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Ser Scot A Ellison

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Everything posted by Ser Scot A Ellison

  1. That wasn’t Bobo’s husband. She and her husband are in the process of divorcing. That said, Kalbear is right. That this is what pushes things over the top for Bobo is predictably “American”…
  2. Bobo’s water is getting uncomfortably… warm… https://x.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/1702828205139230905?s=46
  3. The ancient Jedi stuff was interesting… it just seemed a little… thematically random for my taste.
  4. How did Seldon build a pocket dimension that no one but he knew about?
  5. No. They didn’t. It was this big mysterious object found when the Foundation arrived (by slow boat) on Terminus. We didn’t know it had anything to fo with Seldon until the last episode. How it got there/how it was built is never explained.
  6. Yes. Hence my question. The Vault was there when the Foundation arrived on Terminus. How did Sheldon get the Vault there before the Foundation.
  7. And an object that was previously demonstrated doing exactly what it does.
  8. How did the mathmatician build it and transport it from Trantor to Terminus before the Foundation arrived?
  9. But what the fuck is it? A pocket dimension? Didn’t Foundation find it there when they got to Terminus? Seldon is a mathematician… Not an engineer. How was “the Vault” created in the first place? Baring weird plots holes I agree this season was several steps above last season. I’m really glad Tellem is done. I found Tellum really irritating for some reason.
  10. The South Carolina Republican caucus is meeting in the hotel my office abutts. I just exchanged… loud… words with a SC State legislator with “Molon Labes” and “don’t you miss Trump” stickers all over the back of his SUV as I walked from the garage toward my office. Complete waste of time. Damn it I’m still angry.
  11. Listen to the interview. Ty and Daniel get into the diffence between UBI and Basic.
  12. Perhaps people who have so much cash they don’t actually know how much cash they have?
  13. That’s incredibly vague. Are you going to go with the “I know it when I see it” half assed answer? [Apologies in advance if I’m pissy. I’m in a really poor mood through no one’s fault]
  14. This is the full interview. She does talk about Basic and UBI… and the books… in depth.
  15. He’s pretty certianly a bastard. But I don’t know that anyone who is “wealthy” is a bastard. Further… I have no idea how you are defining “wealthy”…
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