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How... limited will Hodor be?


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So, Hodor is a big man with very low intelligence that can only say Hodor.

It works in the books, but i'm afraid it might get a little too comedic/weird onscreen. I think we either need a fenomenal actor thats able to portray him as a believable and serious enough character or we need to make him a little more intelligent, yet still on a different level that the others - he could still say Hodor a lot, but also a few more words. And make him quite dumb rather than totally retarded. I just don't want his character to be too silly.

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So, Hodor is a big man with very low intelligence that can only say Hodor.

It works in the books, but i'm afraid it might get a little too comedic/weird onscreen. I think we either need a fenomenal actor thats able to portray him as a believable and serious enough character or we need to make him a little more intelligent, yet still on a different level that the others - he could still say Hodor a lot, but also a few more words. And make him quite dumb rather than totally retarded. I just don't want his character to be too silly.

I don't understand why Hodor is a problem for you. I think he'll be great exactly as he's written. Might be nice to have a fairly good actor who can add some expressiveness through facial expressions.

But then Hodor is one of my favorites!

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I think the catch is the fact that he only knows one word, and therfore must be protrayed by a very good actor in order to convay many different emotions only through one word. this will have to be accomplished by stressing facial expresstions and body languege which is why it is imparitve to get someone with that kind of talent while still towering over everybody else. in short... Hodor :idea:

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Hodor can't be limited, he carries Bran and becomes more important in the later books. I agree that the actor needs to be talented, to convey emotion and meaning in one word.

And tall...Another tall charcter...

Too bad so many actors are short. ;-p

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They can get around this by watching Gigli and not doing anything that film did with regard to portraying those with intellectual disabilities.

Or in other words, chillax.

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