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Does the Kindly Man Know Arya is Warging?

John Suburbs

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I'm still on the fence with this one. Does the KM have powers that let him read Arya's thoughts? Or is he just highly perceptive when it comes to looking past people's pretentions?

He knows she is lying when she claims to be No One, but I suspect it's because he knows she's still keeping Needle and her list, which means she's still carrying her past life, as Arya of House Stark, around with her.

Then, after the blindness test, he suddenly gives her a face. But was it because he thought she was finally able to work out who was hitting her using intuition and her other senses, or did he know she was seeing him through the cat?

And that leads me to another question: if he does not know about the warging, is he promoting her before she is truly ready to give up her identity and all the hatred and thoughts of revenge that go with it?

And if that is the case, what are the chances that Arya could wind up as a rogue killer, unbound by the guild and free to go wherever, and kill whomever, she likes?

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I think there have been mentions of her howling and growling in her sleep, but I don't think that he has any way of KNOWING that she's warging, he may have some suspicions that there is something weird about her. I agree that he knows about needle and the death prayer, but honestly I don't see Arya making it much further into the ranks of the guild by her own choice. Arya is way too feisty to become "no one", it's only a matter of time before Nymeria sees something in Westeros or Arya gets an assignment that morally challenges her.

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I take this as a possible hint.

“First change your heart. The gift of the Many-Faced God is not a child’s plaything. You would kill for your own purposes, for your own pleasures. Do you deny it?”

She bit her lip. “I—”

He slapped her.

The blow left her cheek stinging, but she knew that she had earned it. “Thank you.” Enough slaps, and she might stop chewing on her lip. Arya did that, not the night wolf. “I do deny it.”

“You lie. I can see the truth in your eyes. You have the eyes of a wolf and a taste for blood.

And the FM are full of mystery, so I wouldn't bet against what they know and don't, personally.

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The Kindly Man knows she is lying when she claims to be No One because of subtle clues in her face- her eyes, jaw, etc. We learn this in one of her first chapters in AFFC. I strongly suspect he doesn't really understand just who he's dealing with in her- he knows she's of House Stark, but he may just think that House Stark is some sort of minor nobility or something- even if he knows just how important the family is, I'm positive he doesn't know of the whole "Blood of the First Men= warg" deal.

Arya is being moved along in her training because she demonstrates prodigal skill and unusual quickness to learn. I don't believe the KM knows about Needle; the whole purpose of that little exercise was to throw away all of her old possessions to symbolically throw away her old life, and retaining Needle shows that she's refusing to do that. If he knew that she'd blatantly disobeyed him like that, he would've booted her out then and there.

He doesn't know about Needle. He may know that she still recites the kill list, or he may not. If she learns to control her face, which she still hasn't, as evidenced by her constantly chewing her lip, she'll have learned all the necessary talents of a FM, while still retaining her identity. When that happens, I think she returns to Westeros.

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This doesn't really address the OP directly (sorry!), but I believe that Arya is moving along the "fast track" precisely because she is not giving up her identity. It seems like because she is able to play the "no one" game even as she retains her Stark interests that she is "rewarded" by the next level of training.

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This doesn't really address the OP directly (sorry!), but I believe that Arya is moving along the "fast track" precisely because she is not giving up her identity. It seems like because she is able to play the "no one" game even as she retains her Stark interests that she is "rewarded" by the next level of training.

No. No way. The loss of identity, the belief in yourself as an amorphous entity with no purpose other than service to the MFG, is the absolute core of the Faceless Men. If the KM knew just how defiant Arya is being, I don't see him allowing her to continue.

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It seems that the only way to tell if someone is a warg is to see them with the animal they are bonded to.Valmar 6 skins says he noticed right away when he saw Jon with Ghost.And Mel was able to tell also with Ghost being near him.Yet the KM does not seem to be able to sense the bond Arya has with Nymeria.As to Arya giving up her identity she really cant.Nymeria is as much a part of Arya as Arya is a part of Nymeria.Arya will always be a wolf

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No. No way. The loss of identity, the belief in yourself as an amorphous entity with no purpose other than service to the MFG, is the absolute core of the Faceless Men. If the KM knew just how defiant Arya is being, I don't see him allowing her to continue.

But then how to explain the fact that when Arya kills Dareon, and reveals it to the KM, the very next morning she wakes up blind, the next stage in her training. (He asked her who killed Dareon and she names Arya of House Stark, then he asks her who she is and she says "no one" and he tells her, as usual, that she lies.) To me, this seems like a reward for being able to be "two-faced," i.e. to stay Arya and be "no one," just as she had already assumed so many other identities before. I don't know that we can speak authoritatively about the "absolute core of the Faceless Men"; I think that's a mystery yet to be revealed.

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I don't think that being blinded was a reward, it was a change in tactic immersing her into another life was only taking her so far towards being no one. The KM needed something more drastic, so he used the blindness.

Getting her sight back was the reward for being able to use her other senses well enough to know it was him. I think that blinding/attacking it standard FM training and when you know who is attacking have pasted that particular course.

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The key to the KM's thinking is - "My wants do not matter,” said the kindly man. “It may be that the Many-Faced God has led you here to be His instrument...". He's waiting and watching for a signal from the god before deciding what Arya's intended destiny is to be.

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SpringKing brought up the instrument quote--I wonder if the KM is in fact cultivating her because of her warging ability. What a useful skill for an assassin to have!

The FM have appeared to be a non-political presence without a real agenda of their own, but I'm not fully sold that that's the case. It may be that the KM sees Arya, and especially Arya the Warg, as more valuable for the FM's goals than some random acolyte.

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Love this thread and love Arya. I wonder, with her arc becoming so dark what's on store for her and if she will have a redemption before the end of the series. Some fans also believe that Bran and Jon will turn dark. I don't want to believe that my favorite Starks will end like that.

As far as the original post, I agree with Yolkboy that the KM may know she is a warg.

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