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I am gripping it the way you mentioned, with my thumb on the outside, with both hands in an overhand grip. I actually read about the thumb between the finger and the bar thing, but I didn't try it until my hands had already given out on me. So when I tried it I still couldn't pull it off.

Are you sure you are doing it right? It's important to note that the thumb shouldn't just be perpendicular to the bar on the side of the bar facing you, it should be rotated in such a way that the outermost segment of the thumb curls around on the underside of the bar. You use the second finger to pull the thumb in under the bar.

Unfortunately, this is one of these things which are very easy to show, but difficult to describe in words. If you do it right and your hands have reasonably normal proportions, this grip should allow you to lift significantly higher weights than the grip with the thumbs on the outside.

I do not currently use chalk.

Then you should definitely try. Chalk is very cheap, lasts almost forever, and improves the grip for most people.

A very simple exercise you can do to improve your grip strength: When you're finished with the deadlift part of your workout, remove 10 or 20 kg from the bar, do one final deadlift, and try to hold on to the bar as long as possible at the top of the lift.

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I am going to go pick up a foam roller today. I know that seastar and someone else recommended it long ago, so I'm just now getting to it.

I was doing some online research and watching some youtube videos and whatnot, and it looks like an amazing tool. The potential to get some deep-tissue massage work out of it has me really excited.

I got one of these torture devices from Relax the Back. Hurts like a mother fucker when you working your IT band, but feels good afterwards. Might want to look into this as well: http://www.theracane.com/

I like to use them between my massages for my back and legs

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Based on that picture from wikipedia that Peterbound provided I would say that no I was probably not doing it right. Also thanks for that grip workout suggestion I'll start doing that after my deadlifts are done from now on.

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I ripped my pants while squatting yesterday. I guess it's one of those things that happen to everyone sooner or later. As I was alone in the gym, it wasn't embarrassing, but the sound was very scary (until I figured out what was going on, which took just a fraction of a second, but a fraction of a second is more than enough to get terrified when you're near the bottom of a deep, heavy squat).

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I do not want to have to run 6 miles in 90 degree heat today. :ohwell:

Stupid heat wave.

Feel for you. I ran a 5K today and the weather couldn't have been better. One of the few times in colorado springs that you leave the house and don't get rained on at some point.

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Feel for you. I ran a 5K today and the weather couldn't have been better. One of the few times in colorado springs that you leave the house and don't get rained on at some point.

Nice! How was your time?

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Not to good, i had to stop a few times for traffic, but i got it done in 27 mins. Not good enough for some, but alright for me.

Just under 9 minutes per mile isn't anything to be ashamed of.

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Uhhhh so last night I found out that those bigass bars used for squats/deadlifts are called olympic bars and that they weight 45 lbs, not 20. So I guess I've been lifting 25 more lbs than I thought. Nice.

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so as some of you may know, a goal of mine has been to gain weight. I have never really made progress with that, until recently. The only thing I've been doing differently is lifting heavy at the gym, and I only do it once a week. I was planning on just getting my squats and deadlifts to 200 b/c that seemed like a good number, and then just upping the reps. But if I'm getting results like this, fuck that shit. I'm just gonna keep upping the weight.

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