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Everything posted by felice

  1. It would make a lot of sense; the Moon's internal temperature near the surface is apparently around -30 to -40 degrees C, and I think you'd have to go a loooong way down (dozens of km at least) to get above freezing, which seems like a good fit for Drearburh. While Pluto's crust is made of frozen nitrogen on top of frozen water below -200 degrees C - good luck drilling a habitable shaft in that! It's only the view of Dominicus that doesn't fit, and a transparent dome at the top of the shaft would be very reasonable - I'm not sure what sort of curvature or refractive index it would need, though.
  2. It means seeing you at all is a special treat for them! That's why they're more enthusiastic
  3. Well no, not as such, my to-read pile is certainly an increasingly large problem! But I seldom regret reading as much of the work shortlisted for the Hugos as I can manage.
  4. WorldCon! 1-5 September. I'm a supporting member to vote in the Hugo Awards, which tends to be an excellent way to pick stuff to read.
  5. Hello! Not doing any international travel or large events at the moment, sorry.
  6. Because all objects have a gravity field, the size of which (but not the strength) varies depending on mass, and that gravity holds an envelope of air. A human's individual air pocket is too small to last long, but a flying machine would trap enough to last a decent amount of time, and a moon would have plenty. (If two objects are close enough that their gravity planes overlap, the gravity of the larger object takes precedence.) </Spelljammer>
  7. What did you think of the For All Mankind episode? I've only seen the first five episodes of season one so far. I've watched all the other Drama nominees. See if you can read The Past is Red in the next couple of days? In novelette, Valente gets bonus points for Sisyphus wearing a Rock 'n' Roll Forever t-shirt, but Bots of the Lost Ark is the most fun to read. Oaken Hearts is the standout in short story. Best read at Uncanny rather than from the packet.
  8. Do they have a reputation for interfering with showrunners, or just hiring showrunners that don't impress you?
  9. The 2022 Pride Bundle - five queer SF/F books for whatever you want to pay, and ten more if you pay at least $20.
  10. It's winter down here, though, and the work situation isn't ideal for my bank account - though it is otherwise pleasant! The pandemic is still a good reason for not going out (and it's still relatively novel to have it freely circulating in the population here), with waning vaccination effectiveness, new variants developing, and a lot of unknowns with respect to long covid. Good!
  11. I'm fine. Not doing much; work is not at all busy, and I'm not leaving the house more than I have to.
  12. Another issue is that for any ad-supported service, the users are the product, not the customer. Even limited advertising shifts the focus of a company for the worse.
  13. You are also only one person, not most people. Assuming more than about one and a third people exist, which seems like a safe assumption since I'm confident I'm more than a third of a person all by myself.
  14. Sounds nice I might try a bottle if I see any available locally. It is unpleasantly early on Monday morning here, though, so definitely not what I need right now.
  15. Do you have any more detail on that? I can only find an expensive box set of novellas and a Subterranean Press edition that was even more expensive than buying all the individual novellas before it sold out.
  16. Why are publishers such total assholes? "It might be helpful to read the extra story As Yet Unsent" which is bonus content from the paperback not included in the hardback.
  17. Hmmm... I assume that's without the icing? I might try a small bite, but it sounds bizarre.
  18. Nope. It's more like teaspoons of liquor drizzled over the cake, not bottles poured over, and I think the fruit absorbs any excess? But I'm not an expert on the science of baking! Hopefully you'll get a decent break over the New Year period?
  19. Fruit cake - the alcohol acts as a preservative, and gives the flavour time to mature, apparently. It's more moistened than soaked. Closer to eating, it gets covered in two layers of icing. https://apriljharris.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/British-Christmas-Cake.jpg
  20. That's good! The taste is the most important thing. I baked a Christmas cake this weekend. Smells good, but I have to pour alcohol over it for a few weeks before we can start eating it.
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