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wait when was renly ever shown?

He's in a green cloak watching the Tourney. He has very short hair and a beard. I wondered who it was when I first saw him but others have said it is Renly.

Regarding the possible Flashback, while the action certainly is the same as Brandons death it really does look a lot like Sean Bean. Maybe Cersei recreates the scene and has Ned tied up with a noose while his men are killed in front of him.

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Hmm. Renly certainly looks very young. Actually, probably the same age as he was in the books but given everyone else is older, a little surprising. His actual demeanour is fine. He was always a bit of a joker.

Maybe Cersei recreates the scene and has Ned tied up with a noose while his men are killed in front of him.

I hope not. If they did, not sure what they would do when Jaime tells his story in S2. They would have to change that then, to avoid repetition.

Story wise, i'm not sure would that make sense either. Its basically torturing Ned. For what gain? Its all very unsavoury.

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Hmm. Renly certainly looks very young. Actually, probably the same age as he was in the books but given everyone else is older, a little surprising. His actual demeanour is fine. He was always a bit of a joker.

I hope not. If they did, not sure what they would do when Jaime tells his story in S2. They would have to change that then, to avoid repetition.

Story wise, i'm not sure would that make sense either. Its basically torturing Ned. For what gain? Its all very unsavoury.

Yeah he just looks SO much younger than everyone else, that's what shocked me. But I suppose he's fine, especially for he and Loras and Sansa and all that gobbledygook.

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I want it to be a flashback, it could be a very short and blurry one so they didn't announce who it is. The guy looks like Ned but then any guy with long brown hair and similar features who is being strangled and filmed at that angle would resemble him.

Maybe they changed that bit so it's Ned who's a prisoner watching his father roast and then somehow he survives.

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In the above link on this page the possible flashback scene is super quick at 11:37. Yeah, it does look an awful lot like Ned, but I can't imagine why they'd put Sean Bean in that scene. Could it be that the trailer guys spliced an image of Ned being arrested onto the flashback scene? Could the flashbacks be filmed so that Ned is assuming the place of Brandon?

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LOL it amazes me that people are looking for weird, convoluted answers to something that can be explained so simply. As I posted on WIC-

All the empirical evidence points to it being Ned.

– No mention at all of Brandon or Aerys or ANY other flashback character being cast.

- They wouldn’t just “use some guy” or just “use Sean Bean”. Even if they USED Sean Bean’s bodydouble as someone suggested, he’d still be cast – as would the other flashback characters

-It looks just like Sean Bean. So it’s Ned. They wouldn’t use Sean Bean as Brandon, or anyone that looked just like him because Brandon was killed almost twenty years prior. In the books he was about 21 when he died. Even if they aged him up to match with the other characters, he’d be max middle twenties or so. I think Sean Bean is quite dashing, but no way could he pass for 25.

-Not only is Sean Bean too old to be Brandon, but that would just confuse EVERYONE that hasn't read the books, when it's already a confusing enough story with a multitude of characters - why play with something so silly instead of hiring another actor to play Brandon.

-The yellow banners on either side of the throne indicate Baratheon colors. Not Targaryen.

-The person on the throne is most likely Joff, and the “white” is a collar, and his hair and crown are light as well.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one. There’s a scene where Ned gets roped up at Joff’s command, prior to any other DEEDS that go on. It wasn't in the books. But that doesn't mean that it's anything other than what it appears to be. The only other plausible explanation is the Ned is dreaming it or something as himself, but that seems unlikely given that it appears to be Joff on the throne.

As much as I want flashbacks, this is not proof of them happening.

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Additionally, there's two men holding Ned with ropes. That is contrary to the story of Brandon, where he was tied with a leather cord that was also attached to his father - not men roping him down. It just doesn't make sense on any level for this to be Brandon. I'm 99% sure this is just an added scene in which Ned is taken down as commanded by Joff.

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Ermm all that is supposed to be SIMPLE :rolleyes:

Anyways we'll wait and see.

You mean that when Ned gets the axe or is imprisoned it is just so confusing to see a scene of him being tied down? Yeah, that's complex and just out of this world to imagine. It's much more likely that contrary to all the known things on the show, casting and the story, they are going to go with some weird splicing of Ned as Brandon, or they are going to have a 45 year old exact replica of Ned as Brandon.

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You mean that when Ned gets the axe or is imprisoned it is just so confusing to see a scene of him being tied down? Yeah, that's complex and just out of this world to imagine. It's much more likely that contrary to all the known things on the show, casting and the story, they are going to go with some weird splicing of Ned as Brandon, or they are going to have a 45 year old exact replica of Ned as Brandon.

That guy doesn't look that old to me, definitely not Sean Bean, he has a noose round his neck.

All that = Brandon Stark.

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That guy doesn't look that old to me, definitely not Sean Bean, he has a noose round his neck.

Are you saying he definitely isn't Bean because of the noose or because he doesn't look that old. The noose thing could just be a change to the books.

I'm really confident it is Bean. I can't imagine how you could say he "definitely" isn't.

As I said in the other thred, smegma has convinced me. I fear the desire to see flashbacks might be influencing our thoughts.

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What a fantastic preview. :D

Also, and I mean this in a totally non homosexual way, but the actor playing Jaime Lannister is HOT. I can totally see him branching out into movies after this series is over.

Yeah, I love the casting. I didn't like when people said he wasn't feminine enough - no where in the book is he proclaimed as feminine. He looks amazing. Haughty. Soooo good.

That guy doesn't look that old to me, definitely not Sean Bean, he has a noose round his neck.

All that = Brandon Stark.

Oooookaaaaaay. Because he has a noose means it's not him. Well Brandon had a leather cord around his neck. So it must not be him either! :stillsick:

Seriously, I know the prospect of having flashbacks in the series is so appealing to all the fans (including me), but this ridiculous justification and denial of all the presented facts just makes me laugh.

I hope I'm proven wrong and they've done it. I *really* don't think this is the case (at least THAT scene wasn't and they haven't cast those roles yet, so I'm not going to hold my breath just yet).

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Are you saying he definitely isn't Bean because of the noose or because he doesn't look that old. The noose thing could just be a change to the books.

I'm really confident it is Bean. I can't imagine how you could say he "definitely" isn't.

As I said in the other thred, smegma has convinced me. I fear the desire to see flashbacks might be influencing our thoughts.

Yeah, I'm backing smegma on this one. It's Bean. I never even thought it was Brandon. I immediately thought it was Joff on the throne, not Aerys. You guys are the ones who made me doubt it, but I've looked at the screencaps enough - although bloodied, it's totally Sean Bean.

My proof? He's wearing his hair the same way Bean does as Ned. :P

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I just thought the guy didn't look that much like Sean Bean, but having read back through the thread a bit, and looked at it again, it very well could be Sean Bean.

The figure on the Throne has a large white collar, but the head is just a white blur, so we can't tell who it is. Yellow banners say probably Joffrey, but I don't think they're necessarily that definitive.

It could just be the way they're playing Ned's arrest in the Throne room - Dragged away with a noose round his neck.

I'm trying to picture now how Brandon was connected to Rickard - the cord around his neck, his father being roasted with wildfire, as he struggles towards him, the cord tightens and chokes him. How were they connected?

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I really cant tell, one moment he looks like Ned Bean the other not so much or not quite.


It does look like he has a noose around his neck which doesnt make much sense if youre simply being tied down.

He also seems to be screaming at something... and all together it really makes you feel like its a flashback to Brandon.

And he isnt wearing his hair like Ned Bean. Its loose while Ned has it pulled back.

Just to be obnoxiously nitpicky.

Brandon was not connected to Rickard. He was merely tied in such a way that moving towards his father made him strangle himself.

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