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  • Sworn Bannerman to my cat
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  1. The "16 great turkic empires" is a turkish idea from the 60's quite similar to national socialism: creating a artificial national feeling. What they do is they claim that a shitload of other empires where really turkish. they also claim the Hunnic and Mongolian empires. The Hun Horde came from present day China and Mongolia, not turkey, and the Hunnic empires have never included the territory of Turkey. The Mongolian Empire came from Mongolia (surprise) and never included the territory of Turkey. There are some similarities between the Ottoman Empire and the Dothraki: Genocide (Greek and Armenians for the Turks, Lazareen for the Dothraki) Extensive use of rape (the turks used it as a weapon of war, for the Dothraki its a "pasttime" or something) But this is also shit that the Huns and Mongolians used to pull. (and a shitload of other empires. hell, the russian empire is using it today) So no, the Dothraki are not based of Turks, they are based mostly around the Huns & the Mongol empire.
  2. Depends if he finishes it, and finishes it well. if he does, no. If he abandons it, or do a d&d on the ending: yes.
  3. Im really looking forward to watching "You're Ugly Too", but i cant find it anywhere, ever tried less legal ways, but unfortunatly, its nowhere to be found. anyone know where i can buy/rent/pay-per-view/whatever it as a dutch person?
  4. Charles Dance is the english king in the Dutch epic Michiel de Ruyter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j21t1i_SiKI think i spotted Hannah Murray in the trailer to, but she is not confirmed as an actor... to hear CD talka bout family sounded very, very familiar
  5. The Kingslayer as a 21st century inmortal detective in new york in "New Amsterdam" good series, but to bad its just 1 season.
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