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Why the Hooded Man is Almost Certainly Harwin.


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From Brienne's final chapter in AFFC: "Another of the outlaws stepped forward, a young man in a greasy sheepskin jerkin ... His voice was frosted with the accents of the north." Is there any other northman in the BWB this could be besides Harwin? The fan-made timeline estimates there is about a month between Brienne's trial (line 378) and the murders in Winterfell (line 403). Harwin would have to travel past Frey and Bolton forces and through the worsening winter conditions in the north.

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From Brienne's final chapter in AFFC: "Another of the outlaws stepped forward, a young man in a greasy sheepskin jerkin ... His voice was frosted with the accents of the north." Is there any other northman in the BWB this could be besides Harwin? The fan-made timeline estimates there is about a month between Brienne's trial (line 378) and the murders in Winterfell (line 403). Harwin would have to travel past Frey and Bolton forces and through the worsening winter conditions in the north.

Even if it is Harwin I think he could still make it to Winterfell in a month. He shouldn't have much trouble getting past Frey and Bolton forces, he's used to the Northern weather and he's a skilled rider.

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From Brienne's final chapter in AFFC: "Another of the outlaws stepped forward, a young man in a greasy sheepskin jerkin ... His voice was frosted with the accents of the north." Is there any other northman in the BWB this could be besides Harwin? The fan-made timeline estimates there is about a month between Brienne's trial (line 378) and the murders in Winterfell (line 403). Harwin would have to travel past Frey and Bolton forces and through the worsening winter conditions in the north.

I am confident this could be Hal Mollen. I've discussed it quite a few times, including here. Essentially, he is not named as Harwin, he uses the polite form "my lady" rather than milady, as Harwin always does, and he makes this interesting comment to Brienne:

"Can it be that my lady has forgotten that you once swore her your service?"

Recall that Hal Mollen was present when Brienne swore her sword to Catelyn Stark. Of course Hal was last seen in Clash heading north with Ned's bones. We know he vanished into the Neck and as far as we know, never emerged. But we also know that the BwB under Lady Stonheart has been seen in the vicinity of the Neck:

"His hounds picked up their scent again north of Hag's Mire," the older woman told him. "He swears that he was no more than half a day behind them when they vanished into the Neck."

Feast, 30

I believe sufficient doubt exists on the identity of this young northman that it isn't a stumbling block to this theory. It's also possible that Harwin, an excellent rider, could make it from the Riverlands to Winterfell in the assumed time frame.

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I am confident this could be Hal Mollen. I've discussed it quite a few times, including here. Essentially, he is not named as Harwin, he uses the polite form "my lady" rather than milady, as Harwin always does, and he makes this interesting comment to Brienne:

"Can it be that my lady has forgotten that you once swore her your service?"

Recall that Hal Mollen was present when Brienne swore her sword to Catelyn Stark. Of course Hal was last seen in Clash heading north with Ned's bones. We know he vanished into the Neck and as far as we know, never emerged. But we also know that the BwB under Lady Stonheart has been seen in the vicinity of the Neck:

"His hounds picked up their scent again north of Hag's Mire," the older woman told him. "He swears that he was no more than half a day behind them when they vanished into the Neck."

Feast, 30

I believe sufficient doubt exists on the identity of this young northman that it isn't a stumbling block to this theory. It's also possible that Harwin, an excellent rider, could make it from the Riverlands to Winterfell in the assumed time frame.

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Even if it is Harwin I think he could still make it to Winterfell in a month. He shouldn't have much trouble getting past Frey and Bolton forces, he's used to the Northern weather and he's a skilled rider.

Nope. Cat needed two months from Winterfell to KL, using ships and all the resources of the North to make it a quick journey. Land-bound travel is way slower, the weather is worse, Harwin would have to avoid patrols and would lack resources. Even if it's only two-thirds of the distance, no way.

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It's Maester Walys (Flowers - bastard of Hightower/Citadel) of Winterfell for X years, MIA since RR. Most likely candidate for Lyanna's birth-Maester, conveniently related to the White Bull at the ToJ, son of the Citadel and strongly associated with the Starks and the Northern Conspiracy and Southron Ambitions.

He just disappears during RR. Then Cat brings Luwin to Winterfell.

Sorry, but the hooded man is Walys. Lurking in the crypts and godswood all this time while connected to the tunnel system.

ETA I'm willing to bet that Marwyn is Walys. I'm also willing to think about Harwin.... hello rhymes.... possibly being the same person.

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