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Who really wants to see the Targ restoration?

The Anti-Targ

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You can obviously guess my views on the matter. No long winded dissertation on the philosophical reasons why I but without putting in any spoilers it is far from a forgone conclusion that Dany and any other yet to be revealed survivors of the Targ line will be the saviours in the end game.

So, just interested to know what the balance of preference is regarding the return of a Targ to the Iron Throne.

PS While I can't dictate what anyone writes please note: I am asking what you want to see, not what you think will happen.

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I don't particularly want Dany on the Iron Throne at the end. I don't want Jon there either. I'd rather they both either die in the conflict against the Others, or perhaps Dany goes back to the East to her people there, and Jon stays up on the Wall, to prevent any further incursion from that direction.

I'd kind of like the end of the books to have no one on the Iron Throne, and for the Seven Kingdoms to go back to actually being Seven Kingdoms, with one of the Starks (not Jon) ruling Winterfell and the North, Tyrion as advisor to either of the Lannister kids, if they survive, at Casterly Rock, Willas Tyrell ruling from Highgarden and so on.

Dunno why, but that appeals to me.

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You're making rather a large assumption about Jon if you are including him in this thread in any kind of definitive way. While my sympathies are in that direction I am loathe to see this thread be hijacked by yet more arguments about Jon's paternity.

Edit: and I also am rather fond of the idea of a return to a loose federation of states rather than iron-fisted rule from the Iron Throne. After all I read somewhere that Westeros is meant to be about the size of South America, so there is no way a landmass that size needs a single ruling Monarch. When I first stared reading the series I was thinking more the area of France+Spain which is more manageable under a one Monarch long term.

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I'm not automatically assuming he's a Targ. I'm just saying that what I'd like to see at the end is for neither the Targs, nor Jon (whatever his paternity) to end up on the Iron Throne, and for the result I stated above to be the final status at the end of the books. I don't want Jon on the the throne whether R+L=J, or whether he's Ned's son, or whether he turns out to be the bastard son of Roose Bolton.

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Hmm it seems Targs aren't very popular among the posters here!! I must confess i am a targ supporter..and would love to see them back on the throne by the time series is done..the idea of dragons roaming the seven kingdoms is very tempting. However there is a string attached to my wish..the Targs must do away with their tradition marrying inside the family..as i feel that is the reasons why half the targs are loons. I can't help thinking of any non-Targ who sits the throne as a pretender because nobody carries that air of authority better than a Targ..don't think they would have the balls required to keep all the Lords in check.

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Guest Other-in-law

Targaryen rule has been good for Westeros. Before the Conquest, there was virtually constant wars from what we've heard...often 3 or 4 of the Seven Kingdoms fighting each other. Since then, only a handful, two of which occurred in the Baratheon era.

And Dany has personally shown herself to be about the best of all the candidates for the Iron Throne...the rest were the five dwarves savaging poor Lady Westeros, as the Undying showed.

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Well, by my name you can guess, I'm strongly rooting for Dany. Other-in-law gave very good reasons.

I know that some people don't like Dany because she feels the Iron Throne is hers "by right", but that doesn't bother me, first off because I'm of the same opinion :P and secondly, regardless of any "rights" she has shown us that she wants to be a "good" ruler for all her subjects.

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And Dany has personally shown herself to be about the best of all the candidates for the Iron Throne...the rest were the five dwarves savaging poor Lady Westeros, as the Undying showed.

In some ways, maybe, but you could also argue that she's the least qualified, because she doesn't know Westeros at all, and doesn't really understand the Westerosi people. What works in the East won't necessarily work in the West, and all that.

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Interesting thread. I duno how much of this is original thought, and from bits and pieces garnered through lurking - I would like to see dany eventually sit the iron throne as she seems destined to, however i would like to see the beginning of a movement within society to do away with the feudalist system of houses and lords in favour of a democratic system of government. i don't know if one central government would be able to rule over the seven kingdoms, and in fact now that i think about it this democratic system would have to be seen as effective in each of the seven kingdoms first. but in short, yes that is the direction i would like to see the series left in... well one of the directions. taht would be my realist fantasy. i have some fantastic fantasies as well. and terrific fantasies. and fanboy fantasies. but none of them involve bran regaining the use of his legs *sniff*

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Unless Darkstar is a hidden Targaryen I do not really want to see one on the throne. An ironborn king would be the best solution :pirate: even if he has to marry a Targ. Otherwise I think Stannis Baratheon as king with Randyll Tarly as hand would be an interesting team of rulers.

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There has to be someone on the iron throne imo. Without being 'one land, one ruler' (like china), there can never be peace. Its the only way to prevent the seven kingdoms from constant war.

And yes, i do think a Targ is the best option (though preferably without the incest), because they are neutral. Since they are not originally from Westeros, there is no reason why they should favour any particular part of the kingdom, and so long as the madness can be dealt with they are the most likely group to keep control of the throne.

All that said, i think Stannis would make the best ruler out of the current lot.

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Who really wants to see the Targ restoration?

I sort of do.

Basically I'd like this game of thrones to end the way the War of the Roses ended in England - with a marriage bringing together two houses and forming a new dynasty like the Tudors did. So it would necessarily include a Targ as one of the parties - be it Dany or a possible child of hers (if that is possible) - and another family. I'm not sold on any particular family but I like the idea of it having an illegitimate connection the way Henry VII's family did.

I wouldn't necessarily discredit Dany's ability to rule as a joint ruler under this scenario. She is incredibly young at this point in the series. I don't know how far in the future the series will ultimately end but we potentially have many years for her to really mature and grow into a great ruler. (Just like there is the potential for her to grow into a horrible corrupt ruler. We just have to wait and see what she learns and chooses.)

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I'm ambivalent. I truly believe that Daenerys would be a great ruler, if she was left to it. But would her children, if she ever has any, be the same way? What about her children's children? Daeron II was a great king; but among his sons we have: one great king (potentially), one scholar with no interest in ruling, one crazy person, and one general with no interest in ruling. And their children are an even more mixed bag.

Unfortunately, all monarchies are a crapshoot. Robb's children could have been just as bad as Aerion Brightflame or just as good as Baelor Breakspear. My view is that it's better to have one potentially crazy royal family than seven or more.

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After reading Blackthorne's post i'm completely swayed. I was originally in the camp that thought make the seven kingdoms seven again.

Of course, the stallion who mounts the world is going to eventually take over everything anyway, so... no reason to worry about Westeros specifically anyway, right? :leaving:

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Targs are more entertaining also.

Indeed. I feel the same. As I said over in the 'I Hate Danaerys' thread, the Targs seem like some sort of distinct, separate sub-species to me. Like a fairy among leprechauns or a butterfly among the moths. Not better, per se, but sooo different.

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They are indeed different. The thing with the Targaryens is that there have been both good and bad rulers. I don't recall which one exactly, but wasn't there a Targayen king who gave Westeros several decades of peace? That's the kind of king Westeros sorely needs. That won't work if no one supports them, though.

I do want to see the Targaryen family restored. I mean they breed and train DRAGONS for Pete's sake. :P

But I don't necessarily see them ruling the Seven Kingdoms again. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, I don't even think they have to go to Westeros. Maybe Old Valyria could be restored, or a New Valyria built or something. That was the ancestral home of the Targaryens after all, wasn't it?

There's only one thing I really want and that's for Dany's dragons to live through the end of the series (or at least one of them) and revive the dragon species. I'd love it if, centuries later, Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal turned out to be as legendary as Balerion the Black Dread. Heck, it'd be cool if any one of them was still alive then.

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I want all cultural Targs dead. People like Dany, who didn't even live in a Targ-ruled kingdom, still want to maintain the negative side of their traditions.

People who might be Targs (like Jon Snow) are fine, provided they acknowledge reality, give up their claim to the throne (they lost it the same way they won it, through war) and behave like normal human beings.

but you could also argue that she's the least qualified, because she doesn't know Westeros at all, and doesn't really understand the Westerosi people.

I agree. She seems like a good queen where she is. Although she might be barren, an unfortunate negative qualification. (Or fortunate, as she's culturally Targ.)

For those who think the Targs should come back (without negative), which of the ruling families do you think they should intermarry with first?

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There has to be someone on the iron throne imo. Without being 'one land, one ruler' (like china), there can never be peace. Its the only way to prevent the seven kingdoms from constant war.


It is exactly the dreams of "one land, one ruler" that cause wars.

My desired final scenario would bethe North to remain as a sepparate kingdom ruled by a Stark, and the six southern kingdoms under the Iron Throne under the Targaryens. While I don't like the Targs that much, the fact that they are alien to Westeros, do not belong to any specific region and do not have ties with most of their vassals makes them a good option for a ruler.

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