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Everything posted by IheartIheartTesla

  1. Its also pretty garbage at coming up with swearwords, which the earliest humans did when stubbing their feet on a rock, and present-day incarnations have perfected after stepping on a Lego. The ultimate swearword: an algorithm has come up with the ‘best’ expletive ever. It is certainly a surprise | Mathematics | The Guardian
  2. Fair enough, although I suggest an 'open universe' is too broad for any current technology to mimic. What we can do is create a few modular systems and allow for the AI to generate random connections between them. At least in the sciences, very many creative ideas have come from recognizing something that worked in system A could be applied in a completely different system B. Having said that, I'm interested in 2 key questions, one serious and one silly: 1) Can we feed an AI all of 'classical mechanics' and see if can somehow explain unexplained phenomena with some variant of QM 2) Can we feed an AI the first 5 books of the ASOIAF saga and ask it to generate Winds of Winter (worth a shot)?
  3. Episode 5 was such a mess where they told the same story three times. Have to wonder if this is where Cavill lost steam and they had to dilute the porridge into gruel to make it last 10 episodes.
  4. I know we've moved past the 'consciousness bearing entity' interpretation of the Copenhagen interpretation, but an interesting question you could have asked a few days ago is what would happen if ChatGPT would 'observe' a double slit experiment. Anyway, what we call consciousness is most likely an emergent property of a suitably complex system that at the core of it contains some sort of 'machine' responding to stimuli, so my view always has been that we'll get something approaching or approximating it in the future. I don't think anyone serious claims this iteration does. I'd also quibble with 'creative' being some magical things only humans (or other sapient species do). Chess programs can come up with solutions that no human would think of (that why the best ones win all the time), I think that's creative.
  5. I've started watching S3 and have to say, not a fan of the action sequences (this is a general criticism of the way they are choreographed these days). Everything seems so choreographed rather than 'hands throwing'. The Ciri scene in the maze for instance - no need for a power pose after you jump to escape someone...why? Just stop already.
  6. Another solid episode. One thing I'll say about SNW is its never a slog to go through episodes, even though I may have minor quibbles. This particular episode was primarily drawn from a TOS episode (Cage) with elements of a TNG one (Conundrum) thrown in. I do realize I miss some of the talky aspects of TNG though, where the crew sits in front of a futuristic whiteboard and brainstorms.
  7. Not to defend Trump, but the green card application process already asks you if you have been a member of a Communist Party, which can be grounds for denying you your green card. This is somewhat awkward for say immigrants from China who at a young age are almost by default made members (believe there is an exemption if it was involuntary). I've not been a fan of this restriction since it appears to be some cold war hangover, but as in all things, Trump's promises are wildly beyond what is current and probably unconstitutional.
  8. I'll post....as many of you know, I've been diabetic for ~ 15 years. I was prescribed ozempic last year, the consequence of which is that I am now at a weight of ~ 125 lb (56 kg for you Eurocommies), making me one of those skinny b*tches no one likes. I'm worried I've been losing muscle as well, so I started adding more protein to my diet and doing a little bit of weights. Would really like to do more, but right now its just dumbbell/kettleball stuff + crunches, something that doesn't require going to the gym. Not sure if its enough though. To put this in context, I haven't been 125lb since I was 14-15.
  9. What a great match. After a somewhat sonorous start, we had Lyon's 15 run vigil, the completely legal dismissal of Bairstow, Stokes going bonkers, Broad being the pantomime villain that he excels at etc. Could only have been made better if England lost by less than 15 runs. The inevitable teeth-gnashing after the match about 'spirit of cricket' was also joyful to read about.
  10. Weird to see Bazball morph into Bounceball, particularly when the English pacers are probably a good 10 kmph slower on average than the Aussies. As I type this, Cummins made good use of a bouncer to get rid of Root.
  11. Come to think of it, it wasnt a nod, more like a similarity or parallel - meeting some random person in a side journey on your quest who helps you in an important way for the plot to reach its resolution.
  12. Depending on how your last conversation went (prior to your being out and about), he probably felt you were blowing him off, flew into a 'red mist' and hasn't come down from it yet. That's one possible explanation, while the other is some sort of family emergency, but people always have time for a text or phone call.
  13. I will say, I liked the "born in space on the USS Iowa" joke, and the Princess Bride nod/homage.
  14. Meh, it appears like I was the only one who did not rate this episode. I mean, dont get me wrong, there were pieces in it that were nice, and the chemistry between Wesley and Chong was there, but I didnt think it landed. Part of my issue with it is that it was another low budget episode without and pew-pew lasers (and you know, they film in Toronto so it was a bit lazy to just take the cameras outside rather than inside). Further, there have been too many episodes across various iterations of ST when our intrepid crewmembers return to contemporary North American Earth, and this episode didnt break new ground. My worry is that they are slowly losing momentum this season, but I hope Episode 4 is a return to form.
  15. Ah yes, the LGBTQ case brought forth before the Supreme Court where the key document itself may be fake. About par for this Supreme Court.
  16. Unfortunately college education is one key path for upward mobility, so I'm not sure I would frame it as "improve everything else and college admissions would become more equitable", which I think is precisely backwards. I also would suggest that "AA leads to anti-Asian discrimination" assigns too much causality to the former. What we can say for a fact is that removing AA leads to increased Caucasian and Asian admissions into colleges (based on historical data I think from California etc), but as others have pointed out, for elite universities that zero-sum math only happens because the ADLC admissions cant be touched. The real anti-Asian discrimination is from the admissions committees and all the biases they bring to their choices (one of the key complaints is how they look at Asian applicants as having 'sameness' and using weasel words like 'quiet' and 'humble' to discount leadership abilities)
  17. England on track to get to a thousand runs based on their current situation.
  18. Dont know what you mean by new, there are 2 seasons of Short Trek with 10 episodes total. The one I am talking about is S2 Ep1, which is Spock's first day as an Ensign on the Enterprise.
  19. I too was caught up in the emotive aspects of the episode on first viewing, but on future reflection started getting a bit annoyed with the plot holes, as well as the somewhat ham-fisted analogies they were drawing with current events. At any rate, has everyone watched Short Treks? One of the episodes in it provides nice context for Spock's testimony (when he talks about Una's secret)
  20. Cardiologist: Hot enough to make your heart skip a beat, smart enough to make it start up again (also works for those who deal with respiratory diseases, just replace with "take your breath away")
  21. It doesnt matter to his supporters, they already have a 3-pronged attack ready: "What about Joe?", "He said off the record so the recording was in violation of journalistic ethics" and "The information he shared wasnt that serious anyway"
  22. He just uploaded an 11 minute statement quite recently defending his actions and explaining his rationale (nothing new compared to what we've heard before IMO)
  23. 500k is hardly average for a doctor in the US, and if you compare general practitioners there is perhaps a more reasonable comparison to be made between the two countries, Once you get into specialists the disparity may be become more for certain areas (particularly the cosmetic ones).
  24. I give Ep2 of S2 SNW a solid 6 gavels out of 9 (to continue the US centric judicial analogies). Seriously, does Starfleet/the Federation even consider as part of its philosophies anything that isnt human and more narrowly, from ancient Rome (sometime Greece)
  25. I think all of us who have outstanding mortgages are technically broke by some definition of the other. Not privy to what the good Doctor's views are on debt/personal responsibility when it comes to finances etc. Some people get very worked up by such matters; myself having been a broke graduate student at some point and now in a fairly comfortable position am quite relaxed when it comes to judging others.
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