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Goodkind XII


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So if she were knocked out or fainted, and an ally picked her up to carry her to saftery, he'd get zapped? That sucks.

Naturally it doesn't work that way. It was explained at some point that since she's been sleeping since she was born it's somehow reflexive that the power lies dormant during that time. Or something like that. I'm still waiting for an explanation of why Richard doesn't experience that bone-jarring pain, thunder-without-sound thingy when they have marital relations. Even though Richard is immune to the mind-wiping effects of her power it should still hurt like hell when he's plowing her and the power goes off.

If Moose still takes suggestions for the next qotd (I can see how that'd be a problem inbetween wedding preparations), maybe something from when Richard is in the temple of the winds, gifted by all knowledge, etc. I remember how awkward that scene felt in dutch, I wonder how it'd be in English

I'll take a look at it.

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Are their marital interactions described in the books? (As I know the Yeard, they probably are.) But if they're not, they probably don't have any.

Thinking about it...Confessors must be nymphomaniacs by compulsion if every time they have sex with someone who isn't his Rahlness, the man dies...sad sad fate.

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Good morning and welcome to the Terry Goodkind Quote of the Day. I’m keeping this one short, but cheesy. I have much to do in the next, oh…8 days, but I’ll do the QotD as much as I’m able. This is from Temple of the Winds, not quite what Mr. Nobuddy was talking about, but it still sucks. Richard has gone to the Temple of the Winds after the whole “Kahlan thought she was doing it with Drefan†fiasco, and he’s sitting around brooding and feeling sorry for himself as only the Seeker is able, when he receives a visit from the spirit of Denna. She forces him to endure the memory of her torture of him, and during that Richard comes to the conclusion that he still loves Kahlan, blah blah blah. <Vomits>

Richard was on his hands and knees on the floor, panting n terror. The glowing white spirit of Denna towered over him. <Hmm, seems spirits are white, I guess Kahlan’s “naked strategy†did make sense after all.>

Denna was right. She could hurt him, still. This pain, though, she had given him out of love. <Vomits>

Richard staggered to his feet. How could he have thought he was ignorant before, and that the knowledge of the Temple of the Winds had brought him new sight? He had had sight all along <Like the Scarecrow’s brain or the Tin Man’s heart?>, but had failed to see. Knowledge without heart was empty. <um, okay.>

Wizard Ricker had left, with the sliph, a message for him, but he had ignored it.

Ward left in. Ward right out. Guard your heart from stone.

He had failed to guard his heart from stone, and it had almost cost him everything.

“Thank you, Denna, for that gift of pain.â€

“It has taught you something, Richard?â€

“That I have to go home, back to my world.â€

“Thank you, Richard, for living up to what I expect of you.â€

Richard smiled. “Were you not a spirit, I’d kiss you.â€

Denna smiled a sad smile. “The thought is the gift, Richard.â€

Richard shared a gaze with her for a moment, a gaze between worlds.

“Denna, please tell Raina that we all love her.â€

“Raina knows this. Feelings of the heart cross the boundary.â€

Richard nodded. “Then you know how much we love you, too.â€

“That is why I came to vouch for you in your quest to the winds.â€

Richard held his arm out. “Would you escort me to the passageway? I would find peace in your company before I leave this empty place. The worst is yet ahead of me.â€

Denna glided along at his side as he headed for the passageway out, striding the Hall of the Winds for the last time. They didn’t speak; words were too paltry to touch what was in his heart.

~Terry Goodkind, Temple of the Winds

These dry heaves are killing me. :sick:

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Re the whole Kahlan Loses Control Whenever She Has Sex thing... is it just the having sex part of it? Cos that's pretty easy to do without losing control (though we know Terry has different ideas about the depraved wantonness of women). Or is it just orgasms that cause the release of her power? If it's that, then maybe Richard's just a lousy shag?

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She mysteriously (or maybe not so mysteriously, but convoluted is the logic of Tairy, BBHY) gets convinced that she doesn't have those powers anymore, which obviously instantly makes her a walking rape beacon. Of course, she discovers she had them all the time at the last moment.

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Thank you, Denna, for that gift of pain.
No gift can compare to being tortured by loved ones, I'll have to think about it next time I go to a birthday party.

However, as much faith I have in the yeardi, I still fail to see the logical jump between torture and love. Is it universally accepted that kicking the hell out of someone will make him more open to compassion and pacifist values, and make him turn the other cheek? There must be some explanation in a paragraph just before this one, surely.

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There must be some explanation in a paragraph just before this one, surely.

Meh, sorta. He relives being tortured by Denna, and during that he remembers how he clung to the memory of Kahlan during that time, or something like that, I'm in too good a mood to read TG (BBNC) for detail this morning.

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The Mary Sue aspect of the books reminds me of how Bill O'Reilly wrote a book shortly after he was fired from CBS about a guy who had been fired from a major network news show and who decided to take revenge on all the people he'd worked for by hunting them down and killing them.

That is in and of itself somewhat disturbing, but what makes it more interesting is that there was another character in the book who was clearly also Bill O'Reilly, namely the detective trying to track down this killer. Oh, and then there was the love interest of said detective who was also pretty clearly a Mary Sue character. So you had the concept of Bill O'Reilly trying to track down and bring Bill O'Reilly to justice in order to win the love of Bill O'Reilly... Issues, much?

Alas, I have not read this book, so I can't comment on its literary quality. I don't know if he has the gifts of the yearded one.

And if Kahlan generally kills the guy she's shagging, shouldn't she have noticed that Richard didn't die when she thought he was Drefan? That seems like a bit of a give-away, really... Or maybe that wasn't a very good shag, as MinDonner, put it so well?

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And if Kahlan generally kills the guy she's shagging, shouldn't she have noticed that Richard didn't die when she thought he was Drefan? That seems like a bit of a give-away, really... Or maybe that wasn't a very good shag, as MinDonner, put it so well?

When she thought she was shagging Drefan her power had been taken away from her by "the Winds". So he was safe.

So is Richard and Kahlan's martial intercourse described in the books? In detail?

No, only rape is described in detail. You should know that by now. All we know about Richard and Kahlan's sex life is that they do have one, but Richard never complains about her power going off, so I guess he's not that good at it.

Aah. You're trying to give in to your filthy perversions, is that it? ;)

Sooner or later Richard will possess the French Tickler of Truth, through which he'll gain all the kinky skills of all the perverts who have used it before him.

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Richard gets it on with quite a few other women, though, doesn't he? And surely TG would want his perfect couple to be having sex? I mean, come on... they're like all good looking and stuff, right?

And Richard's thing is always rising in him? He's got to be the most sexually frustrated guy in the world if he never actually gets to shag Kahlan.

Meh, what do I know. I've never even read the books :)

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Well, Kahlan and Richard have done it apparently, once in the spirit house of the Mud People, and once in some spirity place between worlds. Probably other times as well when they were hiding up in the mountains. The only other woman Richard's been with is Denna, and I'm not sure if that really counts since he didn't have a choice and probably didn't enjoy it all that much, what with all the screaming and bleeding and crying he was doing. But you never know.

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I thought he learned to enjoy it, or something? And eventually she didn't always hurt him every time because it got to be, you know, special?

Maybe I'm misremembering quotes of the day from WFR. I can't believe that snuff book got published, to be perfectly honest.

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I believe Richard got it on with Denna: but he sectioned off his own mind so that he could remain Richard and not a slave, so it was like someone else having sex with her. And of course, he has sex with Kahlan. But neither of these are really described: especially not in the level of detail of every rape scene from the woman's point of view.

I know it is pretty difficult to write a good love scene, so I'm assuming Yeardi avoided them on purpose, instead opting plug the sordid details into the rape scene formula (woman = helpless, guy(s) = depraved. Weak woman = successful rape. Strong woman + desperation = barely-foiled rape), or the overcome-by-desire formula (Strong woman + person she thinks is Richard = awkward depraved sex + guilt).

With regards to Richard's sexual prowess, I'm guessing that he has some nicknames you don't get to hear in the book:

"Bringer of Disappointment"

"Seeker (but not Finder) of Clitoris"

"The Pebble in the Pond" (I can't believe I remembered this phrase)

"Richard with an Erectile Disorder"

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