fd016b63909a82a4b7bfc05576e7d.jpg
  23. Turkey halts trade with Israel over 'humanitarian tragedy' in Gaza https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945380
  24. BTW -- her church taught her, as so many have believed since the Greeks lost their dominance in the world of thinking and culture, that gay men weren't men either. This despite. you know, having all the items, including prostates. I'd kinda like some of those who are still saying this stupidity to meet some gay men from around the way and see them with their manly weapons and their fists, for that matter -- since so many of them think gay men aren't men because, you know, they can't fight (tell it to Alexander, Hadrian, etc.) IOW, we contemporary enlightened ilks really should know better than have this endless scroll as to who is what, where and why, gender, sexually, etc. But no we'd rather go around hurting people, insulting people because -- l guess it makes us feel good.
  25. I didn't give a damn, knowing better, and as I said, not giving a damn. Ya, by the end she was sorry for the many and variety of harms she caused with her faith in her religion, which ultimately let her down. She even came to the shocking irreligious conclusion that Gay Men were actually OK.
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