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Meeting between characters you would most like to see


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You may get your wish in the show.

Oh snap you're right, I hadn't thought of that! That'll give me something special to look forward to actually. I hope they handle it well, there could so much nuance there besides "oh you're a Lannister I h8 u!" Like, it could be the Robert Baratheon x Cersei Lannister dialogue from Season 1 part duex. Course, Doran'll probably be too guarded to really be as candid with Jaime as Robert was to Cersei and vice versa, but a boy can dream

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Oh snap you're right, I hadn't thought of that! That'll give me something special to look forward to actually. I hope they handle it well, there could so much nuance there besides "oh you're a Lannister I h8 u!" Like, it could be the Robert Baratheon x Cersei Lannister dialogue from Season 1 part duex. Course, Doran'll probably be too guarded to really be as candid with Jaime as Robert was to Cersei and vice versa, but a boy can dream

I think Obara will jump Jaime and kick his ass until Areo Hotah stops it. Then Jaime will meet Doran and hear his humblest apologies.

They have to show the fangs of the sand snakes early and often in the show to really understand them.

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1. Tyrion and Arya, this would be gold

2. Randyl Tarly and Sam

3. Euron and Littlefinger

4. A gravedigger and an undead knight of the Kingsguard

5. Edric Dayne and Sansa (they seem to be like minded individuals)

6. Tyrion and Sansa (I want to see how many times they shit themselves while comparing notes.)

7. the cheesmonger and Wyman Manderly...on the subject of food.

8. Arya and Asha (she can finally get a not assasin role model)

9. Jon Con and Varys

10. Jaime and Theon...they can talk about stupid things they did, not to mention missing anatomy.

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1. Tyrion and Arya, this would be gold

2. Randyl Tarly and Sam

3. Euron and Littlefinger

4. A gravedigger and an undead knight of the Kingsguard

5. Edric Dayne and Sansa (they seem to be like minded individuals)

6. Tyrion and Sansa (I want to see how many times they shit themselves while comparing notes.)

7. the cheesmonger and Wyman Manderly...on the subject of food.

8. Arya and Asha (she can finally get a not assasin role model)

9. Jon Con and Varys

10. Jaime and Theon...they can talk about stupid things they did, not to mention missing anatomy.

First four are pure GOLD.

For me, I'd like to see Jaime and Arya - the natural lefty w/out sword skills vs. the forced lefty with formerly excellent sword skills. They could train together! Awwww. (once Arya gets past the whole, "I hate you" thing)

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Brienne and Arya. -Properly, in the books. :cool4:

Dany and Asha -Two strong feisty women facing off...

Sansa and UnCat - Might put some fire into Sansa, convince her to stop being LF's puppet

Melisandre and Cercei - Not entirely sure why, but would love to see what they make of each other.

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Jaime and Stannis. Snarkfest '02


Howland Reed and Jon Snow.

Jon Snow and Arya (preferably with neither dying or dead!)

UnCat and Littlefinger (I'd love to see his reaction to what she's become, and her to whup his hide for grooming Sansa.)

Rickon and Davos!

Ramsay Snow and an Other's ice-sword point. :)

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1. Tyrion and Arya, this would be gold

2. Randyl Tarly and Sam

3. Euron and Littlefinger

4. A gravedigger and an undead knight of the Kingsguard

5. Edric Dayne and Sansa (they seem to be like minded individuals)

6. Tyrion and Sansa (I want to see how many times they shit themselves while comparing notes.)

7. the cheesmonger and Wyman Manderly...on the subject of food.

8. Arya and Asha (she can finally get a not assasin role model)

9. Jon Con and Varys

10. Jaime and Theon...they can talk about stupid things they did, not to mention missing anatomy.

Love those, especially the ones I bolded.

The Hound and Davos-bromance

Sansa and Tom O'Sevens-about time she meets a singer who's not a total shit

The Real Arya and Ramsay-too late to warn him to be careful what he wishes for

Lady Stoneheart and Littlefinger-the Only Cat version of Ramsay/Arya

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