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24: Live Another Day

Hernan Gonzalez

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So true. They sell it so well. :lol:

But I know I've seen the "take control of their drones" plot device before. I don't have a clue where I've seen it though. I don't recall if it was TV, movie, or even one of the terrible recent Tom Clancy collaborations. (Yeah... I admitted it. I read it. What of it?!!?). Anybody else having this plot ring a bell for them?

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Chris Ryan's Strike Back last 2 episodes ?

Porter is sent to Afghanistan to find a computer hacker who has cracked the British army's missile guidance codes. The hacker has successfully found a way to redirect missiles to strike American forces.


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Chris Ryan's Strike Back last 2 episodes ?

Porter is sent to Afghanistan to find a computer hacker who has cracked the British army's missile guidance codes. The hacker has successfully found a way to redirect missiles to strike American forces.


Chris Ryan's Strike Back last 2 episodes ?

Porter is sent to Afghanistan to find a computer hacker who has cracked the British army's missile guidance codes. The hacker has successfully found a way to redirect missiles to strike American forces.


Not seen that one... so that's not it. Hrmmm. Will have to break out some Google Fu at some point.

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Found it!!! Threat Vector by Clancy. (Sorta... Mainly by some other dude.)

In Hong Kong, CIA agent Adam Yao is tailing a counterfeit computer chip manufacturer who is affiliated with the Triads when he spots Zha Shu Hai, a wanted hacker in the US going by the hacker handle FastByte22. After a US Reaper drone on a mission in Pakistan is hacked and attacks friendly forces, President Ryan orders all UAVs to be locked on base. In Hong Kong, Adam's request to Langley to more assets to be assigned to monitoring Zha is denied, but his request catches the eye of Jack Jr, who goes to Hong Kong with Domingo and Gavin under the guise of hiring Adam to investigate FastByte22 for theft of Intellectual Property.

I knew it sounded familiar!

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I've never watched 24 before, I was aware of it just not that interested. I really enjoyed the first 2 episodes.

Although pretty sure the CIA aren't allowed to carry out gunfights in west ealing.

Yeah, I noticed that too, everyone knows that it's Acton for the gunfights and Southall for the explosions. Oddly enjoyable though.

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Watched the first two episodes and I re-discovered the most annoying thing about this show: it's not the torture, it's the fact that every season has at least one "maverick" that bastard who can't follow the rules because they move at two slow a pace for them. It's usually just Bauer but sometimes we're really lucky and get more. Can we just get someone who does things according to protocol?

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Watched the first two episodes and I re-discovered the most annoying thing about this show: it's not the torture, it's the fact that every season has at least one "maverick" that bastard who can't follow the rules because they move at two slow a pace for them. It's usually just Bauer but sometimes we're really lucky and get more. Can we just get someone who does things according to protocol?

Does protocol ever work when racing against time? I've seen government bureaucracy. Takes awhile.

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Does protocol ever work when racing against time? I've seen government bureaucracy. Takes awhile.

The protocol of counter-terrorist bodies often dealing with ticking bomb scenarios? Often works, when it's not too inconvenient for Jack.

Sometimes they start before the race against time. In the first few episodes the Female!Bauer tazed a security guard despite not knowing anything of Jack's actions. Often Jack's decisions against protocol have less to do with it failing and more to do with him having to deal with someone who has his family hostage or some hunch that he cannot explain to his bosses. Protocol doesn't really cover incommunicable hunches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have enjoyed 24:LAD so far. I just hope that it doesn't fall into any more old, comfortable habits.

For example, I don't want to see them spend a few more episodes chasing Al-Harazi, only to find that, when they capture her, she was (GASP!) only a pawn in someone else's greater, more nefarious scheme. Then, as Jack/CTU discover, find, and thwart that person, they find that everything has been orchestrated by a corrupt U.S. politician or power broker. The obvious choice at this moment is Kim Raver's husband (Mr. Horseface?), but maybe we'll see a plot twist to find it was the U.K. Prime Minister...

Just give us something different this time around.

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So Audrey is brainwashed by the Chinese, and will be another mole, right?


The obvious love interest for Jack just lost some steam last night when we discovered that Kate's hubby likely wasn't a traitor and it was all a set-up.

ETA: Whoa! Yvonne Strahovski who plays Kate did the voice for Miranda in Mass Effect 2 and 3! :stunned: Consider my mind blown! :smileysex:

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