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Everything posted by Kalbear

  1. I don't think Force Ghosts means that you're redeemed or even good. It means that you were critical to the Force AND you had enough power and ability to become a ghost the way that Qui-Gonn and Yoda could. It's not redemption, it's not heaven. It's just a force power. And Anakin absolutely was a crucial person in the Force. That said, as a force ghost having to hang out with Anakin when you're Yoda would be really, really shitty. Imagine spending all eternity with that asshole.
  2. Sure, that's a valid want. That's what I like in my games too. But I don't see that as a failure of the game as much as a game that doesn't personally appeal to me as much. Other people love the feeling of games that aren't the same and have their own personal experience with them. Heck, I like that kind of game in other contexts too (like civ 6 or minecraft). I think its fair to like something different, but I think it's unfair to say that it's bad because of it.
  3. I'd buy that as a reason for it if she hadn't already beaten maul with her dual blades AND beaten an inquistor with his stupid spinning attack with dual blades. Made a lot more sense against Baylan (though I would have liked her to start with dual blades, figure out she was getting smashed and then go to single) but marrok was a fucking punk who didn't need anything special to beat.
  4. Yeah, I think that's also a reason why the lightsaber duels feel less impactful; the music is much higher than the special FX, and the result is something that feels watered down.
  5. I guess my feeling on Alabama's choice is that they've already talked to Kavanaugh about it and he's recommended they do exactly what they're doing. I don't think they're trying something special or thinking that they will fail. What's the old saying - don't call for a vote if you don't know how it'll go? Same thing here with legal cases. I suspect that this will be heard in 2025 after the vote in 2024 and then the VRA will be dissolved.
  6. It was definitely the best so far. Fight scenes were good and pretty, though not as flashy as prequel stuff. The landscape of Seatos was gorgeous. The pacing was pretty decent. Hera was fine this time, and Sabine did a lot of good with her nonverbal cues - as did Baylan. I loved the callouts to the Maul-Obiwan duel in Rebels with the stance changing and the fight before the fight. And I really liked Baylan convincing Sabine to stand down. That said... Why did Ahsoka go to single blade against Marrok? I vaguely get changing the style against Baylan, but Ahsoka's fighting style has always been around agility and quickness. She didn't go single blade against Maul. It was cool and all, but I feel like Sabine probably should have done that awesome fight against Marrok if that's what they wanted to accomplish. The dialog of Ahsoka and in general is still fueled with very Important Sayings in really Slow Ways. I just don't get it. I don't get why it is so very slow and quiet and...dull. I also hate the Dathomir witch's overacting bullshit so very much. i also really want a loreful explanation why the emperor's most hated enemies that he tried to exterminate are trying so hard to bring back the empire.
  7. Pretty sure every kid sitting out for a year would also mean they'd lose their scholarship, housing, and be kicked out of school. Most kids can't take that either. And yep, I'm a Duck. Not really active any more, so...a lame duck? I think that it's probably a decent win for Oregon going to the B10 and a really big win for B10 getting Oregon, as Oregon consistently has some of the best brand recognition and ratings of any school out there. And having to pay them 50% of the media rate is a steal. Oregon is going to continue to be one of the best financed teams in the country for as long as Phil Knight exists and they have the great Disney/ESPN mascot tie-in. It does mean I'm a smidgen sad. I never went to any of the Duck games at the Rose Bowl, and that was kind of always the big dream of Oregon fans for a long long time - especially during the long period where Oregon was completely shit. That lost its luster a bit when the Rose became part of the BCS and then the playoffs - not having that traditional P10-B10 game makes it not as special - but the Rose bowl in January is one of the more beautiful settings for a bowl game out there.
  8. It's not exactly a mirage, but I agree it needs to be better. My point is that it's already good enough to where it allows for the kind of movement to bigger and better things, so you don't have to add it in already. If we didn't have NIL and the portal then recruitment gets a bit weirder as a problem for relegation.
  9. Yeah, I'd even say that the only point is to signal to the bigots; it ain't like the ADL is going to back down from something as small as Twitter.
  10. Yes, the famously good traveling Stanford supporters will definitely be going to Texas to watch those games I think that recruitment is already incredibly broken with the transfer portal and all that stuff, and that's probably fine. Players should be able to move around to better schools if they so want, for whatever reason. Want them to stay? Pay them more. Kid shows he's amazing and is definitely better than what he was recruited out of college? Go to USC and get that sweet booster money. Heck, that's one of the things I'd do if I were in charge of the relegation model. I would have the first league (top 16 teams) be sponsored by a major company, and part of that sponsorship includes a NIL deal for every single player on every team in that top league. You get playing time on a top-16 team? You get money as part of being on that team. Kids can get other NIL deals of course for whatever reason, but ESPN gets you for, say, games or graphics or other stuff.
  11. Dunno, maybe? She did that action thing recently on Netflix (Kate) where she was absolutely covered in gore, cuts, bruises, etc. She seemed fine in that. But yeah, this. I can't blame the actress's makeup for Sabine being that way. I can't blame Huyang for doing that either, though at the very least him being robotic and unemotional is reasonably in-character. Should we blame Ray Stevenson's beard for his lack of emotion? Should we blame that tiny tiny tattoo on the Dathomir witch's line delivery? I just think that it's not anything to do with the actors and everything to do with what they've been given.
  12. Yeah, I don't think this is a reasonable take at all. Winstead has great range and in particular can do fucking angry as hell when she wants to. I think that's just directorial shittiness and bad writing there too. That she's not being given anything interesting to do or engage with doesn't help things either, mind you, but it's very telling that the most "Hera" we've seen her was chasing after the not-Sith's ship and having quick, witty dialog with...Chopper.
  13. The best possible choice now is relegation systems. This combines a lot of what we love - things like local rivalries, big specific games, important wins and losses - with really simple ways of handling things like media rights, payouts, agreements and all sorts of other things. The argument against relegation in the past has been that you might end up with weird distances between teams but clearly that ship has sailed, sank, and then been visited by a one-use submarine. My personal take is that without that sort of thing in place this is the beginning of the end for college football. The big teams of college football and the media sensation around it absolutely need the regional rivalries and excitement around it to sustain them, even if they don't think they do. That is the base of fans that keeps the game alive during leaner times for teams that aren't the Ohio States or Alabamas of the world. Throw that out and you'll have a lot fewer people caring about doing that traditional game every week. And you'll also not have Ohio State fans packing in every week to watch, say, them trouncing Rutgers or whatever. So you'll have a few more teams that are well-funded and competitive, and most of the other teams are there for the paycheck, and you'll end up with like 3-4 games that even die-hard fans care about at all.
  14. Look, once we determined that Minnesota is a swing state and they produce and eat a lot of cheese I don't think there is much to debate any more. We decided the most important issues of our generation.
  15. I'm aware of it and how it works. I'm trying to figure out why actors are behaving like they're on Valium. I still think that it is directorial choice more than anything. It's not like we haven't seen Rosario Dawson or Mary Elizabeth Winstead acting well in other places or with more fire. I'm trying to give some other charitable views to explain it.
  16. Part of it might be having cgi in the shots at the same time. Part of it may be for closer shots it doesn't work as well. I really don't know; I'm just observing that the scenes play like the actors aren't in the same room as each other.
  17. I mean, con crud was always a thing. And I'm not even talking about the STDs! It's just now much worse.
  18. I want to find people who claim college football is about the purity of the sport and the history and ask them to explain cal and Stanford joining the ACC.
  19. A few thoughts on the dialog delivery: In general it was the same in mandalorian and Boba fett, and slightly close to that in obi wan. My theory is that because of the volume they have to shoot characters alone and then splice them together later. It's an homage to the prequels. It's a problem with direction and the directors are basically fine with this, or want everyone to be asleep.
  20. Also to echo something that @Relic said previously it's remarkable how toned down they made the lightsaber sounds and feels; when you watch that Ahsoka/Vader duel I linked previously it has the really satisfying noises and clashes and for whatever reason this doesn't. I don't know why they chose to do it, but it feels off and wrong.
  21. I mean, yeah, imagine having to play WoW with the default UI. Uuuugh. Ahsoka, you suck
  22. Iirc midichlorians were either retconned or always meant to be an indicator of force power, not a generator. They were effectively bacteria that thrived based on a person's affinity to the force. That said Lucas did want to do this whole mini world of the Whills thing so who knows.
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