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*If* I open up, yes. Opening up is the awkward part. From what I hear, a lot of the arena hunters are at least 41 beast, since Marks fails due to geometry, and virtually nobody likes Survival at all. Between flares and traps, it's getting that opener that I find hard.

Deadly Throw is definitely nice, but it doesn't actually shut the hunter's movement down any more than Concussive Shot shuts mine down. Meaning I probably need Sprint as well. How long are hunter cooldowns, anyway? Mine tend to be 5 minutes, which is annoying, as often one or more is needed to win a fight. Of course, I could probably PvP a lot better if I did it more regularly.

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Got to 14, and got to play with Carrie for the first time. Woohoo! I'm not a good tank; I keep dying. Admittedly I'm fighting guys that are a bit higher level than I am, and like 4 of 'em, but still - must lern2play! Bubbling is silly against a couple mobs. Being a healbot isn't so bad while I don't die a whole lot at least.

It's funny that I can actually draw aggro when the lock is doing seriously more damage. WITH HER STAFF. How sad. I've got this shiny sword and shield, and some skinny hawt chick is beating the fuck out of things with a piece of wood.

Thanks to all for the various items over the last couple of days. I'm over 1k armor now, have a better shield, +20 str and a decent sword after a quest. Am thinking of respecing, since I messed up and started out ret when I really want to go prot.

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It doesn't stun the hunter, it dazes him, meaning you can run normal speed and catch up.

Traps have 30s CD, lasts for a maximum of 10 sec now. Plus every 2 min, you can trinket out of freezing trap. If you activate cloak of shadows, you will be unaffected by the trap as well (most likely).

Also, the flare has been nerfed, so you can't flare out an area you are not standing on. I.e. if a hunter stands still and has flared himself, he cannot flare you out. Just wait for the flare to run out, since he has to re-flare the second it runs out and unless he knows you are there, he wont do that.

Rogues have NEVER had such an easy time against hunters as now. Unless he's BM or deep SV with lots of PvP gear, hunters are almost free HKs. BM because he can press Bestial wrath every 2 min and be immune to your stun (not to your damage tho, sprint and slice and dice or something still HURTS) or SV cos he can blow his 41 point CD and retrap you immidiately after you trinket out of the first one. However, after those 10 sec, he is more vulnerable.

Also, DON'T stealth after the hunter has seen you and expect an opener. He will know you are coming. Sneak around and gank people who don't know you are there. The charm of the rogue class :P

Admittedly, I have had combat rogues basically run up to me and gank me, with hardly no stealth at all. So it can be done, you just need to be confident and put out tons of damage.

EDIT. Grats Kal. :)

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For the many Orc players unhappy about the state of their shoulder armor, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that Drysc has confirmed that the fix for the shoulder armor graphics has made it into the upcoming 2.2 patch!

Stego you can come play again!

Giev TANK!!

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Guess I need to PvP more if that's the case. I haven't really done much since 60, at which point a hunter being anywhere within 5 miles of me meant I was dead meat. So far every time I've had Deadly Throw land on one, he's had Concussive Shot on me as well. Which means we're both running slowly and not getting anywhere. The only hunters I've faced have been a top-geared guildmate in duels, and some BM hunter in arenas, where we just didn't stand a chance as two rogues against a paladin and a hunter.

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Guess I need to PvP more if that's the case. I haven't really done much since 60, at which point a hunter being anywhere within 5 miles of me meant I was dead meat. So far every time I've had Deadly Throw land on one, he's had Concussive Shot on me as well. Which means we're both running slowly and not getting anywhere. The only hunters I've faced have been a top-geared guildmate in duels, and some BM hunter in arenas, where we just didn't stand a chance as two rogues against a paladin and a hunter.

Yeah, altho after he's used his conc shot, you should be able to blow sprint and catch up. If he is cheetaing, one deadly throw will re-daze him too, and he has burnt his CD on conc shot already. As long as you have combo points, you can ALWAYS re-daze the hunter, i.e. get into range. He will have to change aspect to something that is not cheetah,which blows a global CD for him too. I hate that changing aspect blows a global CD which is LONG for hunters.

However, if the hunters have a LOT of resilience, you will have trouble, cos you will crit for nothing, basically, and he will sit on 11k HP as well, which takes a while to eat through.

Also, if you are two rogues on hunter and pala, hmm wound poison on the pala? Something that makes him heal less or or slow his heals, def, cos then he has to cleanse himself and bubble early. That said....palas are a PAIN in the bum to kill. I was nuking one in AV the other day, blew all my CD and went oom....the pala was on full health and 75% mana...he just stood there, healed up, bubbled and didnt do shit. That's just out of order tbh.

But rogue vs hunter equally geared should mean rogue wins, most of the time.

Having lots of trouble with my processor overheating atm. It's running between 58 and 64C and Wo keeps crashing with fatal errors. Nothing I can do seems to make it better either, my fans are running as best they can, I have now opened up both sides on teh comp and have an external fan on the comp, but it is still dodgy as hell. I dont know whether to be sad or happy about the extremely bad summer, cos I dont have the money to sort my comp out.

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That said....palas are a PAIN in the bum to kill. I was nuking one in AV the other day, blew all my CD and went oom....the pala was on full health and 75% mana...he just stood there, healed up, bubbled and didnt do shit. That's just out of order tbh.

Well there's the problem, you tried to burst kill a pally. Why? Just auto shot and sic your pet on him. The pally basically is worthless then as unless they are ret they do shit for damage and won't ever kill you and all the while you can use the mana sapping shot thingy and then they can't heal minus lay on hands. And if they were ret then just trap and wing clip and they are done because Ret's suck hard.

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Ret is in fact a painful spec, since all damage except for Crusader Strike is really not controllable (and for some reason the Ret Arena gear doesn't have Resilience, though all other Arena sets do). I'm told actually the thing to do as a paladin against a hunter is kill the pet, using both Judgement and Seal of Wisdom to keep your mana up, while the hunter goes out of mana. Viper Sting should be cleansed immediately, before it can even tick. Of course, I haven't tried this yet.

That paladin was probably Protection, unless he was healing all the way through your mana, in which case he was probably holy. A tank-geared prot pally is going to make a hunter cry, what with misses and blocks, and trivially neutralizing the pet.

Our primary guild hunter has the scorpid pet, and is greatly enjoying exploiting the "my attack power increases my pet's spell damage" feature. With various buffs and now his Bloodlust Brooch being activated when he starts applying the poison, he has the scorpid poison (rank 4) ticking for almost 400 at a full 5-stack.

In 2v2, we really couldn't afford to divide our affections between the paladin and hunter. Both of us had Wound poison mainhand, and Crippling offhand, so generally once we were in range, we could stay. But we're both squishy, not being in PvP gear, so we took a lot of hurt trying to burn one of them.

Last night, nice sweet Kara run. One of our regular priests and our regular druid were out, headed to Otakon, so we grabbed a holy paladin (old friend we haven't played with much in a while) and a warlock we often bring along. Attumen and Moroes are old news to us, Maiden went down in two (and was at 1% the first time, if I'd gotten Last Stand off we would have had her). We got Oz, the second time ever (one Romulo and Julianne, every single other Opera has been Big Bad Wolf), and knocked that down in two as well. Curator is old news, and we got Aran in two, capped the night with Chess. Nothing for me, but we picked up a few void crystals (our enchanter can actually disenchant the epics now, since she finally broke 300 enchanting; hadn't touched it from when she picked it up until Tailoring and her healing set were done), and a couple of healing drops.

Also found out the Gruul raid has been rescheduled to 7:30 with 7:00 invites, which means I can actually make it, unlike the 6:30 invite time. So I'm a pretty happy camper right now. Well, aside from not being a camper.

Finally, blew all the cash from the auctions I set up to get almost all the remaining mundane materials for my rogue's sword upgrades. Remaining: 8 motes of mana, 3 primal nether.

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The mana wraiths just outside of Area 52 were where I got almost all my mana motes - pretty good drop rate, but you have to compete with guys trying to finish a kill quest.

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If I recall when I farmed my first 20, it was actually the nether rays and phase hunters on the edges of the Netherstorm continents. Alternately, if it takes long enough to get the nethers, the next Karazhan run should lineup at least 8 motes. Not in much rush, as I figure I need at least three heroic runs on my rogue to get the nethers, and that could take a while. Didn't get any so far this week, for example.

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Well there's the problem, you tried to burst kill a pally. Why? Just auto shot and sic your pet on him. The pally basically is worthless then as unless they are ret they do shit for damage and won't ever kill you and all the while you can use the mana sapping shot thingy and then they can't heal minus lay on hands. And if they were ret then just trap and wing clip and they are done because Ret's suck hard.

I ended up autoshooting him for ages, but since he was standing behind Vandar in AV, I could not use my pet on him. And the thing is, his mana didn't MOVE. He healed and his mana went back up again. It was horrible. He only had to heal rarely as well, which means he was outside the 5 sec rule and his mana regenerated. Meaning he was most likely holy, or at least with points in holy. Ugh.

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If his mana went right back up, he had at least 20 points in Holy. Illumination isn't as good as it once was, but it still returns a decent percentage of mana on a crit, and if he's using Flash of Light... that spell has incredible mana efficiency. Especially with some Mp5 gear, you can cast it pretty much until the cows come home.

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Possible the guy just had really good gear. The other day in AV a warlock single handedly won it for the horde. Guy had about 12k health and 300 resilience. He was just impossible to kill. Really couldn't get him with the LoS he was doing and such, as well as needing like 8 lightning bolts to kill him.

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And who broke the server? I was just going to log onto Malfurion for a bit and see if anybody was on, but the server was down. Only one listed too.

Ah well, I suppose I need to sleep.

Yeah it just crashed for a few minutes. We were trying to do Arcatraz but it reset the instance so we gave up. We've been looking for you though :) It's back up now, but I'm off to read HP anyway...

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Well I had a damn good WoW weekend. I was signed up for my first KZ run on Saturday, but we only had the tanks for 1 group, and so I didn't get to go, which was a bit disapointing. But We did get an almost full run in on Sunday. Attumen and Midnight bugged out and we had no Warlocks so we skipped Ilhoof. Other than that we had a full clear and I was the super loot whore. I replaced my last green with Beastmaw Pauldrons. I also got a huge dps upgrade in The Decapitator I think I'm going to take this to a noob zone and chuck it at mobs to one shot them :P . Oh and I also picked up a necklace off of Aran, .

We had no Resto or Elemental Shamans with so I also got two sweetupdgrades for my healing gear. and . Both of which are awesome looking! :)

Of course Saturday I'd just spent 15.3k honor on the PvP mace, because I needed a better off hand weapon. But I'll take MH Decapitator and OH Runic Hammer, even if I did waste all my honor. :P The only other thing I was really looking at was the PvP shoulders. OH and I got enought AB marks to buy the Black War Raptor.... bye bye Kodo!

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There's two categories of town attackers, in my experience. One is griefers, who want to kill questgivers and merchants to make the people leveling in the zone cry. Those people are jerks. The other category is people who attack guards, specifically to fire off local and global defense, because they want to get some world pvp to happen. Those ones won't generally interfere with the people questing, though. As far as the people in local defense being jerks, well, sadly, that is the way of the internet.

Spent most of the weekend on my paladin. Ground my way to a hair below 46, and I think there's a Zul'Farrak run in the offing sometime soon. By which I mean a decently geared 70 mage exploding everything while I spam Flash of Light on her.

Did rack up one nether on my rogue, though, as well as dinging exalted with Sha'tar. Now I need to give the drums a workout.

Tonight I'm hitting up Gruul's Lair for the first time. Got a small stack of unstable flasks from the plateaus, also. I should actually work on capping out the Ogri'la reputation to help get more of these; unfortunately I trashed something like 750 apexis shards after I hit exalted, and so I won't be able to do too many more quests... though presumably the Skyguard ones will remain until exalted with them, so I should be able to rack up a bunch more shards there. And there's always the rogue, who hasn't started on Ogri'la at all.

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Anyone know of a nice simple guide to rep grinding in the Outlands? And maybe something on Outland instances - like an all in one what is dropped where, what rep is given, shit like that?

I use wow wiki a lot


Ask a padwe has some nice guides as well


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Made it to 22, and Carrie dinged 28. The 22 was especially funny since I was doing a deadmines run and I had something like 800 experience to go to the next level - but we were only getting like 4 and 6 xp/kill. So it would slowly but surely creep up. Killing the pirate boss (aarrrrr) dinged me - the final 100 xp.

I'm having more fun leveling my engineering and mining than I am my actual character - but engineering is so damn fun! I can make squirrels and goofy googles and explosives. The lame thing is that I can't make a lot of things for people that are useful - the goggles would be great for Carrie, but they require engineering.

Also did shadowfang keep, thanks to Ro zerging for us and another guildy showing us what to do. That was a lot of fun, I got a ton of xp and good items though I wish I could do a bit more than watch Ro's hawt belf kill things. "What happens if the boss mind controls Ro?" "Run. Run like hell".

Mining at this level suuuuucks. Tin veins are hard to come by and barely levels me, silver is super rare, and the places where they're more common are too high of level for me. I may have to wait on leveling it for a while and go back to killing shit.

Any recommendations on places to kill things and level a bit at this level? I had planned on either doing hillsbrad or stonetalon/barrens/1kneedles questing. Is questing the best thing for lowbies to level?

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