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John C. Wright and gender relationships


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I think you're right. One reaction to his documentary, as written up by the Christian Post.

As for part two, well, duh. Everyone knows that all the good stuff, like iPhones, comes through Jesus. He's quite the supplier, or some people make it sound like it.

I mean, without Jesus, we wouldn't have Wright or his blog to enj... oh... wait. Hm.

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Good lord. :stunned:

Hard to pick a highlight. But I think I have to go with his regret that suicides no longer have to be buried at crossroads with a stake through their heart. What's the world coming to eh??

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Of course the comment thread is almost worse than the post, with him doublechecking whether 'the only possible civilizations are christian' remark was controversial enough.

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I like one of the commentors for this: "Rather than supporting the popular meme of the Angry Christian it would be better to strive to be Christlike and win over people by providing an example that lives and works among them." It seems like people with this sentiment are slowly disappearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been lurking at John C. Wright's blog, fascinated by the trainwreck aspect of it. He's been particularly... noteworthy lately, so I think I should inform you for your amusement. For the people who don't live in Wright's strange parallel universe, this material snarks itself. I'll just provide some gems from his rambling and paranoid essays about the Scylla and Charybdis of Islam and secularism.


The First Amendment was meant for Christians and Jews, men of different denominations but one tradition. We can live together in peace, tolerating our difference of opinion regarding matters of faith and morals. The Secularists and Mohammedans cannot live among us in peace.

Wright tells us that if the First Amendment is allowed to stay in place, evil muslims will succeed in destroying the Western Civilization. On the other hand if the First Amendment is restricted, evil secular people (who are nevertheless big promoters of Islam) will succeed in destroying the Western Civilization.

The plan of hoping Islam will change and suddenly stop being a theocratic faith and adopt for no reason the Christian belief that separates Caesar from Pope is worse than delusional ? it is literally insane, like a man who believes spaceships hidden in a comet will carry his soul to paradise after suicide. Islam has always been theocratic and Christianity, with the sole exception of Cromwell the Protector, has never been.

Heh. I could write several paragraphs about what's wrong in that one, but I guess I'll pass and leave that an exercise for the reader. Wright then wrote a follow-up to clarify the first essay and parade some strawmen:


The difference is that the political and social Left fears the Christians and sympathizes with the Jihadists; and why not? They are allies in spirit. The Jihadists use the same rhetoric and the same techniques as the fascists and communists and other totalitarians so near and dear to the heart of the Left.

The Left are the source of the problem.

He really is from a parallel universe.

And here is what is "moderate" action against Islam in John C. Wright's head:

The expulsion of the practice of that religion from all civilized nations, and the reconquest of the traditionally Christian lands of North Africa and the Middle East would seem to be the minimum necessity for a moderate policy. If the conquest of the Middle East by imperial colonial powers was the only time in history when Christendom and the Ummah were at peace, then that is the price of peace. If we cannot or will not pay the price, then war.

And here what is "reasonable":

Bush uttered the only reasonable policy: anyone who is not actively aiding us, is against us. Anyone who aids, comforts, supports, or abets a Jihadists is a Jihadist.

But well, I'm from the "Eurosatanic" lands... As Wright explains in the comment section:


I do not honestly think any Christian powers in the modern age would answer a call for Crusade. I honestly do not think that there are any Christian powers left. Europe has bowed to secular idols and kissed the anus of Baphomet like the Wtiches of old, but without their panache. America was once a legally secular but spiritually-culturally Christian nation. It is rapidly becoming a legally antichristian and spiritually-culturally secular nation along the Eurosatanic model.

Wright then invokes Godwin in another post in the comment section:


Now the Jihad feels toward you and me and every non-Muslim the way Hitler felt about the Jews: they want us dead or dhimmi. Politically, they use the same self-pitying whining and the same terror tactics as the Nazis, and they seek the same sort of totalitarian control over the lives of any human being on whom it can be imposed. That they have not killed as many Jews as the Nazis is a matter of means, not of desire. That will change the hour Iran gets a nuke.

But this version of Nazism is religious, so it gets a pass.

Elsewhere Wright tells us with absolute certainty that no one, not even Israel, would dare to retaliate with nukes if and when Iran nukes Jerusalem from the map because the West and Israel are so opposed to such things.

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I liked this one:

We had a pollution problem in some very small areas of big cities and waters in the 1950′s, a problem that we solved by the 1960′s. The Greens being unable to take YES for an answer, continued to work on the problem until now cow farts are considered pollution, and building a dam considered a disaster. It is a cult, not a political concern.

This was in response to someone saying that the answer to the problems we face in the Middle East is to get energy independence. And Wright agrees. Not that this is so bad, but the fact that he things that pollution was a small problem that only existed for a decade in the 1950s before being solved... Has he seen LA? The BP disaster? Does he really think Nixon loved the environment so much that he created the EPA for no reason? Being a science fiction writer shouldn't mean that one has to believe in an alternate history.

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Not all civilizations are created equal. Civilization is not made of wheels and gears and tricks of technology, or the cunning of roads and coined money and elegance in art. Civilization is spirit. The spirit of the West respects and reveres human life, and our laws are designed to respect the rights of those lives because we respect those lives. The Culture of Death has no respect for life, none for man, none for the individual. The weak baby in the womb or the suffering crone in the wheelchair they seek efficiently to expunge from life, even while seeking to remove from the public view that cross of the God who protects the weak and infirm, and gives the hopeless hope to live, both now and in eternity to come.

Civilization is Christianity. Christianity is civilization.

Examine carefully, O zealous agnostic, what you are throwing on the smoldering ashheap when you tell yourself all you are casting away is the hypocrisy and judgmentalism and intolerance of the Christian superstition. Some things are nailed to the crucifix which you must and will trample when you trample the crucifix underfoot to prove to the great Sultan of the underworld your loyalty to his creed of correctness, non-judgment, and toleration of abomination.

I hate this guy so much. http://www.scifiwright.com/2011/10/the-watchtowers-of-atlantis-tremble/#more-4212

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Oh and he tells the one guy who challenges this ridiculous statement that he's not going to argue with him because that would be giving the other guy too much credit and his opinion is not worthy of even being contemplated.

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Give the guy some credit. It must be terribly difficult to simultaneously hold so many views of such utter batshittery that not only do they conflict with reality, they also contradict with themselves, and still construct sentences of at least nominal grammatical accuracy.

The cognitive dissonance is quite awe-inspiring.

Those theocratic moslems will never accept our Christian democracy and church-state separation! So PURGE THEM FROM OUR LANDS AND ALL OTHER HEATHEN UNBELIEVERS!


I'm kind of impressed. Good job he's just a lone nutter and no-one in government holds similar views, right? Right??

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Oh and he tells the one guy who challenges this ridiculous statement that he's not going to argue with him because that would be giving the other guy too much credit and his opinion is not worthy of even being contemplated.

That what really pisses me off about some of these authors. I just...I can't even put in into words. It's what really pisssed me off about the Elizabeth Moon thing. When you shut down your forum(or replies or whatever she did) you go from, asshole with views I disagree with, to just.....goddamn. Really, I can't describe it. Pretty much what MinDpnner says above.

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What's strange to me is that this all started after his heart attack. Either brain damage was involved or the guy just wasn't a great guy to begin with.

IS that when he had his "revelation" and converted back to the Catholic Church? Man, some of those drugs they give yuo in the ER man.....

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IS that when he had his "revelation" and converted back to the Catholic Church? Man, some of those drugs they give yuo in the ER man.....

My understanding was that he was an atheist, then had a vision of Jesus when he almost died. I've met, and at times been, a person whose negative qualities crossover from my beliefs. People like to demean and put down others, either those in their personal circle or perhaps strangers more easily judged - speaking from experience as a recovering asshole.

That's why I think Wright might have been a jerk before, just maybe one who looked down on religious people. Or perhaps his fear of death and need for immortality drives him to these rants. But then, I know people who converted to Christianity who gave up their worldly possession and went to Appalachia to help the downtrodden, so I have to suspect he kept this negative traits but switched targets.

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Assholes is assholes. I know plenty of Christians who are nice normal people. I also know a few who are assholes. When an asshoel changes religion it doesn't change that he's an asshole.

So basically I'm saying this Wright guy is an asshole.

On a random note, his books any good?

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On a random note, his books any good?

His Golden Age trilogy was very, very good (his first published books), the Everness duology was decent and had some interesting blending of mythologies, and his Children of Chaos trilogy was abysmal including a very disturbing spanking scene of a underage girl in a catholic school uniform. I'm pretty sure the latter was written after his "revelation" and I have not read anything he's published since (nor will I).

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My understanding was that he was an atheist, then had a vision of Jesus when he almost died. I've met, and at times been, a person whose negative qualities crossover from my beliefs. People like to demean and put down others, either those in their personal circle or perhaps strangers more easily judged - speaking from experience as a recovering asshole.

The interesting thing about Mr. Wright is that he was an atheist until the age of 42, but now treats atheists like cockroaches. You'd think that he'd approach the issue of religion with a bit more humility since he spent 80% of his life following a philosophy that he now holds in contempt.

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It's like ex-smokers who suddenly can't abide even the sight of a cigarette. No zeal like that of the recently converted.

there's a term, "baby Christian", that is used to describe this, though you could apply it to any belief designation. you feel the need to bring your beliefs up, perhaps as proof against your doubts, and pay particular attention to what you consider the sins of others - perhaps as a bulwark against your own guilt.

mind you, there's a different - to me, anyway - between bringing up your opposition to something and a need to demean those who don't share your beliefs. i do get irritated when people apply confirmation bias when judging a group they are against without rational reasons (opposing gay marriage on religious grounds but then clinging to stereotypes about what "those people" are like) , but then almost everyone does this.

However, people like Card and Wright go so far beyond the pale they are whole different beasts.

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