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HBO to adapt ASOIAF, continued


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Variety article

GRRM's official announcement

From the old thread:

For those too tired to read every post here's my summary of must reads:

dajamison; post #64 p4 - what we hope for.

johnhorner; post #235 p12 - an insight from an industry insider.

Parris; post #287 p15 - putting everything into perspective.

Ran; post #544 p28 - tips on how it can be done for TV.

(I can't believe you closed my thread, Ran....I was trying to beat the # of views that NHAW had. ;))

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From the old thread:

For those too tired to read every post here's my summary of must reads:

dajamison; post #64 p4 - what we hope for.

johnhorner; post #235 p12 - an insight from an industry insider.

Parris; post #287 p15 - putting everything into perspective.

Ran; post #544 p28 - tips on how it can be done for TV.

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To help lure potential viewers I think HBO should come up with a line like: "A Song of Ice and Fire - think Lord of the Rings for adults only."

Legally, perhaps they can't mention LOTR, but I really think they should emphasize the fact that this is a version of fantasy that NOBODY has ever seen on screen.

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To help lure potential viewers I think HBO should come up with a line like: "A Song of Ice and Fire - think Lord of the Rings for adults only."

Legally, perhaps they can't mention LOTR, but I really think they should emphasize the fact that this is a version of fantasy that NOBODY has ever seen on screen.

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The violence maybe, but the sex really isn't gratitious, I wouldn't say. Some of Tyrion's scenes seem excessive, and the descriptions of Samwell may be nothing anyone wants to imagine, but generally it serves a purpose. Hence, good writing. I dont' imagine I'm going too far out on a limb sticking up for Martin on this board.

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Sam's scene could be done without a tremendous amount of full frontal nudity. It would also be a chance for the audience to see that he is not a flubby as he was when he first got to the wall. Not beefcake, but better.

Tyrion would be harder, mostly due to th quantity of the scenes.

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Okay- I know I'm horribly late posting here (at least I have an excuse- I'm a newbie) and that I won't have anything new to add, but here's my two cents anyway because I'm too damn excited to hold it in!

I was always pretty sure I'd NEVER see ASOIAF on screen- it's just way too long; LOTR is a, what 14, 15 hour trilogy and ASOIAF would be much longer. But a TV show might just work. Especially with HBO who don't necessarily shy away from violence and sex. Now my only concern would be that they won't have the budget to bring it to life in a decent manner. Most fantasy adaptions disappointed me with cheap effects and sets compared to the rich detailed settings described in the books. But all in all, these are glad tidings!

ETA: How will the show affect the remaining novels? This has got to be taking a lot of time off Martin's writing schedule, don't you think? Damn. :unsure:

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Hey Collaroy, well the advantage with aGoT is not its not terribly effects oriented. There are some battles but they can be minimised and the series isn't overrun with mythical creatures (besides the direwolves). If the first series is a success, then HBO could increase the budget, which should offset the increase of magic in future books.

Also, since we are unlikely to see this series before 2009, GRRM has plenty time to get aDwD out of the way and start work on tWoW. It certainly could be a distraction but we can but hope that it will actually spur him on to finish the series. He commented himself that the books must still be written. :)

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Hey Padraig, thanks for making me feel better- I tend to worry too much about things I care about a lot. :) Anyway, I just finished reading his official announcement and that sounds pretty positive; who knows, maybe he'll drop some of his non-ASOIAF projects to make room.

You're right, since ASOIAF is medieval rather than overly fantastic it might work. Considering it takes place during a civil war there's not that much fighting, and they might even be able to leave most of them out and only report the outcome somehow. Well, maybe not Whispering Woods and Wildlings vs. Wall, but it might work in some cases. Still, there are some mythical creatures (giants, direwolves, mammoths, dragons, at least later on in the series) that'll need CGI and what feels like a million different landscapes and locations... it's definitely a challenge. But like you said, aGoT is pretty 'tame' that way compared to the other books.

And damn! It could be so awesome! Whoot!

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