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Aegon and Sansa

Isobel Harper

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I saw someone argue a similar theory and genuinely think something like this is going to happen as the ONLY two times 'House Hardyng' is mentioned at all in the text of SOIAF & D&E is with reference to Ser Humfrey and Harrold. Sansa is either definitely going to marry a Targ, or it is a conscious booby trap left by GRRM.

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I've seen this theory floated around a few times and like the OP, I support Sansa staying unmarried at least until the end of the series. Another Targ reference I picked up was during the unkiss scene with the cloak of blood and fire from Sandor and posted about it in another thread. While I think there may be some connection between Sansa and the Targ dynasty, it's weak at best. It may indicate she develops a closer relationship with Jon, but as a family member not a ship.

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But it's Sandor's cloak, the one who was burned by fire, a personal item belonging to Sandor that she chooses to put on herself twice, she's dreamed a thousand times of wearing a tall strong man's cloak as he kisses her and marries her, and she thinks of Sandor coming to her with fire in the sky, kissing her and leaving her his bloody cloak, classic red on white consummation symbolism, then she places Sandor in the marriage bed.

That's quite a twist to wrench that away from him, and make it about someone else, and it's quite simply not something any good author would do. That would be a huge literary no no.

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But it's Sandor's cloak, the one who was burned by fire, a personal item belonging to Sandor that she chooses to put on herself twice, she's dreamed a thousand times of wearing a tall strong man's cloak as he kisses her and marries her, and thinks of Sandor coming to her with fire in the sky, kissing her and leaving her the bloody cloak, classic red on white consummation symbolism, then places him in the marriage bed.

That's quite a twist to wrench that away from him, and make it about someone else, and it's quite simply not something any good author would do. That would be a huge literary no no.

I probably should have been clearer that I saw the Targ part as an interesting tidbit rather than any kind of foreshadowing. While I'm on the fence about where I think Sandor and Sansa are going, it's the one relationship she has with the most textual support from GRRM himself.

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One point about that list of Sansa's suitors... she is SUPPOSED to marry all of them at some point or another, but she only ACTUALLY marries Tyrion. So this theory could prove true even without Sansa actually marrying fAegon--just a plot and a promise (perhaps after Sansa kills Littlefinger, thereby undoing the pact with Hardying).

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I don't ship anyone (I think it's silly) but I just get the feeling that Sansa and Aegon is going to happen. It also raises the prospect of having Sansa (Littlefinger's puppet) marrying Aegon (Varys' puppet).

In respect of the D+E foreshadowing, there is a slight problem. Sansa is also briefly engaged to Sweetrobin by Lysa, yet there's no Arryn in the tourney. You could argue that it wasn't a proper engagement, but neither was the Willas one really.

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How on earth did I never notice that? And I have to say, until I read this it had never occurred to me just how awesome it would be to have the hound kill Littlefinger. Now that would be an epic scene.

It would be awesome for him to finish him off...

Also added another to that...

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Sansa's days of liking pretty princes are definitely over. I would like to think that if Aegon ever rocked up at the Vale then Sansa would put him in his place pretty quickly.

For sure. Robert II (aka Harry), too...

Also, truth... Aegon is fake, Harry is a red herring, she said she's serving Littlefinger lies and arbor gold, she said no Tyrell would want her without her claim, she said Tyrion told her a Lannister lie and it was a mockery of a marriage... but she remembers Sandor telling her a hound will never lie to you.

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It does follows well with the War of the Roses parallels; Aegon = Henry VII and Sansa = Elizabeth of York

Marrying Sansa is politically the best move Aegon could make in war torn Westeros. She'd bring the North, Riverlands and possibly the Vale (that's depends on how far she can get with Harry) with her so along with Dorne he'd already have 1/2 of Westeros. Just like by marrying Edward IV's oldest daughter Henry prevented any more Yorkist rebellions against the crown because he united the two families.

tbh my main reason is because it screws D&D over :laugh: for some reason they've decided not to have Young Griff on the show <_<

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Sansa's days of liking pretty princes are definitely over. I would like to think that if Aegon ever rocked up at the Vale then Sansa would put him in his place pretty quickly.

Put him in his place for what? There is no indication of Aegon being cruel or spoiled towards others. In fact, he treats people very well (Duck, Haldon) and he's kind to others. If Aegon is actually nice to hers, and she believes is all a facade and is her the one treating him wrong because she's projecting Joffrey on him, the one who is wrong is her, it's exactly what Tyrion did when he was trying to troll Aegon. Aegon reminded him of Joffrey because he's blond, a Prince and wanted to be more independent.

Another thing I don't understand is why Sansa liking a pretty boy is something wrong. While I like SanSan, I think they are not "endgame" (or anything like it). Why would be wrong if Sansa is courted by a guy who is naturally good? That doesn't make her shallow. She has learned to see beyond a face, but that doesn't mean every time she's meeting a handsome guy she's going to shun him down and say 'oh, I better go and find myself an ugly guy'.

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Sansa's days of liking pretty princes are definitely over. I would like to think that if Aegon ever rocked up at the Vale then Sansa would put him in his place pretty quickly.

If Sansa learns anything from Littlefinger she'd know better than to refuse Aegon's hand. This isn't about pretty princes or fair maidens this is about the fact that logically a Stark/Targaryen alliance is politically beneficial to both parties.

George took inspiration from the War of the Roses, and in the end of that Henry VII (Aegon) marries Elizabeth of York (Sansa) because it prevented anymore Yorkist rebellions and secured his crown. I can see him doing the same with an Aegon/Sansa marriage.

Sansa may be disillusioned with the ideas of true love and chivalry but that doesn't mean she wouldn't see a golden ticket when there is one.

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Sansa is off limits until either Tyrion dies or Tyrion testifies that their marriage was never consummated and therefore may be annulled. She was married by the HS after all so I imagine only the HS can dissolve their marriage which this one won't do unless he is convinced that either of the two mentioned situations transpired. So far as everyone of any influence in Westeros is concerned she is now Lady Lannister not Sansa Stark.

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Sansa is off limits until either Tyrion dies or Tyrion testifies that their marriage was never consummated and therefore may be annulled. She was married by the HS after all so I imagine only the HS can dissolve their marriage which this one won't do unless he is convinced that either of the two mentioned situations transpired. So far as everyone of any influence in Westeros is concerned she is now Lady Lannister not Sansa Stark.

Tbh there's quite a few ways of annulling the marriage:

1) they can declare Tyrion dead

2) if Sansa does become queen she can annul her marriage, Elizabeth I annulled so many marriages even though they were consummated

3) if the marriage wasn't consummated I don't think it's actually valid. That's why Tywin was so desperate for Tyrion to have sex with her.

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It does follows well with the War of the Roses parallels; Aegon = Henry VII and Sansa = Elizabeth of York

Marrying Sansa is politically the best move Aegon could make in war torn Westeros. She'd bring the North, Riverlands and possibly the Vale (that's depends on how far she can get with Harry) with her so along with Dorne he'd already have 1/2 of Westeros. Just like by marrying Edward IV's oldest daughter Henry prevented any more Yorkist rebellions against the crown because he united the two families.

tbh my main reason is because it screws D&D over :laugh: for some reason they've decided not to have Young Griff on the show <_<

Henry VII didn't prevent any more Yorkist rebellions against the crown because he married Elizabeth of York...

He prevented them by having the Earl of Warwick locked up in the Tower and then defeating the Yorkists who were usuing Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck as reasons to try and overthrow Henry. And later by lopping off the Earl of Warwick's head.

Eventually he turned to fining people who weren't well known supporters of him (fining them outrageous sums for things they did), which he found to be a much easier way than putting down the rebellions that kept cropping up during his reign. Economic terrorism in its finest.

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Tbh there's quite a few ways of annulling the marriage:

1) they can declare Tyrion dead

2) if Sansa does become queen she can annul her marriage, Elizabeth I annulled so many marriages even though they were consummated

3) if the marriage wasn't consummated I don't think it's actually valid. That's why Tywin was so desperate for Tyrion to have sex with her.

The HS seems in ASoIaF to be akin to the Medieval Pope. As such, as the Faith sanctified the marriage only the Faith may annul it. As I said, this HS is unlikely to annul the marriage unless Tyrion is in fact dead or unless both he and Sansa avow that the marriage was never consummated. The previous ones could be bribed or threatened but not this one. The Westerosi monarchy doesn't seem to have the power to annul a marriage by royal decree given that the Queen Regent is being tried on capital charges by the Faith. So Sansa will remain Lady Lannister until either Tyrion dies or the HS declares that her marriage performed by his predecessor is nullified.

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fAegon will marry Arianne. It is known.

If fAegon is a widower and Sansa is a widow by the end of the Winter, they can marry each other and be Ice and Fire. ETA: Winter is not going to be nice, there will be some major deaths in the sixth book.

I don't tend to ship characters but these two and Jon & Dany, I can't help it, I like them.

By the way, I really like the idea that's been posted up-thread about Sandor doing what Brandon didn't. This time there is no Cat to ask for mercy. The little bird is not a Cat. I also like the idea of Sansa skinchanging a falcon so she could bite back the mockingbird. I suposse I'm a little vindictive today. :blushing:

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