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Which character you'd marry?

Lili Targaryen

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I find myself drawn to a few of the Northern and Free Folk women- smart, fierce and independent. Secondarily to the Dornish women for the same reasons. Ashara Dayne seems to have turned a few heads.

Ashara will be my choice from the dead characters.

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Most of the characters are nobles, and nobles in Westeros marry for political reasons. I wouldn't marry any of them. I'd marry some daughter of a prosperous but not particularly prominent merchant from White Harbor, so nobody expects us to be part of anyone's political play, but we've got a nice place to take the kids to see their grandparents every summer.

And I guess at my age it would be more like dating.

If you're powerful enough to be marrying Arya, you could easily be betrothed at 14, or even married.

(Also, when I was 14, I'm pretty sure I was into 18-year-olds, like Maisie Williams, not 10-year-olds, like Arya.)

20 years ago, it would be Dany.

Dany wasn't even born yet 20 years ago. Marrying a distant gleam in Aerys's eye? What a sicko!
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