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Don't worry about Stego, he doesn't squat and is therefore a pussy :D

Is it his lack of squats or his climbdown that makes him more of a pussy? I want to rub his belly and call him Cuddles now days.

Wait, spines can move?

Of course they can. Sometimes without busting out like a clown car. I've heard about it but it aint for me.

One month check up on the weight. Down from 277lbs to 263lbs. Hoping to get to around 220lbs. Started running again for a 10km in May. I did the last one in 61 minutes (see the weight people) and hoping to break 50 minutes for this one. Going very slowly on squats for Clown Car Spine reasons and up to 145lbs. That's about 140lbs more than I thought I would ever do again. (There you go Stego, I even left you an in.)

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I don't know if my English is failing me again but I mean the joints between the vertebrae can become hypermobile due to rigorous stretching.

I was joking. My vertebrae are fused together with hip bones and steel, and so they can not move.

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I guess the important thing if there is lots of flexibility in the spine is that there is also good understanding of how to stabilize it. Also, if the spine bends backwards a lot, it needs to be able to flex and bend forwards a lot, too. You have to try to find balance in all things.

For a long time, I loathed the backbends, because they were very hard, very energetic, and it is hard to breath in them. Now I feel they have lots of therapeutic benefit for most people, as the backbends return the muscularity and springiness to the spine, and many people's backs seem to be weak, lax, and compressed because they sit all day in slumped positions.

It is difficult to do a backbend really well--it requires that you try to "draw up" and "lengthen the spine" into it's arch. The trick is to find the deep muscular support for the spine and sustain it, rather than to try to just bend as much a possible and sink into it.

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I sprinted for the first time in almost two years last week. Physios are happy that my knee can take that now. Very short sprints, about 16 reps of 5 to 10m, just to see how it handled sudden acceleration.

Quite a bit of pain afterwards, but that settled down after a day. I also took almost a full part in training on Saturday morning (running through attack moves but not doing any stepping or changing direction yet), and it was ok and I wasn’t as rusty as I thought. Again, it was painful and swollen afterwards but came down quickly with lots of icing and ibuprofen.

Beginning to get some strength back as well. I weigh 80kg (176lb): my deadlift is up to 130kg (285lb), squat’s up to just over 100kg (225lb), full clean is up to 50kg (110lb), and push press is 50kg too. I feel like those loads will start increasing pretty quickly now, as my functional strength and stability seem to be improving all the time.

Does anybody know a website with advice on helping you work out your training loads for power lifts? I think I read somewhere that for a set of 3-5 full cleans, you should use 30% of your 1RM deadlift. This seems a bit light to me

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hurrah, Vestrit, congrats!

regarding running and weight training- I'm finding it counter productive to the lifting program I'm on now. *shrugs* Methinks it's only because I've been running 1 or 2 times a week, and doing it that sporadically, it makes me sore to the point where resistance training hurts more than it should, unless I give myself two days to recover.

only difference I've noticed with the plain blue bottle of creatine monohydrate is I look fucking jacked (comparatively speaking) after an upper body workout. :wideeyed: Whoa.

today is squats day, ugh. see above about running effing up my squats- I expect to be weak as a kitten.

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I sprinted for the first time in almost two years last week. Physios are happy that my knee can take that now. Very short sprints, about 16 reps of 5 to 10m, just to see how it handled sudden acceleration.

Quite a bit of pain afterwards, but that settled down after a day. I also took almost a full part in training on Saturday morning (running through attack moves but not doing any stepping or changing direction yet), and it was ok and I wasn’t as rusty as I thought. Again, it was painful and swollen afterwards but came down quickly with lots of icing and ibuprofen.

Good to hear Vestrit, how far are you away from being able to do full contact sessions?

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Good to hear Vestrit, how far are you away from being able to do full contact sessions?

Well, as full contact as touch gets :P, the physios are talking maybe another two to three weeks, depending on how I react to them upping the intensity of what I’m doing with them at the moment. I’m certainly hoping that by March I’ll be taking a full part in training and mock games

Obviously being touch, hits aren’t an issue, it’s more the sudden twisting, changing of direction, acceleration and deceleration and diving etc. Oh, and the going backwards in defence. My injury was basically an arthritic/wear and tear one, so impact and stress on the joint face is an on-going issue

As far as the season is concerned (starts April) they’ve said that I’ll have to pick and choose games to reduce the workload. Won't be turning up at one-day tournaments and playing all seven games, that's for sure

It’s weird: I’ve played rugby at semi-pro level and touch at international level, and I swear that touch is harder on the body. It might be that I’m an old man now though…

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Does anybody know a website with advice on helping you work out your training loads for power lifts? I think I read somewhere that for a set of 3-5 full cleans, you should use 30% of your 1RM deadlift. This seems a bit light to me

I wouldn't base the load on the classic lifts to any other lifts. Too much depends on technique. For instance one of the all time best lifters, Zakharevitch, could allegedly clean more than he could front squat. He snatched 210 kg and clean and jerked 250,5 kg in the 110 kg class (old weight class). On the other hand there have been lifetrs with awesome strength like Yenaldiev in the superheavyweight class who could squat 455 kg but couldn't clean "even" 240 kg. Do the classic lifts to figure out your 1RM on them. In the classic lifts 80 % of 1RM is generally suited for sets of 3 and something lower for sets of 5.

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ok, cool, that's really helpful. Thank you

I figure that as long as the technique is good and the lift is fast, then the load’s not that important?

I was doing push press the other day and a guy I train with (a former pro rugby player) told me to drop the weight and go faster, and I was actually more tired doing the lower weight faster than I have been doing the heavier weight slightly slower. Possibly because I was getting full triple extension? (I was jumping on some of the reps)

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Well, as full contact as touch gets :P,

It’s weird: I’ve played rugby at semi-pro level and touch at international level, and I swear that touch is harder on the body. It might be that I’m an old man now though…

I forgot that you were coaching touch, you'll still get a few knocks though.

I find that the adrenaline tends to flow a bit more when you're playing full contact games so you notice being tired more playing touch, I only really play touch in training though so that's probably a factor.

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Vestrit, that is awesome news. Congrats!

Cheers mate, feels good to be able to do stuff again

By the way, I know I’ve mentioned touch a few times on here.

If anybody’s interested in what I’m actually talking about, here are a couple of short vids that the international governing body has just produced*

* I appear for about a second in one of them. Those of you who know me would struggle to recognise me though, as I’m in sunglasses and sober

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Beginning to get some strength back as well. I weigh 80kg (176lb): my deadlift is up to 130kg (285lb), squat’s up to just over 100kg (225lb), full clean is up to 50kg (110lb), and push press is 50kg too. I feel like those loads will start increasing pretty quickly now, as my functional strength and stability seem to be improving all the time.

Awesome! Welcome back, Vestrit!

Will you join me in the quest to beat the weightlifting world records for women under 48 kg (98 kg in the snatch, 120 kg in the clean and jerk)? Of course it won't be easy, but with Fleeing Finn as our virtual coach, who knows how far we could get?


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