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Ser Scot A Ellison

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Everything posted by Ser Scot A Ellison

  1. Big fan of the oxymoronicly named “freedom caucus”… are you?
  2. They want to punish Ukraine for not creating dirt on Biden for Trump.
  3. Karl Popper hated this idea and wrote a whole book on why it doesn’t work… he called it “Historicism” the book is The Poverty of Historicism.
  4. I hadn’t heard about this. The Georgia Republican Senate Caucus acted to suspend a Republican State Senator who has been advocating impeachment for Fanni Willis. Does this mean anything in the broader scheme is this reflective of genuine strife within the Republican Party or is this just Republicans telling morons to stop saying the “quiet part loudly”? https://x.com/maddowblog/status/1707558697239511268?s=46
  5. Why would a fire alarm open a door? Seriously? Who thinks that? We aren’t sending our best and brightest to the US Congress… are we? https://x.com/repbowman/status/1708299648782262656?s=46
  6. Why… oh… why… would a Democratic member of the House pull a fire alarm to try to delay a vote? How fucking stupid is that? :facepalm:
  7. I read a lot of them in my day. The MMPB is really the only thing eReaders have replaced. I still love my paper books.
  8. The “Slam Poet” Security officer looked a lot like Ortegas from SNW…
  9. The American people appear to enjoy watching train wrecks. That is what the Republican Party banks upon.
  10. Lower Decks is consistently good… but as I recall it usually picks up second half of the season.
  11. Wait… are you saying people didn’t love low speed hover vespa chases?
  12. Will Trump appearing at an event at a non-union parts plant sponsored by “Right to Work.org” really boost his Numbers with Union members?
  13. When I drove Uber during 2020-2021 I hated it when I picked up smokers or tokers. They just smell really badly.
  14. Yes. I just hate smoking with the white hot passion of a thousand suns and have done so since I was a child. Something to do with being repeatedly hot boxed growing up.
  15. Cigarettes are fucking disgusting. They have always been fucking disgusting.
  16. You didn’t answer my question. Does someone get a glass to the face every time anyone anywhere has an alcoholic beverage?
  17. Does someone get “glassed” every time anyone has a beer, glass of wine, or whiskey? Every time someone lights a fucking cigarette someone is forced to smell that noxious shit unless the smoker is smoking their shit in a hermetically sealed container. Is that wher most smoker’s smoke?
  18. He’s always been a fucking liar and his advocates attempt to spin his fundamental dishonesty as some sort of admirable quality. These morons say “if you ain’t cheaten you ain’t trying… “ with no irony intended. :vomit:
  19. I do not understand Skoll’s purpose… at all.
  20. What happens if Alabama flatly refuses to abide by the Supreme Court ruling?
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