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The Pit of Saron wasn't a whole lot harder, but damn is this an awesome instance, and will probably become my favorite unless HoR is even better. Cool story events, but with much less time wasting than CoT:Strath? Check. Fifty foot tall version of Mr. Smite? Check. Fighting your way through a collapsing cave? Check. Evil pink mohawk gnome? Check. Scary dragon rider guy? Check. We even got a BoP epic from trash. It's got it all.

This is exactly how I feel. Pit of Saron had the most Epic feel to it. I didn't do it on Heroic yet because I spent all day looking at a load bar after hitting it on regular to gear my shaman. Speaking of which, new Troll totems are BAD ASS! No lie.

Need to start farming some daggers on my rogue now that mutilate is the spec to be. I'm not giving up on combat though, I love that on demand burst damage way too much.

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New 5 mans are fun, but we totally facerolled them. Had something like 3 BoP trash epics. Sylvannas is hot. Looking forward to the new raid tonight.

Oh, and corehound pup is stupidly cute. I approve.

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I only managed to squeeze in healing a pug heroic Forge of Souls. Not sure who in the group had seen it, but I hadn't seen anything. It was pretty easy. Now granted, the tank outgeared my warrior, being in almost all 245s, and my paladin's healing gear is definitely up to snuff for the content. Dealing with a half-bastardized interface, I wasn't able to see half of what happened, but only one death.

Oddly, the first boss took forever to kill (I presume there was something we missed about how to do it intelligently), but we had no problems overall.

Guildmates seemed to have the instance failing constantly in Halls of Reflection too, but I was in D&D at the time.

Tonight, we should be stepping into the new raid instance. Probably won't get much time, between our usual relatively early end time, the likelihood of weather-imposed later start time, and likely server instability. I'm not sure if we'll try to fit the weekly raid (XT for us) in or not. Either way, afterwards it's back to my paladin for Pits; getting a battered hilt is my current top priority.

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The halls of reflection rogue adds on heroic was making me cry when I was tanking them until I had a quick look at recount and noticed the reason why they were causing problems, dps where shite.

I got dumped into a Heroic FoS with a healer wearing blue pants and BoA shoulders. Even though the random sets gear restrictions, if you set up a 2-4 man group and ask for a random team member, the gear restrictions don't apply. Thankfully FoS is easy, though I would not have wanted that healer in PoS since healing it on Reg was more taxing then healing Heroic FoS.

It's odd that DPS can be so low even with the buff you get from pugging members.

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Avoid puging the new 5 mans on Heroic. That's been my lesson for the day.

I just died 4 times in under 10 minutes due to being grouped with utter fucking nubs from other servers who's gear is so terrible they have no place running these instances.

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Avoid puging the new 5 mans on Heroic. That's been my lesson for the day.

I just died 4 times in under 10 minutes due to being grouped with utter fucking nubs from other servers who's gear is so terrible they have no place running these instances.

For anyone worrying that you can't downgrade your Triumphs into Heroism (for gems or heirlooms) there is a Goblin in Dalaran Sewers who can do that for you. Why the Triumph Vendor can not I have no idea.

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For anyone worrying that you can't downgrade your Triumphs into Heroism (for gems or heirlooms) there is a Goblin in Dalaran Sewers who can do that for you. Why the Triumph Vendor can not I have no idea.

You can. You just step it down badge by badge. They are all right next to each so you just shift-right click and go from vendor to vendor.

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You can. You just step it down badge by badge. They are all right next to each so you just shift-right click and go from vendor to vendor.

Yeah that was just hot fixed. Prior to that you had to go to the sewers. Trust me, I sat at the Triumph vendor for 15 minutes and my guild concurred. I'm glad they fixed it.

Stego that sucks man! (Didn't you quit?)

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That's horrible, Stego. Did they get the guild bank, or were you deactivated for your break? Were you not using an authenticator? Best of luck getting everything back!

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I thought he just said a break.

Our prot paladin who hasn't had his computer properly functional in... 6 months perhaps? got hacked yesterday too. We'll get it back I'm sure, but they cleaned out the main tab of the guild bank.

I'm now 0 for 5 on hilts in heroics. My pugs have been a mixed bag; had a great Forge pug on Tuesday that was trivial, thought it was mostly a guild from another server. Had a Pits pug last night on my paladin which was pretty smooth... except nobody bothered explaining anything and they didn't complete the quest; we freed 13 prisoners and went to the end, at which point the quest giver was dead. So I couldn't run halls. Had a pair of pugs on my DK, Forge & Pits, which I saw were mediocre due to the easy heuristic of "my DK is top damage. Her gear sucks (2x226, 2x232, nothing else above 200). That one couldn't kill Tyrranus. 0 for 5 in hilts; one of my friends has seen 3 hilts already, 2 of my friends have their quel'delars already, the least hardcore member of my guild has the hilt. None of the rest of us do.

Our raiding didn't go much better. Girlfriend's fighting to get a functional install (she had to kill some nvidia thing to be able to download the patch on her desktop, and her laptop, which was updated, decided that it wasn't going to connect to the internet), so we were short her and our usual OT. Swapped things around, picked up a hunter, blew through XT for the weekly quest, and began trying ICC. Of course we had server problems, and almost called it. Mirror Image decided that we should do 3 pulls at a time. And then people decided to just stand in fire and die. This was quite frustrating.

In addition, a few of my addons aren't quite working, and some sort of bug on Blizzard's part has me unable to use my usual push-to-talk key (Command, as I'm a Mac user), as it essentially locks in any movement key pressed. But my Vent client didn't like any of the other keys I tried; at a guess, because WoW was trapping the keypress first? And I don't dare do voice activation given how much I mutter at stupid things.

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I'm now 0 for 5 on hilts in heroics.

Me too, my guilds been farming the trash in PoS and have not seen one either although my mage buddy managed to grab it. I've just been random LFGing it up. The item isn't BoP so even if I get hilt on my sham I can send it to my Rogue, or if I get really really desperate, I can buy on off the AH (I really want that sword).

Hey Kalbear, do Bear tanks have a bleed effect in their rotation/priority list? I finally grabbed Dual Spec (since mutilate is the bees knees but I still love combat) and as soon as I get another dagger I can try it out, however unless our Bear has a bleed, I can't go ruptureless (which would make me very sad).

Also: hit up ICC 10 last night and got bugged to all hell. We entered the first room and I failed to notice the traps that I could disarm, so we spawned to giant skeletons who proceeded to cleave the raid to bits. This would not have been so bad except that for some reason every time our Mage popped a CD the entire room would aggro to him. As in, all mobs in the back and in the corners even though we were tanking the skeletons at the front. We had him hold off at one point and the room never aggroed but our healers failed to avoid the 8 second silence.

We'll be back on Friday and hopefully my disarm trap will work, I hear it's been buggy.

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Hey Kalbear, do Bear tanks have a bleed effect in their rotation/priority list? I finally grabbed Dual Spec (since mutilate is the bees knees but I still love combat) and as soon as I get another dagger I can try it out, however unless our Bear has a bleed, I can't go ruptureless (which would make me very sad).

Yes - lacerate. Though they only use it for single or dual targets. But it's in general a fairly high priority, since a bleed increases the damage done by our biggest threat move by 20%.
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