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Guest thebadlady
Funny, why don't the people who are loudmouths like that understand that nobody wants to hear their nasally, annoying cock holsters spewing venomous bile and general cuntiness? I would think they know people don't want to hear it but they keep it up. Why? Retarded? Dropped on the head a a baby? Crack?

they are unaware of how many people have them on ignore and mute, so they take non-response as encouragement to be even more obnoxious.

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they are unaware of how many people have them on ignore and mute, so they take non-response as encouragement to be even more obnoxious.

I got busted for that one last night! I have one guildie on ignore, and I had her on vent mute. I un muted her because she was explaining a change in strategy, but I left her on ignore.

Later, I needed gems cut, and I asked for them in guild chat. My 2 usual JC's didnt have the cut, so I went to trade channel. I got my gems cut, and then I got a random whisper congratulating me. I asked them for what, and they said that the guild JC linked me her book but I have her on ignore. I have no idea if it was an alt of the girl I dont like, or someone else's alt, but they werent guilded and logged off right after commenting.

We still really suck at Yogg. Sometimes we make it to P2.

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A taste of hilarious, epic failure:

Last night we ran Gundrak for the hell of it. There's one dude in the guild who's trying for the red proto-drake and another guy wanted to get the ring for his enhancement shaman. So we get a group together, we're on Ventrilo, and we start rolling. We stomp the shit out of the first boss before he does a poison nova, kill the second one pretty easily, and make our way down to Moorabi. One of the achievements the proto-drake guy needs (as do all the rest of us) is Less-rabi, so we're all serious business plotting interrupts and shit. Pull him and shred the fuck out of him, like he only tries to transform once before he dies.

No achievement.

We're all like, "What the fuck is this bullshit?"

Someone runs over to where the Eck corridor would open up and it's not dropping. We're all swearing up a storm on Vent, talking about who should open the ticket, etc.

After about a minute of this, we all got quiet and had the same realization at the same moment. "Wait a second, is this on heroic?"

We'd killed three bosses with incredible ease, never had any emblems of heroism drop, were only getting two stone keeper's shards, and were making comments the whole time about how this place was so easy, remember when it used to be hard... and only a minute after the third boss died did we realize it was on normal the whole time.

We ran out and set it to heroic and did it over again with almost the same ease. Moorabi stunned us all and then transformed on the third cast. The ring did not drop. Well, there's always tomorrow.

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We've done similar, but in reverse, in Naxx. Gone in with 10 folk, got the shit kicked out of us by the packs of skittering spiders twice, and only then have someone say in Vent "by the way, is this set to heroic?"

Good times.

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We ran out and set it to heroic and did it over again with almost the same ease. Moorabi stunned us all and then transformed on the third cast. The ring did not drop. Well, there's always tomorrow.
We spent nights working on that achievement. We ended up bringing really strong DPS and killing him in like 25 seconds or something.

I think we wiped on Freya once and that is about it. Trash was more of a problem...about 4 wipes or so on trash, actually probably more. Felt I did alright in most battles other than Mimiron, as Kal can (and did) attest to. smiley2.gif The first shockwave I was barely in range for and thought I reacted right away..the second one I definitely reacted late too.[/quiote]Sorry, Week. I didn't mean to get really pissy; I was trying to get stuff done and the baby was yelling. :( It is something to work on, and I died my first time to it too (in p4, bah). It's not a big deal if you die, as long as you learn from it and get better. And yeah, we were really sloppy on trash. Probably because I was leading, honestly; I hadn't done that before in U10 or 25. You did fine, and you certainly did better than some of our melee did or do.
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Don't encourage them week!

I kind of think the ripping when someone makes a mistake only goes to make them more nervous and therefore more likely to screw up again, but then you guys have been doing this for a long time so I guess your methods are tried and true :/

Well, it is pretty close to what I've been used to in the past in online gaming. I used to play Ghost Recon in a clan for a few years and one of our clan leaders was a yeller. Heh, I remember one time on a map that required a lot of patience and strategy (the spawn we got required the other team fucking up or sitting for 20min for a redo) and a recruit started to run down a hallway where he'd get killed and we'd be screwed. Gunz (the CL) warned him to not go any farther or he'd team kill him...he kept going and Gunz didn't bluff. :P

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Don't encourage them week!

I kind of think the ripping when someone makes a mistake only goes to make them more nervous and therefore more likely to screw up again, but then you guys have been doing this for a long time so I guess your methods are tried and true :/

I think that's a male/female thing. Generally women need encouragement, men need to get kicked. It's probably one of the biggest drivers for performance at work too.

As for vent, I have no idea how you log in to actually listen to raids. I want to gouge my ears out usually. It's easy to ignore people if you've done fights before, hard to do so when it's your first few runs.

Anyway, dual-comp leveling my priest/dk is going well. DK is so OP its not funny... my priest usually just loots quest shit, and I don't even bother healing myself besides 6+ mob pulls. Having to use the mouse on the 2nd comp to click to loot is annoying as fuck. Is there a macro to do it automatically? Half the time autofollow gets broken, not to mention I then have to take both hands away from main comp's controls. Good thing about this combo is that I can tank, melee dps, range dps, or heal, which will make life more interesting at L80.

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