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Why did you pick your user name?


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Because Catelyn was my favorite character and the reveal of my Lady in the epilogue was one of the few things in life that has ever made my heart feel like a seven mile jog... besides a seven mile jog... Because around the time I first started on these forums, I was in a slump, angry mood and wanted vengeance. And even before that I loved the theme of vengeance in many stories even though most besides Kill Bill do it wrong (IMO, at least.)

You may have seen me around as DenysJelmazmo. Well, I loved the named Denys Darklyn even though I hate the character because of his idiocy, and I loved when the show revealed Stormborn as Jelmazmo in the Astapor episode.

Later, I decided to dye my hair silver and have a purple iris operation done, and I ended up looking just like Rhaegar, so for awhile I was known as RhaegarTargario. Targario because that's what DP came up with for Targaryen in High Valyrian, same episode as before. It was then I decided I would become a champion for the world's most misunderstood man and the best thing that never happened to Westeros, the Silver Prince himself, the last dragon, Rhaegar Targaryen. I find him extremely compelling and think people who write him off as "emo" or a douche should probably graduate from middle school sometime.

And now I'm back to LordStoneheart because i saw some very compassionate defense of my Lady by a few great others in response to a very moody, irrational kitten who hates her. I was inspired to take the reigns again.

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I had to take a course "computational methods in materials science" for my BS, where we learned about Chebyshov's theorem (usually translated to "Chebyshev," or even "Tchebysheff," but spelled as you see in my username in the textbook we used). I thought the name sounded awesome, and the theorem, or rather inequality, states that "most data" values are close to the mean. I like keeping that in the back of my mind, especially given that I'm drawn to more transgressive theories and ideas. Also this name is like, never taken.

I considered "schottky" as well...a type of defect found in the molecular-level crystal lattice of ceramics too. But I'd rather be thought of as
"Cheby" than "Schottky" I guess :dunno: .

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A cat's whiskers are the first thing through a hole or confined space (they tell a cat whether he will fit) There's no telling where this old cat has been and what he's seen or heard (and by extension, I think Bloodraven has seen and heard them too) Balerion knows the deepest, darkest secrets of the Red Keep...he's a survivor.

(and I've been a lurker here for ages...it seemed appropriate)

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I had to take a course "computational methods in materials science" for my BS, where we learned about Chebyshov's theorem (usually translated to "Chebyshev," or even "Tchebysheff," but spelled as you see in my username in the textbook we used). I thought the name sounded awesome, and the theorem, or rather inequality, states that "most data" values are close to the mean. I like keeping that in the back of my mind, especially given that I'm drawn to more transgressive theories and ideas. Also this name is like, never taken.

I considered "schottky" as well...a type of defect found in the molecular-level crystal lattice of ceramics too. But I'd rather be thought of as

"Cheby" than "Schottky" I guess :dunno: .

That is a WAY more interesting story than mine, which is... my name is Julia and I'm not going to use my real last name, so Martell it is, because they're awesome.

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I was "Lost Targ" in reference to all the secret Targs in the books. Then I quickly realized that posters were sick of secret targs popping up so I switched it to the house that I would prefer had family members secreted around Westeros.

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Vlad the Impaler is one of my favourite historical figures.

Robb the Impaler seemed somehow too obvious a name, but I figured that since Podrick is mostly harmless, it makes a nice bit of absurdity.

One of mine also; along with Countess Bathory, Jack the Ripper, King Arthur.

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That is a WAY more interesting story than mine, which is... my name is Julia and I'm not going to use my real last name, so Martell it is, because they're awesome.

TBF it was mostly because I liked its sound. And I think my real first name sounds a bit too frivolous for my liking. I considered being a "Sand" though.

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