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Newcomb Part I

Daedalus V2.0

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Okay, chapter 2. This one starts in the POV of Tristan's sister, Shailiha. She is out with the wizard from the prologue, whose name is Wigg (note, I forgot to mention this in chapter 1, but this is 327 years after the events of the prologue. Wizards and sorceresses do not age, you see). They are out looking for Tristan, who was supposed to be with the Directorate (the wizard council) learning about something completely unrelated to magic insted of off in the forest throwing knives and playing with butterflies with his horse. Anyways, we learn during this segment that Shailiha loves Tristan and Wigg with her whole heart (her husband is never mentioned) and that she's been pregnant for either 4 months or 4 lunar cycles, depending on which part of the chapter you believe. She is also dutiful to her family as much as Tristan is rebellieous, and is quite concerned with the recent surge in the number of women he has been sleeping with (oh yes, she is also astoundingly beautiful and smart, and Wigg would be handsome if he weren't so old). Wigg raises his eyebrow a lot before explaining that he is tracking Tristan by being attuned to his special, magic-inducing blood, as well as going over the fact that magic is hereditary in this universe, and only those of certain bloodlines have it.

Anyways, as they're going along they get attacked by an ugly humanoid creature with a fancy axe. Wigg's horse gets chopped in half before he uses his magic to levetate the creature's axe from it and smacking the axe into it's skull (Notice, this thing bleeds acid). Apparently, it was a blood stalker named Phillius. When a sorceress captured a wizard, they would sometimes use some sort of special magic to turn them into evil mutant bood stalkers, whose only purpose was to kill men who can use magic. However, rather hilariously, the only effective way to kill them is by using magic, and since they lack any capacity for stealth they are essentially incapable of killing mages. The characters never seem to realize this, however. Also of importance is that the idea of limiting writing to the POVs ceases at this point, as the thoughts of both Shailiha and Wigg are immediately available.

At this point, the POV shifts to Tristan, who is in a cave with the big butterfies. He goes and takes a bath in some water, which makes him feel really good, but does not drink it because the butterfies are and he is worried that it will effect him like it did the butterflies (making him really big?). He walks down a path but hits a force field and goes shooting backwards about 10 feet. This apparently does not hurt him, for some unfathomable reason. He then decides to leave, upon which he immediately encounters Wigg and his sister. A 10 page conversation ensuess, which covers a whole buch of stuff. I'll summarize:

Tristan really loves his sister and Wigg with all of his heart, and Wigg loves Tristan like a son and princess S. like a daughter. The war was started because the sorceresses wanted the kingdom all to themselves, despite the wizards kind offer to share power equally. During the war they spent a lot of time raping wizards to try to get pregnant, as it is 1000 times as likely for two magic-capable people to have a magic capable kid than a magic-non-magic pairing. They instantly killed all the male children, but no mention of the females is made. Apparently, they were so distracted raping wizards that the wizards managed to gain the advantage in the war and win.

Wigg now goes on to talk about magic. Apparently, there are two sides to the force, er magic. These are the dark si... er Vagaries, which are innately evil in all ways and special in that it is used pretty much solely for destruction, and the ligh... sorry, the Vigours, which represent all things good and natural, and can only be used for positive, helpful things. Also, of great importance: all wizards currently practise the Vigours, while sorceresses use the Vagaries. A very small minority of each used to do this the other way around, but they all got killed during the war. Also, only men are allowed to be trained in magic at the moment; women are forbidden. Tristan disagrees with this, but they all agree not to talk about it until after he becomes king. Also, the Vigours and Vagaires naturally cannot be used together, as doing so causes damage to them and enough damage to either would result in the world exploding. Apparently, however, Tristan is the Chosen One, prophesized to bring balance to the for... er, use both of them at the same time without causing damage.

They also mention a special crystal, the Paragon, which is worn by the king and helped the wizards win the war in some unspecified way. Tristan immediately devises that it must have been discovered in the cave he fell into, and Wigg immediately knows. Nobody says anything about it, so they all go home.

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Oh right, before I forget; at some point in that 10 page conversation, it is mentioned that wizards take an outh on the death enchantment, meaning that if they ever do something evil (such as using the Vagaries or raping things, presumably) they die instantly. Wizards are forced to swear this oath before learning any magic, so all wizards are therefore incapable of doing anything bad.

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Oh right, before I forget; at some point in that 10 page conversation, it is mentioned that wizards take an outh on the death enchantment, meaning that if they ever do something evil (such as using the Vagaries or raping things, presumably) they die instantly. Wizards are forced to swear this oath before learning any magic, so all wizards are therefore incapable of doing anything bad.

What is it with douchebag authors and rape fetishes?

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Explain. Do those words actually MEAN something?

It harkens back to the theory (can't remember whose - Aristotle maybe?) that men embody a life-giving force, and women are a negation of that male vigor. (guys get sleepy after sex, see? And their wangs go soft. Obviously the woman stole his puissance, the evil bitch.) And no, I am not making this shit up.

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I can't believe it took us this long to start a Newcomb thread.

And after Xray's comments I shall never view sex in the same light again. To think that women have been secretly stealing my manly vigors through cunning use of their hoohahs!


I burn to find out how.

It stinks of eugenics.

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I don't know about blatantly racist, but the magic system is based on eugenics. See, for those of you that missed it in the chapter 2 summary, it is 1000 times as likely for a child of two magic-capable people (who are all descended from the same bloodlines, *cough incest cough*) to have a magic-capable child (almost guaranteed) than a magical person and a commoner (what they call people not of "the blood"). Two commoners are literally guaranteed to not have a magic-capable child. Out of all this comes a eugenics based class system where people of "the blood" are the ruling class and anyone else is a commoner. It's alright, though, because the commoners are all happy and always love all of the rulers and the mages. No resentment exists currently.

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I can't believe it took us this long to start a Newcomb thread.

And after Xray's comments I shall never view sex in the same light again. To think that women have been secretly stealing my manly vigors through cunning use of their hoohahs!

So your saying the purpose of the barbed phallus is to hook your vigors like fish and pull them back out once your done?

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What's sad is that I linked that certain ladyfriend of mine to the Amazon Reviews of the first Newcomb and now she's interested in it :o

Even worse, I jokingly offered to review it if she wished and she's mulling that over. I guess that's one more for the argument that vagina>penis :(


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Seriously. The rest of us confine our rape fetish to Harry Potter slashfic where it belongs.

...thank you for reminding why I do not dare venture to the HP fanficdom.

It harkens back to the theory (can't remember whose - Aristotle maybe?) that men embody a life-giving force, and women are a negation of that male vigor. (guys get sleepy after sex, see? And their wangs go soft. Obviously the woman stole his puissance, the evil bitch.) And no, I am not making this shit up.

...I think there's a similar theory (in certain interpretations) in Yin/Yang. I'll look that up when I get home.

ETA: Hm. It seems the Taoists believe in the opposite. Oh well.

ETA2: DF, you seriously need to stop doing that to your girl, unless you have this weird fantasies. :P

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