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Geist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geist_(video_game) has done the body possession element. That's not innovative. The innovative part is entering each others campaigns as either allies or enemies. It could be great or gimmicky, I'm waiting to see.

Well I never played Geist. My Gamecube got about as much attention as my Wii does now - meaning not at all beyond Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and RE4. ;)

So it's Prototype with Demon's Souls online system. That does make it a bit more interesting. Still, Square-Enix hasn't had a very good track record lately. So yeah, it'll be a wait and see, but definately something to watch out for.

ETA - a demo for Vanquish went up on XBL and PSN yesterday. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks to be well recieved so far.

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Went around to a friends house on Monday and had a crack at Kane & Lynch 2 (Unfortuantly the PS3 network was down so we couldn't do online modes) co-op campaign. Even with the stupid mistakes we kept making that ment we had to restart from check points the entire campaign only took us like 3-4 hours, thats stupidly small.

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It looks to be some sort of blend of Borderlands & Mirror's Edge with the addition of multiplayer. It comes out early next year and I'm looking forward to it more than any other game.


I liked Mirror's Edge except for the combat. I would have much rather traversed the city without all those assholes shooting me with assault rifles. Brink looks good, this is the first time I've heard of it.

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Finished Unchartered 1 this weekend and was suprised by how good it was. Popped part II in and am enjoying it so far.

Ta for the recommendation board.

Glad you liked it. I lent my copy to someone at work on Friday after talking it up; he gave it back to me on Monday. I said, "Sorry you didn't like it." He said, "No, it was awesome, I beat it already."

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It looks like TF2 with a bit more story. Which I guess is cool...but it's TF2.

Considering that it's developed by Splash Damage, I'd expect it to play more like Enemy Territory than Team Fortress 2.

I've been playing Mount & Blade: Warband (cRPG, to be more specific) for the last couple of days and am enjoying it quite a bit, even more so as I'm finally able to dish out some damage after having leveled up a couple of times. Anyone else playing?

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I bought Transformers War for Cybertron off Steam and it was actually a very good, if very short game, I was actually really impressed with it. Multiplayer is a bit iffy though. I hope they make another longer game in the series as the characters felt just like their G1 counterparts with the exception of Thundercracker who should have been a soldier and Starscream whose character was right and should have been the scientist. Loved Warpath, but he didn;t say BLAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM enough.

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Played another two matches of League of Legends today... Almost level 8!

I'm getting really good with Teemo, but it is clear when I play Good teams vs. Bad ones. Against good players I will go maybe 4 kills, 5 deaths, 5 assists. Against Bad ones it is like 8,1,4. I guess they understand that the only thing you need to do to beat teemo is to stay in one spot and commit to nuking him in one go. Can't half commit like against a lot of champions cause he'll nickel and dime you dead.

Its neat to get handles on different champions. I tried Malhazar as well. Ideally I will be able to purchase Teemo before he goes off 'free to play' this week. And then I can learn someone from next week's list as well as play Teemo. Anyone have suggestions about good characters? Master Yi looks like he starts trucking stuff around level 10, but everyone plays as him so I wanna find a few that will set the enemy off balance.

I'm also enjoying the item pathing metagame. Gotta work on last hitting mobs tho : /.

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Played another two matches of League of Legends today... Almost level 8!

I'm getting really good with Teemo, but it is clear when I play Good teams vs. Bad ones. Against good players I will go maybe 4 kills, 5 deaths, 5 assists. Against Bad ones it is like 8,1,4. I guess they understand that the only thing you need to do to beat teemo is to stay in one spot and commit to nuking him in one go. Can't half commit like against a lot of champions cause he'll nickel and dime you dead.

Its neat to get handles on different champions. I tried Malhazar as well. Ideally I will be able to purchase Teemo before he goes off 'free to play' this week. And then I can learn someone from next week's list as well as play Teemo. Anyone have suggestions about good characters? Master Yi looks like he starts trucking stuff around level 10, but everyone plays as him so I wanna find a few that will set the enemy off balance.

I'm also enjoying the item pathing metagame. Gotta work on last hitting mobs tho : /.

Oracles Elixir ruins Teemo. I played a game as Morgana when the enemy team had Teemo & Shaco. I bought an early Oracles then wrecked Teemo & Shaco. I also munched on Teemo's delicious mushrooms. Invisibility is good until your opponents smarten up.

I would try Gangplank. Parrley is good for harrasement/last hitting. Raise Morale and Remove Scurvy will help you escape. Cannon Barrage is incredible in team fights. Just remember to be more careful as a melee champion.

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I love Malzahar but he definitely takes some practice. I build him for ability power (obviously) and I start by putting a point in gate but then I mostly ignore that skill until late game. I take the gate (Call of the Void, iirc) early because it's a good harassment skill, but you can't use it too much too early because it will chew through your mana. Later on if you can catch several people in it in a teamfight it hits pretty hard.

He also has a dot that, if its victim dies while it's on them (4sec duration), it jumps to the next nearest target, and is refreshed to its full duration, and you get mana back. This is very powerful for clearing creep waves, but not until it's leveled a few times, which is why I don't take it to start.

Your void zone will chew up even toughies once it's leveled up, if they stand in it -- it's best paired with your ult, or with a stun from someone like Morgana, or both. Your ult is unfortunately a little weak for its cooldown.

As for other champions, I have, like, champion ADD, so I try a lot of them. Every now and then one really clicks for me and I play them more frequently and buy a skin or two. Most of my favorites aren't free, unfortunately. Lately my favorites have been Gragas and Kennen. I also liked Amumu quite a bit, he was the first character that clicked for me and his is the first costume I bought (Emumu, obviously).

Gragas is a fat drunk who throws exploding barrels, body slams, slows, and boozes. (No, seriously, his W makes him drink from his cask.) Further plus: almost no one plays Gragas, so most people aren't sure what to expect. I've played Gragas more than anyone else lately.

Kennen is a tiny ninja who excels at early-game lane harassment and can add a lot of punch in a teamfight.

Amumu is an adorably depressed mummy with tons of AOE and an AOE stun.

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Gragas is a fat drunk who throws exploding barrels, body slams, slows, and boozes. (No, seriously, his W makes him drink from his cask.) Further plus: almost no one plays Gragas, so most people aren't sure what to expect. I've played Gragas more than anyone else lately.

Gragas is strong until late game. I've seen good Gragas players start to fed late. He's definitely an under appreciated and underplayed champion.

I use Jax when I'm not playing Morgana, which is rare because I love that twisted bitch. Jax is one hero you have to keep down or he'll tear you apart late game.

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Just remember to be more careful as a melee champion.

Note that what this means in practice is that if the enemy are competent, you are going to die in any teamfight which isn't a massacre. It's okay, just take someone with you. Preferably more than one someone.

I still love him, mind. Heroes I heart that are probably worth trying:

Tristanna ranged dps, explode minions, rocket jump + ghost to escape from many otherwise fatal situations. Also, people underestimate her burst capability; a combination of rocket jump and her ult can easily kill weakened champions at level 6.

Ashe: you cannot run from ashe. Period. Also, it's so much fun to peg people with her arrow from a ridiculous distance. You want crit, damage, and attack speed

Gangplank: what stone said. You want crit and damage and attack speed and move speed. Which is to say, you want an infinity edge and a zeal and then a phantom dancer. I tend to rtb as soon as I hit 500 gold to pick up a chalice so I can spam parley to my heart's content.

Sivir: you can push like fuck, with the added bonus of punishing the enemy for last hitting. Bouncing autoattacks are, um, annoying for the other guy. The boomerang is even more annoying. ETA: let me emphasize how fucking awesome bouncing autoattacks are. At the end of the game I just played I had 300 attack and 1.8 attack speed. So that means I was hitting their entire team for a minimum for 400 base damage/second (sadly, the bounces do not benefit from last whisper). Mind, the guy I actually targeted was hurting even more, as I also had a 70% crit chance, infinity edge, and last whisper.

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Angeleyes and I just roflstomped an enemy team. I was Kennen, he was Teemo. We managed to overcome a DC at the beginning who never did come back (in fairness, they had a DC too) and a silly Taric who liked to rush in on his own. I 1v2ed the top lane effectively as Kennen vs. Kassadin and Warwick, so that was fun. Warwick must have clicked too far or something at the beginning of the game, since he ran at me past the tower. I got one good shuriken on him and the tower did the rest. He wasn't bad after that.

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Why did Bungie insist on putting the Flood into Halo 3? Gah, I hate those things. Still, now that I've adjusted to controls and the deemphasis on cover from other shooters that I've played recently, I'm having fun.

Also when I was in Best Buy today getting a wireless headset I saw Fallout 3 was only $20, so, despite having serious reservations about Bethesda after Oblivion and therefore have been avoiding it, I finally got it since its hard to beat that kind of price. And, unexpectedly, I'm having a lot of fun. It is basically Oblivion with guns, but it just feels a lot better (and thus far less repetitive) than Oblivion. I even had a crowning moment of awesome, and that's always a good sign for a game.

(It was early in the game and I used up almost all my ammo and stimpacks killing 2 super-mutants. I had no money, no stimpacks, 3 bullets, 1 missle, and my trusty baseball bat. I was ambushed by 3 heavily-armed mercs who were hired to kill me -not sure why-, I blew up one with the missle, VATS-killed the second, and managed to beat the third to death while being shot up, I only had 12 hp left when he died. Looting the bodies netted me a couple hundred caps worth of stuff as well as plenty of ammo for my pistol and rifle. That was a rush, I'll admit it.)

ETA: Also, hearing President Malcolm McDowell every time I turn on my radio is just about the greatest thing ever.

Some surprising news I found on Yahoo!'s main page:

Duke Nukem Forever Playable at PAX

I didn't even play the older ones, but just about anyone in the gaming world has heard about the fabled sequel that just never got released. Well evidently after 13 years DNF will finally have it's day.

:eek: if true. I however will refuse to believe the game is truly out until I'm playing it myself, and maybe not even then.

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:eek: if true. I however will refuse to believe the game is truly out until I'm playing it myself, and maybe not even then.

It's true, I guarantee it. I'm so so glad it's finally announced! Watching the live stream for the Duke Nukem announcement this morning was so fun. I felt like its my baby, and I don't really have anything to do with it!

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