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Eh? I wasn’t even there on Saturday.

I was at a leaving do where we decided to try and convince some bloke from Sunderland that we had met him at a party a few months ago. That was kind of working until he pointed out he’d only been in Scotland for a day.

So then we dropped that game and started using sign language to say ‘You complete me’ to random strangers.

I didn't get to talk to Paddy and didn't even see Si also I drank too much and had to have a nap in the pub at one point

Kama, I said to the guys last night that I was sorry to miss you and John. Glad to hear that John’s feeling and looking much better though.

Great to see you all and meet some of you for the first time. And really stoked to finally meet Mult and Isis.

Hope you all had a good time. From what Joris told me last night, sounds like you totally reprazented at Bar Kohl The Gangsta Bar on Saturday.

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You bunch of losers, going home early on the Sunday! The real deal just got back from the pub (i.e. Paddy, Si and myself, that is right, 4th night in a row, sue us).

there you go making claims that you can't substantiate again (and being home by 22.23 does not count as a night out :P)

have you got the camels yet - the kids are getting restless waiting... ;)

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Yeah, I know. But you weren't giving it large about how hardcore you were. I was talking to Zollo. :)

I know :)

But it's a princess's perogative to display mock outrage whenever possible...

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Got back to Germany France.

Will buy less useless camera once my finances recover - no photos from me at this point.

Will practice to stay up later and drink reasonable amounts until drunk (and not a pint... :leaving: ) for next meeting.

Miss you all terribly. Except maybe for Barry, since he won't let me be a pirate. :P

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In a fit of hardcore organisation I rolled in to Kings X 1 1/2 hours early for my train only to be accosted by a beggar while I was minding my own business. Having established that I did not want to buy any heather I managed to work out that the woman bothering me was Isis. She was working to an alternative system of timekeeping and I somehow got embroiled in her other reality and ended up boarding a train that neither of us had booked for. Despite pleas of ignorance we were soon turfed out of our stolen seats only to stumble in to Tomfoster who had apparently been on a business trip to Peterborough with a sausage sandwich. We found some seats and once Isis had been forced to change her clothes by The Next Secret Police, apparently she was making Next look bad, we managed to hit a slumber/talk shit all the way to Scotland.

Mormie, Mo and Ten met us at the station and we were off to check in to the hostel where I managed to bag the Gay Wookie bunk. Down to the Muuuuult Shovel to start boozing. Then it goes a bit hazy. People turned up, lots of blokes in skirts, Mo showed us how to dance, Kit and Mo had a philisophical discussion as to whether crotch grabbing is a traditional form of dancing, Zollo revealed his inability to fit the Zollock in any kilt which did not exist in 4 dimensions, Si and I formed a dance/molestation hybrid foursome with some nice American ladies, Tenalpia blindsided half the BwB for reasons unknown, Korax got me drunk again, Slick turned into Darren Crompton, Mormie channeled pure evil through his hair, the Battle of the Cloakroom ensued and then I woke up in someone else's bed :unsure:

Saturday morning I apparently walked from Glasgow to Edinburgh, refueled at Starbucks and then crashed out for four hours. This time in my own bed.

Saturday evening we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant which evidently contained an entrance to Diagon Alley. We headed to the spiritual home of the BwB (Bar Kohl) to listen to Gangsta Rap and Reggae and drop £150 on cocktails and then drink them in 1/2 hour. That is how we roll. We invaded Greyfriars Bobby. Then we went to the pub. Really awesome to sit around and chat, laugh, grope (Pod!) and generally have a great night with the crew. Kiko set a punishing pace at the bar and the rest of us drinking n00bs followed in his wake. Ray Winstone is apparently William Blake's love child and Roy Keane was an immaculate conception. We also introduced the world to Poddies. People who dress up like Pod, talk in Irish accents, have group sex and then feel guilty about it afterwards. Coming soon to a store near you, heat re-active Poddie t-shirts, the picture of Pod on the front blushes when you get turned on. Arrr-kansas is in France but Arrrr-gentina is in the West Country because they speak Welsh. Anubiel seemed surprised that the whole of Scandinavia is poor, she must be in denial. Tomfoster swells when he is denied alcohol.

We then finished off the whip on pizza and the hardcore went to Negotiants to grab some flava. Fresh Prince Theme Tune followed by Clan In Da Front, the DJ was a genius. Mult and I did some Wu Tang reprazenting in honour of the missing Vestrit, perhaps his t-shirt was in the process of becoming internal as it has threatened to all night on Friday. We decided to call it a night. Sergeant Niles Crane, the one-eyed Vietnam veteran in a wheelchair, met with an unfortunate accident on the way home. Isis had group sex on the stairs of the hostel with some toddlers, we hit the hay.

Sunday was painful. We at least found out the Dolly Parton is a Ba'athist and that she was cloned from Saddam's breast material. Thanks to the largest edition of The Economist ever for the titbit. We boarded the train, I slept, Tomfoster got off at Peterborough to pick up the train after us so he could arrive before us. It seemed to work, he was on the platform when I got there. I got on the tube and moped.

Thanks everyone for a fantastic weekend. Thank Mormie for all the organising. Thank An00biel for having the good taste to pick Edinburgh. Mo, :bawl: .

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still not coherent so I'll see if I can manage some kind of sense

Met up with mormont around lunchtime, had a couple of drinks, hung out in a book shop, had some more drinks, met the totally delightful and fabulous mo at the station, drank coffee / hot chocolate, met helena, isis and tomfoster off the train and then took mo back to my flat so that she could drop off her exceedingly heavy bag which was full of lovely presents for me :D Returned to the Malt Shovel where Anubiel had joined the party - truly beautiful and really lovely. Gradually more people arrived - kiko, zak, zollo, paddy, lindaelane... I lose track. Went off to the ceilidh around 8 where we met more people - vestrit, pod, mult, slick, fee, korax. The ceilidh was tons of fun and I have the bruises to prove it :P I discovered the value of special forces training in how to fall and be landed on without breaking anything. Next stop was All Bar One then onto the search for a club. There is now a death mark on the bouncers at Poo Nah Nah - they are long hair hating bastards who take the money off poor defenceless females and refuse admittance to idiot men who call them every name under the sun and then ask to if they can come in anyway... At this point most people gave up and went back to their respective beds (except Paddy who just walked around all night - strange boy) but me, vestrit and helena managed to get into another club where we drank some kind of toilet cleaner, danced and tried not to get thrown out when helena decided to pick a fight with a girl. Eventually got to bed but sleep alluded me due a pneumatic drill having taken up residence in the bed next to me.

Saturday - met up with bran and everyone else at Starbucks then wedged ourselves into the Halfway House (is that the right name - memory hazy again...), far too tired to spend the whole afternoon in the pub or visiting the castle so me, tomfoster and korax went to the cinema to see Stardust - excellent film, loved it - ALOT :D Then collected mo and went back to my flat to chill for a bit and get something to eat. Met up with everyone again at Bar Kohl - home of the cocktail. Next stop was Bobby's Bar where we chatted about loads of stuff, I am still waiting for the camels from zollo - it seems that he is not a man of his word :( After they slammed the door on us, we ate pizza and some of us went onto Negotiants where I realised that I really needed to start walking home if I was going to make before I fell over from total sleep deprivation.

Sunday I slept then went home - miss you all. It was great to see everyone and I wish that even more of you could have made it :) Sorry for lack of sense but I am still in recovery :P

photos here: http://flickr.com/photos/25238692@N00/

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Thank you all for a fantastic time!

Things I learned:

Men in kilts complain about the wind a lot

Bouncers are just as stupid in Edinburgh as they are everywhere else

Paddy likes walking

I need a translator when the devilbunny talks about deepfried mars bars. It sounded like 'mah bah'. I didn't even get to try one in the end, I blame Pod for that.

Never try tongue twisters in German or Polish.

Mormont has extremely bad short term memory when it comes to slices of pizza

Bar Helena is a good man (even though he insisted on calling me An00biel :P) to have around when it comes to singing hymns until random strangers tell him to shut up and when annoying blonde gnomes get a bit too pushy.

Tomfoster has a trick where he shows people where to find food and then vanishes into thin air

The BwB can consume enormous quantities of drinks, even bubble gum flavoured ones

The BwB ladies are all lovely, friendly and confident about their asses.

Evidently I live in a poor country, so I should start saving my pennies. I'll have to do that anyway, 'cause this will not be my first and last meet. You'll never get rid of me now! :cheers:

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'cause this will not be my first and last meet. You'll never get rid of me now! :cheers:

Excellent news!

I just wish I'd gotten to talk to you a little more, so looking forward to next time.

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