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Wow really? Mjolnir runestone is actually still better by a small margin and I don't see people clambering after that. Maybe it's the higher ilevel?
Maybe you're not talking to the right people. While arpen isn't the bees knees for rogues any more thanks to muti being stupid, it's still full of win for ferals, hunters, and some DKs. If people aren't thrilled about the runestone it's because they're resigned to not getting it because who in their right mind would run Uld10 hard mode just to get that when they can run a dungeon instead?

So yeah, lots of competition for it. It's the new shard of contempt, and many theorycrafting bits say that unless you have Death's Choice or Deathbringer's Will, Runestone/scorpion + DM:G or something like it is the best combo for trinkets.

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Maybe you're not talking to the right people. While arpen isn't the bees knees for rogues any more thanks to muti being stupid, it's still full of win for ferals, hunters, and some DKs. If people aren't thrilled about the runestone it's because they're resigned to not getting it because who in their right mind would run Uld10 hard mode just to get that when they can run a dungeon instead?

So yeah, lots of competition for it. It's the new shard of contempt, and many theorycrafting bits say that unless you have Death's Choice or Deathbringer's Will, Runestone/scorpion + DM:G or something like it is the best combo for trinkets.

ALright, I'll take your word for it on the other classes. All the EJ rogue crafting shows that is has a lower proc rate and it's chance on crit instead of chance on hit make it a DPS decrease. If it drops for me I'll grab it for my combat spec, but I would never kick someone for it, especially considering I can just run it once a day. If you need it that bad why not just do guild runs?

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On a side note. Has anyone done Lord M since the nerf? Is he less healing intensive? Our healers were unable to take a single break from spamming heals last time we were in there and I'd like to know if his melee reduction is significant.

We cleared ICC10 last night and one-shot everything with four pugs (though one was the same tank we used last week). The healer who was there last week reported that it was much, much easier to heal, almost trivial. The numbers she mentioned suggested that Saber Lash was hitting for ~45k total last week and ~30k this week, which seems pretty significant.

IIRC, the nerf is only on the 10-man version, so that should tell you everything you need.

Saurfang went much easier this time, too. He got mark off at less than 1% health and died a split second later. We realized that considering our guild contains absolutely no ranged DPS, we were going to have melee stacked raids for the forseeable future, with the ranged being pugs of dubious quality. So instead of kiting around the slimes and having the ranged barely kill them before the next two spawn, we decided to set up a stun rotation on one of the sides and have the melee zerg it down, while the ranged try to gib the other and kite it if they don't quite manage it. The stunning wasn't perfect and a few people got hit but not enough to cause any sort of problem.

Re: ArP and DKs, note that Scourge Strike now fully benefits from ArP. It's my second most valuable stat after strength. So it's not really 'some' DKs that love it, it's almost all (DPS) DKs. Frost might not like it as much as crit or haste, but it's still solid for them, and hardly anyone is doing DPS frost these days anyway.

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Yeah, on our poorly geared 1/2 alt run Marowgar was kicking our asses. As a healer it was basically an insta-gib. Also, we too seemed to be focusing too much on the Bone storms and not enough on transitions back.

In other news... Fairly typical 1 stap forward two steps back for <Stormwind Mall Security>

Clear ICC 25 last night no problem, call the night.

Fresh ToGC 25 tonight, missing some of our best DPS to holidays etc. Ended up calling it with 35 attempts left on Faction Champs, when we've been getting to Twins with 48 lately... Not nearly our best.


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Good night for me, very good night.

Last week, owing primarily to lacking assorted regulars, we hadn't gotten anywhere with Marrowgar. We'd tried going in with 2 healers and they couldn't keep up (this wasn't unexpected; we've used 3 healers for new content all through Wrath). The next day we found a third healer, and he was undergeared and possibly not very good either.

Last night, with a friend (former guildmate who left for a guild who raided on nights she could attend, actually), we went back in. One-shot Marrowgar (me having gotten practice on the whirlwind transitions in 25-man on Monday helped too). Two-shot all three other encounters.

Also did my 3x Random, 2x Razuvious (weekly raid), and a heroic forge that picked up a new 1h and the Needle Encrusted Scorpion for my DK.

We're not sure what we're going to do tonight; we may hit ToGC10, or we may just do an alt run at Raz and then do heroics.

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I tried the random dungeon system for the first time last night. It was a half pug with some of my favourite and best geared guildies, and it was Nexus. The very first thing that happened when we zoned in was that one of the pugs made fun of my gear. But, he pulled extra things, didn't have his pet attacking for most of it, ninja'ed the winter hat, and was generally stupid, so I didnt mind. I haven't checked out the new 5 mans yet, hopefully tonight.

One of my guildmates says he sold a hilt for 22K. He has a shiny new war mammoth to show for it. If I get a hilt, I'm certainly not selling it though.

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Last night, with a friend (former guildmate who left for a guild who raided on nights she could attend, actually), we went back in. One-shot Marrowgar (me having gotten practice on the whirlwind transitions in 25-man on Monday helped too). Two-shot all three other encounters.

Grats. With any luck we'll be headed back in tonight.

Question: For those of you clearing ICC, what's your reputation at? There is a guild on my server who is Revered with the Ashen Verdict already and I find that pretty shocking, but maybe I'm just ignorant.

Ran Ony 10 and VoA 10 last night just because we were bored. We almost got the speed kill but missed by 10 seconds. In review, we did it with out Bloodlust because we had no shaman so I imagine we'll grab that next week. Otherwise I've just been running circles in Dalaran because I have not had too much to do. The hardest part of this Holiday is getting the hat, which isn't overly hard. My priest friend and I 2 manned regular Nexus to get us our hats. Only have 2 more left for my Violet Proto and they're both on the same week. So that should be fun.

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My rep is a little past friendly. I've now cleared the Marrowgar trash 3 times on 10-man and once on 25-man, and I'm about 1650 rep into Friendly; I dinged Friendly right before Marrowgar. So his trash is about 750 rep, and there's very little remaining trash.

I've seen rep-farming runs forming up, that's probably how the people have so much rep. It gets a pretty awesome ring, as well as access to assorted patterns.

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Rep farming is easily possible but INCREDIBLY boring.

10 man nets you like 1k rep per clear. I hear 25 man nets you about double that.

But the pulls are a bit tricky and it can really bog down unless everyone focuses.

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Grats. With any luck we'll be headed back in tonight.

Question: For those of you clearing ICC, what's your reputation at? There is a guild on my server who is Revered with the Ashen Verdict already and I find that pretty shocking, but maybe I'm just ignorant.

If you do 10 man and 25 man, you'll get about 4k rep a week normally. So they farmed it. We talked about farming, but decided against it; the rings aren't so amazing that we need them to deal with Festergut/rotface/putricide, and it's not like we won't hit exalted fairly soon naturally. The only reason to do it is os that we can get the crafted patterns faster.
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Yeah, getting the patterns faster is nice... and I suppose that at least the ammo patterns are well worth investing guild resources in buying. Whether the crafted gear patterns are as worth the investment, I'm less sure.

I had been stockpiling titansteel towards getting the tank legs made, somehow having missed until last night that they have no defense on them. Not sure now. I'm also not sure how we'll be handling Primordial Saronite in the 25-man runs; we had been keeping Crusader Orbs in the two core guilds, but on Monday there was some talk of treating them like trophies; regulars get priority, but that's all.

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Yeah, getting the patterns faster is nice... and I suppose that at least the ammo patterns are well worth investing guild resources in buying. Whether the crafted gear patterns are as worth the investment, I'm less sure.

I had been stockpiling titansteel towards getting the tank legs made, somehow having missed until last night that they have no defense on them. Not sure now. I'm also not sure how we'll be handling Primordial Saronite in the 25-man runs; we had been keeping Crusader Orbs in the two core guilds, but on Monday there was some talk of treating them like trophies; regulars get priority, but that's all.

The way I see it, if you want individual Saronite, spend your Frost Emblems. It would make more sense to pool what the guild gets and make the craftables for any healer/tank who is unlucky with drops, instead of divvying them up, it helps the individuals more, but not the raid as a whole.

My 2¢.

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Saronite patterns/stuff is way costlier in terms of emblems of frost than actually buying the pieces themselves; things that cost 8 saronite cost 184 emblems of frost, for example, whereas they'd only cost 90 emblems to buy as an actual item.

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Saronite patterns/stuff is way costlier in terms of emblems of frost than actually buying the pieces themselves; things that cost 8 saronite cost 184 emblems of frost, for example, whereas they'd only cost 90 emblems to buy as an actual item.

Perhaps I'm just having an off day but I don't understand your statement. Can you elaborate? Cause I thought the patterns only cost 1 saronite to purchase which would be 23 frost not 90. Or are we talking offset pieces with similar stats?

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They cost one to purchase - but you still have to make 'em, and those cost 6-8 saronite per thing. So yeah, you could pool the guild's resources to make them for those who don't get lucky, but the end result is losing about half of your emblems per thing you do relative to just buying it. In other words, one player could buy two pieces of gear for the same cost of buying one person one of these items via crafting.

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Yeah, the cost if you're spending EoF on the Primordial Saronite is just massive.

If we actually are going to random off Primordial Saronite (it's a run based around 2 guilds), then unless we cooperate as a guild, it's going to be basically impossible for anyone to get a piece crafted without dropping a great deal of gold on it. Assuming we're not hosed by the holidays next week, we can at best get 4 Primordial Saronite. With say 20 people eligible to roll, the chances of getting one are pretty low.

That's treating them like Trophies of the Crusade. If we treat them instead like Crusader Orbs, then each of the two core guilds will get 2, and we'll just argue within guild over how to spend them.

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They cost one to purchase - but you still have to make 'em, and those cost 6-8 saronite per thing. So yeah, you could pool the guild's resources to make them for those who don't get lucky, but the end result is losing about half of your emblems per thing you do relative to just buying it. In other words, one player could buy two pieces of gear for the same cost of buying one person one of these items via crafting.

Ah, I only meant pooling the saronite that drops off the bosses. That way in a few weeks if you have some terribad luck, or that a craftable is still BiS, you could craft something. Assuming at least one a week you should be able to grab at least one pattern and craft it by the time LK comes a knocking, and that anyone who wants to craft something for themselves should spend frost on their own time if they so choose, instead of taking away from the raid drops. Much the way many guilds handled crusader orb drops on my realm.

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