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Jace, Extat

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Everything posted by Jace, Extat

  1. This gets me. I feel compelled to defend the honor of the IDF, as someone who was in an army myself. Western militaries don't get off on killing civillians. That's -why- this conversation is taking place. Acting like Israel's troops are going to go door to door massacreing, or that they're intentionally killing civillians in a genocidal campaign is an idiot-lensed way to view the situation. Israel was attacked by ACTUAL GENOCIDE-minded actors who use civillians as human shields. Their response is, unfortunately, going to see a lot more people dead. But the fact is that Israel could flatten Gaza. They could bomb indescriminately. They don't. War is a terrible, terrible, thing. But so is having to battle terrorists within rocket and paraglider range.
  2. When you have military problems (violence) you get military solutions. "It's immoral." Is a sadly naive criticism to hold about Israel's response. Israel does care about civilian casualties. It does care about dead children. The proof is Hamas, which only exists because of Israeli restraint among civilians and children to date. A lot of people are going to die of Israeli fire and operations because the enemy uses human shields. The answer is not then to simply give up and accept unilateral bombardment, as some seem to suggest. Hamas is getting what it wanted, bought with blood and returned in kind. Life sucks, war is hell, and blood always follows blood.
  3. Israel is a success and an ally of global liberalism. A success and ally of America. They're allowed to defend themselves, yes, including from vulnerable people. Just because the Palestinians never got their own state in order doesn't mean Israeli Jews should have to live forever with terroristic neighbors. Kinda outing myself here but as a sorta-woman who advanced her life circumstance with military service I find it hard not to side hard with Israel here. They get called fascist and inhumane by people who have no idea what living with hostile neighbors is like. Not fair.
  4. Yeah. Throwing shoulder. I shouldda said he has a -glass- cannon
  5. I'm here to certify that the Richardson kid has a fucking cannon. That is all
  6. Swift-ies(ees)!!! Like, Taylor Swift! Ha! I got the joke... only had to see it twenty times first...
  7. Raken are important in the books. They extend the Seanchan reach and allow them to assault places that should be beyond the front lines.
  8. I bought the Balder's Gate 3 game yesterday but discovered my hard drive is too small for the game. Is it worth upgrading to a bigger hard drive or should I just get a refund?
  9. Yes. All they'll see is their God Emperor slumming it with mortals.
  10. I'd love to learn greek so that I could read Anna Komnenos in her own language. I follow a youtube channel for learning it but I don't use it nearly often enough I retain scattered bits of german from High School but that's it.
  11. Aww. I missed you goobers too. I had a rough year. 2023 Bears rough. But I'm on a the backbounce.
  12. This thread is still active. I'm surprised and shamed at y'all. Surprised and shamed...
  13. I think he's gonna win. It feels strange and inevitable, and I honestly think he'd win from inside a jail cell.
  14. I am writing a book about why it's only logical to pull the pin on the nuclear age sooner rather than later. What other thread were you guys discussing this in?
  15. Starting a Hearts of Iron 4 playthrough as Japan. Only change is I'm gonna try to make America stay neutral. Cheers
  16. I'll take the keeper too I suppose. I'm not the monster here...
  17. So I went a little overboard. Like on life. How was your summer? ETA: It was also very gratifying to finally be proven wrong about consequences for Trump.
  18. Sole screenwriter too. My man has grown as more than just a director. A filmmaker.
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