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Meeting between characters you would most like to see


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If there are no rules about living or dead, then

1. Ned and Jon. So much was unfinished between them, and I would like closure on what Ned needs to tell Jon.

If dead characters are not allowed, then

2. Howland Reed and Jon. If Ned cannot tell Jon about his past, then Howland Reed is the one next in line.

3. Jaime and Stannis. Not my idea, but what a good one! Wouldn't you just love to write that dialogue?

4. Sansa and Arya. No particular reason other than having the Stark sisters reunite.

5. Arya and Jon. They miss each other, they think of each other, and I wish they could find each other.

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Arya and Varys

Tyrion and Dany

Jon and Dany

Oh, yeah. Jon and Jon, "kissed by fire" references and all that.

I think they will in the end. I think Connington would think Rhaegar had his son named for him.

I am craving for the handshake between Jon and Davos.

Ditto. I can't wait for that to happen in TWoW. I think their friendship will be lifelong.

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Lady Stoneheart and Jon (as long as she didn't kill him)

Sansa and Tyrion

Arya and Dany would be interesting - partly because Arya would show Dany that she needs to grow the hell up...

Arya and Cersei I'd love to see Arya stick Needle in her lying, manipulative throat...

Arya and Gendry, maybe in about ten years

Theon and Jon to reflect on how much has changed since their Winterfell days

Tyrion and Wun Wun - I can see them being hilarious together....

Tormund and Joffrey would have been absolutely hilarious, I think!

The main one I want to see, more than anything....

Tyrion and Tysha. :frown5: :crying: :frown5: :crying: :frown5: :crying:

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Daario, Benjen, Coldhands, Euron, Bloodraven, Mance, Rhaegar, the Dusky Woman and Tywin, just drinking a few beers.

But seriously:

- Mel and Damphair

- Theon or Damphair and Patchface

- Mel and Arya (to see if it's like in the show)

- Stannis and Dany

- Stannis and Ramsay (likely to happen!)

- Sam and Quaithe

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I think that makes us two the ones thinking they will meet. Damn, I would even bet money on it :/

Count me as well. I think JonCon will see a lot of Rhaegar in Jon both in his lean build and his some manners like him. That will be an interesting twist given that he was fooled by the appearance of fAegon and now the real son of Rhaegar does not look like him at all but he took after him in many aspects.

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Mel's Shadow baby and Littlefinger-LF will get stabbed

Balon Swann and Sandor-Swann is close to a true knight that is in the current KG

Darksar and Jaimie-they both are jerks and both disabled a kid

Stannis and Robb Stark-Stannis will tell Robb to not show honor to shady people and not to trust a Bolton

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