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Ah, I only meant pooling the saronite that drops off the bosses. That way in a few weeks if you have some terribad luck, or that a craftable is still BiS, you could craft something. Assuming at least one a week you should be able to grab at least one pattern and craft it by the time LK comes a knocking, and that anyone who wants to craft something for themselves should spend frost on their own time if they so choose, instead of taking away from the raid drops. Much the way many guilds handled crusader orb drops on my realm.

We havent seen a single saronite yet. Thats with 2 10 man runs, 2 full 25's and 1 3of4 alt run. So that's 19 bosses w/o a single drop. Pretty fricking horrible luck or drop rate.

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Use Alts.

I've got 2 lvl 80 alts that I do the Daily Heroic with. Do the Weekly raid too, and you are looking at 19 badges per alt per week.

That's 1 Primordial Saronite every 1.5 weeks or so. Which isn't bad.

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Just had an amusing UK, I've being tanking alot on my paladin so I decided to take a break and heal (yes my idea of a break from tanking is to heal :P) It just shows how people gear levels have shot up in the past week and abit, generally I would have to cast a few HLs here and there, but for most of it, was just shock and instant FoL with shield up.

King Y was the best, I healed that with just judgement of light.

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We really should have done ToGC last night, but nobody was particularly enthused by doing a relatively stressful run in the hopes of one or two upgrades, so instead we did an alt ToC. Picked up new healing pants. (Yes, those are the healing pants.) Didn't get around to putting a spellthread on, though.

Also got my DK a Tyrannical Beheader, so looking pretty good. No hilts, of course. And my HoL pug was so so slow. I watched as the tank gun-pulled single trash mobs in the first part (this is the section where I try to get multiple pulls together). Healing it was mostly just flash of light and trying not to fall asleep.

And yeah, you can use alts to buy the Primordial Saronite, so long as you're willing to hold back their gear access for your main. I might end up doing it, but not yet at least.

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Downed Lord M 10 yesterday. Since the nerf he is exceptionally easier, to the point where I don't even feel all that good about downing him.

Hit Lady D for awhile but add management got a little out of control. We only gave a few good shots before calling it a night, we'll be back on Saturday, most likely after killing Ignis for our weekly raid quest.

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Got most of the rest of our raid their Ironbounds as well. We two-shot Freya 3 and Firefighter, which felt good; even though we massively overgear them, it's great that we still mostly had the coordination.

The lag was horrible though. Absolutely horrendous. No latency either; it's all server side. Made for some bad transitions on the flower packs on Freya.

We tried for Insanity this week too but failed, and sadly I had to leave early before we could even try Anub due to an emergency at home. Faction Champs seems to have been significantly and stealthily buffed; the warlock hellfire does like 8k a tick. What the hell?

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Our ToGC 25 was cancelled, so some of us hit ICC10 instead. and it was awesome. One wipe on trash, and one on the Lady, but it was a great run. And, I finally replaced my stupid awful Wall of Terror shield from Naxx. I am so happy, and my new shield looks cool.

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Faction Champs seems to have been significantly and stealthily buffed; the warlock hellfire does like 8k a tick. What the hell?

Our guild was wondering this aw well. We generally one shot them, but were having a tough time even getting our 2nd mark down. We attributed it to missing 2 of our DKs and 2 of our Rogues who generally help lock stuff down, but I'll pass the word along that its just plain harder now.

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Yeah, another guildie did a study on it - and everything seems to be increased across the board. The big ones that were scary were things like 15k arcane blasts, 8-9k hellfires, and 20k renews.

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I finally managed to get to the Hellfire Peninsula. And what do I encounter practically as soon as I get there?

A Fel Reaver.

What a charming fellow he is.

I swiftly joined what I have no doubt is the squished remains of several thousand 'toons before me underneath the sole of it's metal-plated foot.

Add that mechanical monstrosity to the list of things that I need to kill.


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I swiftly joined what I have no doubt is the squished remains of several thousand 'toons before me underneath the sole of it's metal-plated foot.

Add that mechanical monstrosity to the list of things that I need to kill.


The wayback machine for 2007 is AWESOME.

Seriously, Fel Reaver was great. One of the best ways to define the new expansion. I really wish Northrend had something similar to this that had that epic feel; the closest thing was the murloc quests.

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Well, Howling Fjord did have a storm giant or two wandering around, much like the fel reaver.

While it was Faction Champs 10 that I did last night, it was utterly laughable for us. The Disc priest (our first target) died so fast that I couldn't get back from being feared in time to get more than 2-3 swings on him total. And this was a run with a few not-so-geared alts.

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Yeah - but it's telling that you don't even know it's name, Shryke. And there are giants in Howling Fjord, but they don't make the ground rattle. They're not patrolling so closely to everything that you need to go WAAAAAY out of your way to avoid them; heck, they're not near most of the quest hubs or spots to quest at all.

That you have a quest to go back and kill his ass when you've leveled up just made it that much better.

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The wayback machine for 2007 is AWESOME.

Seriously, Fel Reaver was great. One of the best ways to define the new expansion. I really wish Northrend had something similar to this that had that epic feel; the closest thing was the murloc quests.

As far as 'ways to define the new expansion' that 'have that epic feel,' Wrathgate blows Fel Reavers out of the water.

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As far as 'ways to define the new expansion' that 'have that epic feel,' Wrathgate blows Fel Reavers out of the water.

True...from what I have the QD quest line is good, so really want to get the hilt to see if the line compares.

Well, looks like the thing that made Marrowgar interesting got nerfed; blue post stating that he is now tauntable means that tanks don't really need to chase as much and we can control his positioning even more.

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The wayback machine for 2007 is AWESOME.

Seriously, Fel Reaver was great. One of the best ways to define the new expansion. I really wish Northrend had something similar to this that had that epic feel; the closest thing was the murloc quests.

True, but the Sons of Arugal in Silverpine forest were vicious for lowbies. That was my first experience of true fear. And it was here that you learned the Arugal Rule: "You do not have to outrun the Son of Arugal, you just have to outrun the members of your party."
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True, but the Sons of Arugal in Silverpine forest were vicious for lowbies. That was my first experience of true fear. And it was here that you learned the Arugal Rule: "You do not have to outrun the Son of Arugal, you just have to outrun the members of your party."

ahhhh what a great times, some times i come back to silverpine only to #@#$%& that @#$%& bast@#~@@ to relax...

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I have been what is perhaps surprisingly lucky in terms of avoiding the Fel Reaver so far. I did, out of morbid curiosity, intentionally attack the thing once, just to see how much damage one of my frost bolts would do. Repairing the damage from it's foot is expensive.

I also liked the Sons of Arugal in Silverpine Forest, from a vicious, feral point of view. The possibility that worgen will be a race that people can have classes in with the next expansion is something that, while simple, nevertheless excites me.

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