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what rating did you get to?

Plus there was actually a lot of PvP in WoW before Arena.

EDIT: Also, resilience as a stat is ruining PvP completely. Before stamina would win, now it's all about resilience.

My rating was rank 8, back in the old days, on a small pop server (less than 5k people) before the battlegroups and with a huge bunch of dedicated pvpers. Meaning if was ranked somewhere in the top 250 with an undergeared lvl 60. Total epeen yeah? No. I consider myself an average PvPer since I don't have enough time to spend on getting really good. I'd rank Joskii as "really good" though, and I've played with some outstanding PvPers in the past.

Also, the biggest advantrage in WoW you can have is time. Time to practise and work on your timing and spatial awareness. Work is sort of detrimental to that.

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Got My Mount (lv40) the other day. It feels so good to not have to walk everywhere :D

Getting my flight form as a druid at lvl 68 elicited the same reaction from me the other day. So good to be able to fly from place to place, divebombing in to get herbs, or to heal a fellow Alliance member in trouble.

Sort of like the Outland equivalent of the flying doctor.


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I wrote what I wrote and then went back to read the 20th page, and it is good to know that there are other paladins out there who are having the same problem with other paladins. Are you also on Malfurion or are

I'm the odd-man out here, Argent Dawn US.

Actually that jerk paladin I had, really I think the problem was in part his guild tag. <The Renamed> is one of the top three guilds on AD US progression wise. I'm not sure where they are in that three, or if any other guilds are downing Illidan, but they're a big name. And like most of the big guilds high in progression compared to the rest of the server, they tend to be arrogant jerkwads. Actually, one of our guildmates knows someone in the guild, and I believe this paladin had an unflattering guildnote as well. When a guild of jerks thinks you're a jerk...

While I've met many priests who deserve no defense, I do want to say in the defense of those who get annoyed when you offheal... it is exceedingly frustrating to turn away from the tank to heal someone else, only to find that someone else has essentially sniped your heal. Often this is less about mana and more about cast times to me.

Of course, this is only an issue if they're complaining that they turned to heal someone and you dropped a flash of light on that person before their heal finished, which brought the person up enough that they didn't need to turn away from the tank. Otherwise it probably stems from "I am the healer, and any time someone else casts a heal, it reflects badly on my ability to do that job" along with arrogance.

And the biggest pain as a paladin healer is the fact that you have nothing instant. To heal anyone else, you must take time away from the tank. With no HoTs, you can't even give the tank some healthflow while you fix up someone else. On the plus side, Flash of Light is incredibly mana efficient. I cannot wait for the day that I have a good shadow priest and an elemental shaman in my group. I don't think I'll be able to use up the mana.

Flight is so awesome. Actually, it lets me be roguelike on any character. How so? One of the major advantages rogues have in questing is that they can completely cherry-pick. Quest says kill Bob? Well, I can just stealth over to Bob and kill him without wading through ten or fifteen other guys. Sure I miss the xp for them, but I save time. With flight, unless it's indoors, anyone can do that. It's awesome, but I am so going to miss it when I level my warrior and paladin in WotLK... whenever that is. Great for gathering as well, especially with an epic, but those are pretty expensive. I'm debating getting one for my paladin; I can actually afford it, though it would eat a lot of my finances.

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Did some 5v5 last night. We run a 2 healer 3 dps group, and we did alright except for the part where our warlock lagged out in the beginning, and we started with a 4v5. We lived for a while too, but I can't handle two warriors trying to eat me while simultaneously stunning and silencing a paladin. Doesn't work. We actually went up against a ridiculous team of 3 warriors, a warlock, and a paladin, named appropriately, "warrors arent op u r 2 ez". I imagine if my team wasn't a disc priest, holy pally, affliction lock, ms war, and a fire mage, and instead had a frost mage and hunter, things would have turned out differently.

The difference in gear between people who don't arena and people who do is telling, and it hit me yesterday. I was in STV doing some fishing and cooking to level up, since I spent yesterday sick and had nothing else to do, when a call came out over local defense. I packed up my stuff and headed for rebel camp, where it was quiet... for about five seconds. A rogue, warrior, and frost mage jump me. I take the rogue to 20%, he vanishes and runs away. I sheep the mage and kill the warrior, then kill the mage and end up with 5% health. WOO! I start drinking up... then I get cheapshotted (lol) and have to deal with the rogue. Okay, fine, he goes down. I bandage, the mage rezzes, takes me to 2%, but I have more spelldmg and more resilience and more HP. He goes down. All three of them rez as I'm eating and finally I die. When I rez, they're gone.

I then stood there and asked myself, "Did I just 1v3 and win?" Yes, but - my gear was clearly better than theirs, so the victory was a bit hollow. They didn't use all their abilities, like water elemental (wtf why?) or deadly throw, and I'm pretty sure that warrior was fury and not arms. Well, I'm not at fault for offspecs/not thinking/poor cd management. Still, I won against three people... as a fire mage. kek. I love my spec for what it does. Still have to spec frost for later though. D:

Hopefully today I can enjoy the relaxing and refreshing activities of fishing and cooking yet again. Joy of joys.

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I love my epic flyer. I never take the windriders in outland unless I need to afk. Its faster to just crop up and fly straight to where you are going. Makes doing the dailies in Skettis and BEM a breeze. If I've got a long queue fpr a BG, I can zoom over to Nagrand for a bit of farming. ( I have gotten ganked doing this though as I'm usually still PvP enabled.)

It took a bit of grinding to get. Doing a lot of dailies and selling off a bunch of extra skinning mats, and my cache of BoE blues, that I'd likely never level alts to use. But I didn't really need the gold for anything else. I farm for my primals, Gems I get from Ro or my consortium allocation, shards and flask mats are the only thing I end up buying a lot of.

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So in summary, yeah you're probably at a disadvantage not using addons in arena. If you're otherwise poo.

see, that would be true if other people werent using ridiculous add ons that blizzard SUPPORTS (which is why they made the game open source to begin with.) Shit like proximom and decursive (the only addons im currently using in arena) really gives you a boost, especially when the opposing side isnt using it. i wasnt using anything up until a few weeks ago when i found out that every single top pvp player on malganis was using shit that simplified the UI to a ridiculous level. At first i was pissed, as i think that arena should require standard UI and ONLY standard UI, but since Blizz doesnt agree...what can you do? I want to compete in the 2100+ bracket and my skills dont allow me to give the other team an instant advantage strictly becuz they have a target of target of target casting bar focus mod.

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I then stood there and asked myself, "Did I just 1v3 and win?" Yes, but - my gear was clearly better than theirs, so the victory was a bit hollow. They didn't use all their abilities, like water elemental (wtf why?) or deadly throw, and I'm pretty sure that warrior was fury and not arms. Well, I'm not at fault for offspecs/not thinking/poor cd management. Still, I won against three people... as a fire mage. kek. I love my spec for what it does. Still have to spec frost for later though. D:

Good work :)

But yeah, it does show what resilience does and how much good gear affects the game. People with arena gear vs people without arena gear is the same, or worse, than green and blue level 60s coming up against Tier 2 and AQ40 geared people.

As for the rogue, I know a rogue who sometimes forgot to put deadly throw on his toolbar :P *cough* Not that he normally needs it to kill someone. He does it the old fashioned way. :)

Best PvP victories I've had were on my shadowpriest (now holy :o ), where I got jumped by a warrior and a rogue and owned them both, and later in the same game got jumped by a draenei shadowpriest, same level as me but with full mana and I totally wtf pwnt him altho I was on half mana and 75% HP.

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Best PvP victories I've had were on my shadowpriest (now holy :o ), where I got jumped by a warrior and a rogue and owned them both, and later in the same game got jumped by a draenei shadowpriest, same level as me but with full mana and I totally wtf pwnt him altho I was on half mana and 75% HP.

lol, nice.

my best victories on my holy pally come against wars and rogues who beat on me and slowly die for doing so. its kinda fun. im workin on pvp gearing my druid for resto for the time being as he's useless in arena speced feral. damned shame too.

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Good work :)

But yeah, it does show what resilience does and how much good gear affects the game. People with arena gear vs people without arena gear is the same, or worse, than green and blue level 60s coming up against Tier 2 and AQ40 geared people.

As for the rogue, I know a rogue who sometimes forgot to put deadly throw on his toolbar :P *cough* Not that he normally needs it to kill someone. He does it the old fashioned way. :)

Best PvP victories I've had were on my shadowpriest (now holy :o ), where I got jumped by a warrior and a rogue and owned them both, and later in the same game got jumped by a draenei shadowpriest, same level as me but with full mana and I totally wtf pwnt him altho I was on half mana and 75% HP.

Sometimes I wish we could go back to those old ways! Things were simpler back then.

Wow, I can't handle both a warrior and a rogue on my priest, shadow or no. And priest on priest battles make me pull my hair out. Fraps some stuff next time Cerys, let us watch! :P

Relic, I believe in Blizz arena competitions you are not allowed to use addons and can only use stock Blizz UI. It makes me laugh on the inside knowing that they can't mouse over a team and know exactly who they're up against, even before the doors open. I still look at the toons to figure out what's what. The only things that are allowed are macros, I believe.

By the way, can anyone explain focus to me? I understand how it works with healing, but against enemy players, I think it's different. I've been looking for a focus sheep macro but all the explanations confuse me on how if I click on a new person my focus is shifted to that person. Well, doesn't that just make focus obsolete? Right now I manually type /focus as I'm casting sheep, and my focus window pops up (I'm using Xperl).

Oh! Add-on count! Chime in, people! I'm using:

- Xperl frames

- Bongos

- TitanBar

- My Role Play

- Recount

- Omen

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Oh! Add-on count! Chime in, people! I'm using:

- Xperl frames

- Bongos

- TitanBar

- My Role Play

- Recount

- Omen

I am using Omen, RecipeFinder, Enchantrix and some AH-related one I can't remember at the moment. I have also downlaoded, but not installed, Outfitter so that my druid can quickly change from his feral to healing gear with one keystroke.


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- Xperl frames

- Bongos

- TitanBar

- My Role Play

- Recount

- Omen

mina, check out item rack. best add on ever.

im using -





-big wigs

-deadly boss mods

-pally power

-ctraid buff mod

- item rack

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By the way, can anyone explain focus to me? I understand how it works with healing, but against enemy players, I think it's different. I've been looking for a focus sheep macro but all the explanations confuse me on how if I click on a new person my focus is shifted to that person. Well, doesn't that just make focus obsolete? Right now I manually type /focus as I'm casting sheep, and my focus window pops up (I'm using Xperl).

That is not how Focus is supposed to work, as it is indeed supposed to set a second target, which you can use spells on, without losing your first, usually by having the one spell set as a macro. And you can set up your macro to where if you don't have a focus, it'll cast the spell, and make your current target your focus.

Try a macro like this:


#show Polymorph

/clearfocus [modifier:shift]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]

/clearfocus [target=focus,help]


/cast [target=focus,exists,harm] Polymorph; Polymorph

It'll allow you to change focus if you hit shift when you're clicking.

Oh! Add-on count! Chime in, people! I'm using:

Let's see...


Atlasmap and loots

Auctioneer (full package with Enchantric, Bottomscanner, etc)

AutoprofitX (for getting rid of all the grey stuff)




DBM (Sorry, just don't like how Big Wigs looks)


Durability Status








Tastethe Naimbow


I've been trying to use Trinity2, but...I just don't know if I like it, and I've been having problems configuring it. I can't seem to figure out how to get it to react to Shadowform, or how to let me switch panes so I don't have to have a bar up for everything.

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I run to many add-ons to list. :P Everything from Omen, Xperl, Fubar, Elkano's, Quartz, to an AFK Reporter and OgriEasy an add on for helping with that Damn "Simon" daily in BEM.

I did get in a nice easy Heroic BM last night and the Hourglass dropped. Nice little upgrade for me. About 13% better for dps than the Abacus, plus its proc based, so I'll get more out of it, as I normally dont pop trinkets everytime they are up , but rather save them for big fights. Paired with the Bloodlust thats as good a set of trinkets as I'm likely to see, with not getting to do 25's, Until we get moving in ZA and Bererker's Call drops from ZulJin. Also got another nether so was finally able to craft the Shadowprowler's Chestguard for Sunhoof.

BG's were a disaster last night. I won like 2 out of 10. I did 4 AB's in a row trying to get the daily done where we got 5 capped, It was AWESOME. AV's were massive AFK fests. We actually won one were we had just 9 active people because Alliance only had 7. Its so ridiculous. These botters should have there accounts banned.

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It was AWESOME. AV's were massive AFK fests. We actually won one were we had just 9 active people because Alliance only had 7. Its so ridiculous. These botters should have there accounts banned.


There is nothing worse in the game than people who siphon off the work of others in a way that actually puts those others at a deliberate disadvantage.

I just wish Blizzard had a more effective solution.

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I've got a hell of a lot of add-ons, especially since X-Perl is about 20 of them.


Omen (need to update, I'm waaaaaay behind)

Recap (a damage meter with some nice detail)

ItemRack (so good when you have multiple gear sets, so so so good)

BigWigs boss mods (finally got my own instead of relying on other people's broadcasts, especially on Gruul where I'd get "Ground Slam Soon" shortly after the ground slam happened)

And a bunch of lesser add-ons that do lesser things.

Something or other I got before we got enemy cast bars to pop up the "X begins casting Y" visibly, and keep around for spotting buffs going up (sometimes I even catch people going into stealth with it), a turn-in mod that's great when you have lots of sunfury signets to hand over.

I also run CombatStats, I think it's called, a damage intake tracker that breaks it down by opponent name, breaks melee from specials (but doesn't divide up the specials, sadly) and breaks things up by damage type, counting crushes, crits, and so on. I've had to hack that a little and it's still not right.

And an old discontinued addon I've hacked some more called MTLove, which displays the name of someone's target when I mouseover them. I also hacked in color-coding for the target's class, and a health %. Sometimes good when I have to figure out which mob needs taunting; two are lose, which one is going for someone more important/in more danger.

Oh, and I have a roll-watcher also, from when I used to master loot raids. Never turned it off, probably should.

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u didnt raid?

Yep. I used three addons then: Zhunter mod for a shot-timer and button cleanup (it puts several buttons on one), SWstats and KTMthreatmeter.

That's all you need. I used keybinds and a coupla macros as well. Actually, often I only used KTM and the shot timer. :)

EDIT: Ofc, I have not raided as a healer, and when I raided on my mage I had a dispel add-on to help me decurse,, but I try to work with the minimum since in the past, it has really fucked up my WoW installation to use addons.

Wow, I can't handle both a warrior and a rogue on my priest, shadow or no. And priest on priest battles make me pull my hair out. Fraps some stuff next time Cerys, let us watch!

That was at level 56, before spriests get more....challenging in PvP. :P

Now I am as holy as you can get. :o

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CT raid


Preform Av enabler

Are the addons I'm using at the moment, through I did have X-perl for a long time and also Recap.

The AV one is my favourite at the moment, just so we can actually win some by a having a core of the 40 man who know what they are doing. All rogues and druids go to the DB towers while the rest defend like crazy and let the pugs zerg the middle towers and Belinda

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