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Your Random ASOIAF/TWOIAF/D&E Opinions, Confessions and Dirty Secrets, 3

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The amazing penis pouncers of Qarth. Half a chapter dedicated to women flying through the air and landing on a penis. The man complains that he created a giant ass knot that he was having problems resolving. Which is still not resolved, and subjects the readers to flying penis pouncers, bcause who gives a shit. What the fuck was the point of that. All I could think of when I read that was what the hell are rehersals like? Whaat happens if the girl comes up shot and shit gets broke, does the guy end up in the Unsullied? What if she over shoots the mark and things end up in the wrong place? An entire chapter of flying penis pouncing, boob fondling and a story about how slaves love being slaves.

Complains about not having time to get everyone to Meereen an what order they should arrive in but got time for flying penis pouncing. Like if he skipped that the story would of changed? So people actually start arriving and allwe get is uin and then he takes Dany out of Meereen, probably to create yet another knot. WTF was going through his head, I could keep working on the knot and getting things moving a little quicker in Meereen or... flying penis pouncing. What did he go see Cirque Du Soleil and thought "you know what would be great? If everyone flying through the air suddenly landed on a penis, you know what? That is going in the next book."

Excellent rant.

I confess, I feel the Meereen knot is an excuse for some other problem that caused the author to lose all sense of proper scope and direction and get the story lost in quicksand for 10 years and counting.

And yeah, we're still in Meereen.

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"Fetch me a block" is popular because it's one of the rare examples of (indirect) poetic justice in the books and is also key in the Jon/Stannis bromance.

Plus Synt is a much more believable character than any Slavers Bay villain imo - Slynt isn't cartoonishly, mustache twirling evil so much as a straight up sycophant.

Slynt was a coattail rider.

That scene I felt was awesome because he got what was coming to him at the hands of Ned's "bastard". And as SJ stated, it displays Jon in light of his "father".

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I was beyond overjoyed to learn that

they kept the nod in the show version

Should be awesome!

I was too bored to read all the Davos chapters in Dance,so I just skipped them and read the summaries in the wiki.

I read them eventually,they were alright.

This is actually the first shocking confession that I've read in this thread.

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I very much disagree. I can, will, and often do defend Lyanna's actions. It was not her fault that Brandon chose to antagonize the king, nor was it Lyanna's fault that Aerys was insane and reacted as he did.

Can we at least blame her for dishonorig her family? I mean her LP father promised her to another and in those times/settings noble women were pretty much expected to do just that.

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I'm just picturing this speech being given to Rhaegar. :lol:

What makes it worse is that it's literally Rhaegar's job to say no to things like this which would cause instability and potential conflict.

I haven't, and don't intend to, watch the leaks, but the amount I've heard about Dany (and only Dany,) does not fill me with optimism. Emelia Clarke makes it harder for me to like Dany. :lol:

Emelia Clarke just makes me hard

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