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Weasel rides a woodpecker

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I loved the picture so much I sent it to my gf. She, of course, informed me that the weasel was trying to kill the woodpecker, and wasn't merely riding on its back for the hell of it. I failed to acknowledge that when I first looked at the picture. Just thought it was pretty cool looking.

I find it very Robot Chickenish when I think of the weasel just hopping on the birds' back, and the bird obliges the weasel for fun, and then has its throat ripped out in midair.

I don't know why I thought of that.

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That was my first thought. That weasel would have to have been as small as a large gecko to be riding on that woodpecker's back. Or, as you say, the woodpecker is about the size of a fully grown hawk or smallish eagle.

Something doesn't smell right here, methinks.

Those who know these things have said that the weasel must be quite a young weasel, and that weasels are absolutely wickedly fierce, acting as if they were 10 times the size they are.

I do believe I also saw a video of the flight - I think the picture is from the video the guy with the camera took. All the new cameras take pictures and videos, of course. He was drawn to the scene by the screams of the woodpecker. He must have either been already taking a video when it happened or is bloody fast thinking. It would have been all over before I would have switched modes.

The thought occurs to me that, while the woodpecker got away, it could have been so traumatized it died anyway. Or landed somewhere, in shock, and something else got it, like a cat. :(

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