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World of Warcraft 3.3.3


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really? at work so I can't look at MMO champion or anything game related...but, really? shouldn't Paragon, well, BE the elitists in this situation?

You'd think so, but Bane on Baelgun just got realm first [Death's Demise], and some of /trade responded with "about time."

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Whee! My little bunch of 10 finally got past Valithria. Did Putricide on the same night! Woot! So, we had a look at Sindragosa, a short one. Was fricking hilarious when everyone got icetombed except the tank and myself.

I was all 'no way, get yerselves out. And read up!'

10/12 cmonnnnnnn. Not heroic though, but good enough for me :)

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Everyone in our raids is still required to have 2 pieces of 213 frost resist gear for the Sindy fight. One of them being boots with Tuskar's. It REALLY helps your healers out. I dunno how many in our raids actually have it on, but the rule is there.

Dunno how you downed Val last week, but next week you should take 3-4 healers if you can find them, and Lust at about 82%. She'll be healed in about 20 seconds. Its awesome!

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I think I'm hitting the burn out stage.

Attendance issues, slow progress if any when we do bosses who aren't on farm, lack of meaningful upgrades if we do kill anything, and getting tired of tanking.

I've basically just been signing on to my paladin, doing a random, being annoyed that we don't have Wintergrasp, and logging to do something else. But despite not really wanting to raid, I feel obligated to show up, and tank. Maybe I'll manage to bring my paladin to the first wing occasionally, but I'm doubting that.

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I hate people. How damn hard is it to pay attention and move. Stop dying to to Soul Shriek! Stop spreading Defile! The worst part is its not just one person, its a different person every time. I really hate the change to raging spirits though, makes it way to easy for someone to get instagibbed.

Maybe the problem is DBM marks the raging spirit target and the defile target with a skull. We have used skull as first kill target for so long that people dont want to run away from something with a skull.

Only made it t P3 like 2 or 3 times last night. one time we had all 25 people up... but I think people paniced, because we lost a whole group in like 5 seconds.

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Everyone in our raids is still required to have 2 pieces of 213 frost resist gear for the Sindy fight. One of them being boots with Tuskar's. It REALLY helps your healers out. I dunno how many in our raids actually have it on, but the rule is there.

Dunno how you downed Val last week, but next week you should take 3-4 healers if you can find them, and Lust at about 82%. She'll be healed in about 20 seconds. Its awesome!

We have Tuskars as a requisite enchant for all our raiders. Well some boot speed enchant anyways; I use tuskar's because I'm a lazy SOB who can't be bothered to spend a few hours on his own farming mats in outland for Cat's.

We use one piece of Frost Res gear for sindy, too, but used two pieces for our first kill. It definitely helps.

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I think I'm hitting the burn out stage.

Attendance issues, slow progress if any when we do bosses who aren't on farm, lack of meaningful upgrades if we do kill anything, and getting tired of tanking.

I've basically just been signing on to my paladin, doing a random, being annoyed that we don't have Wintergrasp, and logging to do something else. But despite not really wanting to raid, I feel obligated to show up, and tank. Maybe I'll manage to bring my paladin to the first wing occasionally, but I'm doubting that.

I know the feeling, I logged into my main for the first time in 20 days. I ran around did a random (oculus, even after a month I always get oculus) and realized that my eyes were hurting and it had only been 40 minutes. Kind of amazed that I would play for 5-6 hours most days of the week.

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We've spent way too much time wiping on BQL because people are stupid. She dies, but it's never as easy as it bloody well should be.

In other news we didn't have time to do Valithria hardmode this week because Blizard's login servers decided to crash right before our raid on sunday. Good times.

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Raid night tonight! A great time all around. Especially nice after our first night this lockout period, when we couldn't pug a raid healer when ours no-showed, eventually got a dumb tree who spent 10 seconds or so healing before DCing and not coming back. (We had managed to clear trash with me solo healing, and the shaman put on her 4k GS healing set and we took one stab at Marrowgar -- and got close, somehow! -- before calling it for the night.)

The enh shaman and her boyfriend (our MT, great guy, no couples drama, knock on wood) ground up her resto set since Thursday and got her up to around 4.8k and raid healed for us, and did a great job. We pugged a superb mage pulling around 6.7k DPS. Tonight we one-shotted Marrowgar, one-shotted Lady D (barelyyyyyyyyy, super intense, 6/10 dead), one-shotted gunship. And it took us a few tries but we finally got that bastard Saurfang down, which has been eluding my group since the first week (this is a new group, we're only in week 4 or 5 and we've been plagued by occasional no-shows, bugs, and so on). Saurfang fight was epic, we had two marks up by the end and were managing to heal through them. No deaths, even! (We won't discuss the 2 or 3 wipes we had.) Real proud of my people.

No bitching on the wipes, just "what do we need to change?" and "let's try again." People had to go after Saurfang, so we called it for the night, but we managed it in one night and I'm really happy. :)

Also had my people doing more than looking out for number one, which was nice. Hunter won a bow and a ring, and passed the ring to the rogue since she'd won the bow. Priest won the staff and passed it to the shaman, for whom it was a huge upgrade since she's still gearing. I got holy bracers, MT won the roll on Marrowgar's mace (so much tank gear that I don't get to roll on since I'm healing, my own rule, QQ), shaman got a mail healing piece. Think we DE'd a ret piece -- all three of our paladins are prot/holy. I forget the other.

Real content with the night.

Let me ask you guys this -- Prot's been my mainspec since around level 30 and I think of it that way. Been spending my frost emblems on prot gear as a result. But this is my 3rd week in a row healing ICC 10, and ever since the first week where we had an easier time finding tanks than healers, both tanks have shown up, on time, like clockwork. I'm forced to confront the question of whether I should start spending frost emblems on holy gear instead, and change my Ashen Verdict ring to the holy one. I'm geared enough to tank basically any content except ToGC and ICC 25 (and could probably tank ICC 25 if my healers were good enough), around 5k GS for those who use that mod. I mostly tank heroics and my guild's retro raids these days, and sometimes the weekly raid. What do you think? Should I change? Remember that group is a perma-pug -- people may be rotating in and out, and while we've gone twice a week without fail since its inception, I don't really know whether it'll be there forever. But I guess that's true even of serious guilds. I'm torn.

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Let me ask you guys this -- Prot's been my mainspec since around level 30 and I think of it that way. Been spending my frost emblems on prot gear as a result. But this is my 3rd week in a row healing ICC 10, and ever since the first week where we had an easier time finding tanks than healers, both tanks have shown up, on time, like clockwork. I'm forced to confront the question of whether I should start spending frost emblems on holy gear instead, and change my Ashen Verdict ring to the holy one. I'm geared enough to tank basically any content except ToGC and ICC 25 (and could probably tank ICC 25 if my healers were good enough), around 5k GS for those who use that mod. I mostly tank heroics and my guild's retro raids these days, and sometimes the weekly raid. What do you think? Should I change? Remember that group is a perma-pug -- people may be rotating in and out, and while we've gone twice a week without fail since its inception, I don't really know whether it'll be there forever. But I guess that's true even of serious guilds. I'm torn.

If it looks like in order to keep the raid going that you be one of the healers, then yes, probably makes sense to start accumulating some of the emblem gear. Sounds like even if one of the tanks isn't there your gear is fine from a prot perspective, but getting some upgrades for the holy set will make the raid as it is configured now better.

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Unfortunately, if you're going to be primarily healing, you probably should start spending the badges on healing gear. Note that this is advice I've been ignoring myself; my paladin has healed 90% of the instances I've done since you could get 2 triumph a day out of heroics in 3.2, and yet I've prioritized dps gear over healing for that whole time.

In essence, I heal because that's what I'm stuck doing to make the groups happen (in terms of randoms, I just want the 3 minute queue instead of the 25 minute, and not to have to hope for a healer who can keep me alive as I pull aggro off the tank non-stop, so on). But despite the fact that I currently spend more time healing than dpsing, I flat out refuse to let Holy become my main spec.

Also I'll note that if your gear is already in good shape, and you're the only holy paladin, then you can at least easily receive any healing drops, of which there's a decent number in the first wing alone.

A random and two vaults for me. Had to keep popping back on to see if it was time for Vault again, and of course nothing useful dropped. But it looks like my plans for tonight are canceled anyway, so I'll have time to get something done. Or go play something else entirely.

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Also I'll note that if your gear is already in good shape, and you're the only holy paladin, then you can at least easily receive any healing drops, of which there's a decent number in the first wing alone.

Yeah, I am the only person raiding as holy. That's one nice thing about healadins, no gear competition from other classes.

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Shamans and holy paladins both want shields with caster stats, but that's about it.

Yeah. And we have a resto shammy. But the rest is nice. And she had a better shield than me, and just changed to a staff that's better than what she was using for weapon/shield so maybe I can get the shield. :P

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Yeah, you only compete with shaman on the shield, and on jewelry (since priests & druids tend to prefer spirit, I believe, and you hate spirit for it being worthless to you).

One of the reasons I hate going as holy; I'm likely to get the holy gear anyway, but by going as Holy I pass up pretty much any chance at the Ret gear I really want. It's like "Hey, I'm passing up upgrades to my main spec while taking on a higher-stress role... and the benefit is that I can roll on shields & jewelry. Woo!"

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I've found I like DPSing raids the least. Yes, tanking and healing are higher-stress, but I have a lot more fun with them. DPSing is "don't stand in fire, masturbate furiously over Recount." Occasionally there's interrupting or something similar involved (Jaraxxus, e.g.) but mostly not really. To be honest I probably like being in a sought-after role too. (Ego? What ego?)

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