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Most interesting relationships in ASOIAF?

Elia Sand

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On top of the ones that have been said,

Jon & Sam.

At first glance it seems like a simple subordinate like relationship, but as you dig deeper, you see Sam & Jon both equally benefit from each other.

Jon obviously protects Sam, but also pushes Sam to grow and be more the man his father failed to force him to be. No small feet considering half of Westeros & essos seems to have attempted.

Sam in contrast, provides Jon with optimism to counteract Jon's famous brooding, and serves as Jon's moral compass that always points to the summer at Winter's end. Not to mention he appears to be a potential big player in the game, in the making if the LC selection was any sort of preview.

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What's interesting about Arya and Gendry comes to the fore when Gendry joins the conversation between Arya and Ned Dayne. Gendry reacts as though 2 nobles are looking down on him. Arya is oblivious to the class angle of the conversation and harasses Gendry as any girl her age with a crush would. This only increases Gendry's resentment of high born people.

More than that. Its interesting on a 'history retold' angle. Had Robert been the man his son is becoming he may have got the girl. And Arya and Gendry basically live the life Robert and Ned wanted, just to wander around, getting into adventures as BFFs. The Stag killing the direwolf prophecised a terrible end for Ned but it does not mean all these relationships are doomed. The Stag and the Wolf seem natural allies, we see it over and over again with Jon and Stannis, Mya and Sansa, Arya and Gendry. Renly and Robb would have been unstoppable.

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