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Worst Character Name Ever?


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I don't know if this has been done before but here goes...

You guys all sound like you've read loads of sci-fi/fantasy, in all your reading what is the most stupid character name that you've ever come across?

I'd never read anything by RA Salvatore so thought I'd give 'The Thousand Orcs' a go. At least that's what I thought until I came across a dwarf who went by the name of 'Tred McKnuckles'... :stunned: That was that for me and I haven't picked up a Salvatore book since.

Can any of you beat 'Tred McKnuckles'?

I don't think so...

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I always thought that Donaldson's decision to call his sort-of-evil despairing high lord "Kevin" was somewhat misguided...

In case this means nothing to non-Brits, you'd normally expect a Kevin to be a travelling insurance salesman from Essex, or possibly a spotty middle-class teenager with his baseball cap on backwards.

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I always thought Feist's names were quite horrible. The boy-turned-magician is called Pug, the elven queen's name is Aglaranna (is that supposed to be beautiful?), there are names from our world such as Thomas, Margaret and Abigail, and to top it off the Midkemian soldier who is stranded on the strange world of Kelevan is called - you guessed it - Kevin!

He somewhat redeems himself in the Empire trilogy though, with really cool names such as Tasaio of the Minwanabi or Frasai of the Tonmargu.

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The Empire trilogy was co-written with Janny Wurtz, who does come up with awesome names. ;)

I know, but it's hard to prove who came up with what.

If nothing else, it shows Feist has the good sense of listening to people who know better. (I consider the Empire trilogy to be the best of his work, and that might not be a coincidence.)

On a side note, isn't Janny Wurtz a pretty odd name?

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Any name by R.A. Salvator.

Jesus Christ, who makes city names like Menzoberenzan or whatever the hell it is?


you dont like Menzoberranzan ? i find it an extremely cool name for an underdark city. there are also very cool characters names in his books like the aloof drow mercenary Jarlaxle (whose last name is a spoiler) , the assasin Artemis Entreri and one of the most unintentionally dangerous wizards ever to grace the multiverse, Harkle Harpell.

he does have this habit to use silly names on silly characters and "A Thousand Orcs" is shit but if anybody wants to read Salvatore he should definitely go for "the dark elf trilogy" or "the icewind dale trilogy".

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Artur Paendrag

Criminy, RJ, I get that you're ripping off every single myth in human history as some sort of theme, but this was too much. Artur Paendrag? Seriously? Why not call give him some sidekicks named Roblin Hude and Bayuwolf? This name alone delayed my reading of Eye of the World by a full year. If only it had sealed the deal.

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